Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 242 The Kingdom of God on Earth

After receiving the safe signal, Owen, who had been hiding far away, came to the altar through the tunnel dug by the rat man. His sneaky appearance was no worse than that of the rat man.

There was no way, this was a goddess. How could Owen not be nervous? He covered his pounding chest with his hands, and unconsciously thought about what he needed to prepare for his first visit to the goddess's house. Should he come here to be soft or come here? Hard?

Irving was wondering whether to convince the other party with words or to fight hard, and he decided to use both methods to convince the goddess with his strength.

After his excited heartbeat calmed down and he regained his senses, Owen kept comforting himself that if nothing unexpected happened, there would be no danger in this trip. So he calmed down, expanded the space of authority, and looked for the entrance to the Kingdom of God on earth.

The Kingdom of God on earth is not as grand as imagined. First, it refers to the place where the totem temple is located, indicating that the gods belong to the inviolable people. Second, it refers to the spiritual space opened up by divine power and faith, which is the final residence of gods and believers.

In fact, the latter is the foundation of belief in God. It is not only a shelter to hide oneself, but also the resting place for believers' souls.

It's a pity that such an important place cannot be completely hidden. Otherwise, how would faith come from and how would the souls of believers enter? At most, there would be a door and a password.

As Owen unfolds the space of authority, the passage anchored on the totem altar is forced to reveal itself.

This is a signal tower that collects faith and is also the entrance for believers’ souls to the Kingdom of God on earth.

It's a pity that there is no cooperation from the priest, otherwise it would be much easier to just open the passage, Owen thought.

Although the kingdom of God on earth is in the material world, its essence is an invisible and immaterial spiritual space, which cannot be opened by ordinary methods.

However, Irving was well prepared for this. He turned the authority space into a stick shape, then pushed it in hard, forcefully opening up the passage that had only a crack, and then went back and forth dozens of times. With his own toughness, he was stunned. The channel folds are smoothed out and become very smooth.

This is a delicate job, and it cannot be done simply by force. You must first be steady, and then push hard when you are aiming. And the first few strokes should not be too fast. Let the passage have time to adapt, and then repeat it in deep and shallow strokes. Only in this way can it be completely opened up.

The rest is up to you, said a busy and sweaty Owen.

Dragon Mother and An Qi, who were staying in the authority space, knew that the time was right and immediately rushed down the pipe into the earthly kingdom of the Mountain Mother God. Owen was also prepared for the worst.

Once the Mountain Mother God still has the power to resist and cannot be captured in a short period of time, Owen will issue a killing order. At that time, the witch hunters carrying highly toxic potions and the ultramarines who are waiting will take action immediately.

Regardless of the consequences, simultaneous attacks by both sides can cause thousands of casualties to the Shanmu clan in a very short period of time, and the casualties will continue to increase over time.

This was mainly because they were afraid that the God of Mountain Mother would summon believers to besiege them, and also to interrupt the other party's belief collection and give Dragon Mother and An Qi a chance to turn defeat into victory.

But unless it was absolutely necessary, Owen would not choose to use this method to win, because even if he defeated the God of Mountain Mother, the hatred between the two sides would become greater, and his plan to conquer the Mountain Mother clan would completely fail.

After entering the earthly kingdom of the Mountain Mother God, Dragon Mother and An Qi showed their respective forms.

The dragon mother in human form is taller than Emile, and retains many dragon characteristics, such as horns, tail, wings, and claw-like limbs. Only the torso is in a normal human form. If you ignore the levels that humans cannot reach and the In terms of arc.

Compared to An Qi, who looked calm, Dragon Mother seemed a little nervous. After all, this was the first god she had ever met. Even if she only believed in a god, he was still a god.

Don't be nervous. Didn't you notice that we came in very smoothly without any obstruction? An Qi knew that the Dragon Mother was the main force in this operation, so she said soothingly.

The mother of dragons heard the words and figured it out, so she nodded and took the lead in walking in front. At the same time, she looked around and planned to absorb some experience. After all, she was now taking the route of believing in God.

The above-ground divine kingdom of the Mountain Mother God is like a huge egg, and the internal space is not very large. Judging from the curvature of the top, the entire above-ground divine kingdom is smaller than a gymnasium.

Of course, such a small space cannot accommodate too many things, but it is mainly used for believers to rest. Since the soul is intangible and qualityless, the size is only relative, so it is much more convenient.

Dragon Mother and An Qi saw egg-sized light eggs that were like glowing balloons spread throughout the space. If they looked carefully through the light, they could see that the light eggs were sleeping like babies with their knees curled up and their tails curled up. Little lizard man.

These are the most devout believers of the Mountain Mother God. After death, their souls come to the Kingdom of God on earth to enjoy a long sleep and provide faith by the way.

However, every once in a while, the God of the Mountain Mother will put the souls of devout believers whose light eggs have begun to dim into the newly born lizard man eggs, so that they can be reborn, because as time goes by, the souls will become tired. The faith that can be provided is greatly reduced.

With such continuous reincarnation from generation to generation, the wealth of people who believe in God will become stronger and stronger.

It's a pity that this place has been polluted, the power of the Voodoo King has eroded this place, as evidenced by the large black spot on the dome.

The most unlucky ones are the light eggs near the black spot. I don’t know how many sleeping lizardmen were corrupted by the power of the Voodoo King. They woke up from their sleep and turned into ferocious monsters, constantly destroying those intact light eggs.

But more monsters gathered together, staring greedily at the only mountain range in the entire space.

This is a lizard man that can only be described as huge. If the ordinary lizard man is a velociraptor, then this one is a tyrannosaurus rex. So lying there, for a small lizard man monster that is only the size of a chicken, This is a mountain range with mountains, valleys and woods.

Obviously this person who is obviously a lizard man but shows obvious female characteristics is the God of the Mountain Mother. It is a pity that he fell into a deep sleep after being attacked by the King of Voodoo and could not respond to the outside world. Otherwise, he would not be able to sit back and watch the pollution on himself. Spreading in the Kingdom of God on earth, destroying more and more light eggs.

You must know that the Lizardman Sleepers in the Kingdom of God on Earth are not just for show. Each of them will provide a little faith to the Mountain Mother God. Although it is not much, the number is here. The most important thing is that the faith provided is pure and stable. After all, there will be no random thoughts in a sleeping state, only the subconscious reverence for the God of the Mountain Mother.

Lizardman Sleepers who can provide pure faith are the most important basis for the Mountain Mother God to maintain itself. It is impossible to sit back and watch it be destroyed by pollution. This also shows how bad the situation of the Mountain Mother God is at this time.

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