The Goddess of the Mountain Mother, one of the three Mother Goddess of the Mother Lizardmen, the other two being the Goddess of the Wood Mother and the God of the Jellyfish.

According to legend, the God of Mountain Mother is a lizard god born in the rocks. She has a ferocious head but a plump figure. She is the god of fertility. Therefore, the Mountain Mother clan has a larger population than the Voodoo clan. This is why they are at a disadvantage but can still resist Voodoo. The reason for the fierce attack of the clan.

If there were no accidents, the Shanmu Clan would be able to overwhelm the Voodoo Clan with its population advantage.

But a despicable but successful sneak attack caused the Mountain Mother God to be severely injured by the Voodoo King, and he has not yet awakened, causing panic among the Mountain Mother clan.

This also made Owen couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​letting Longmu Taojiang and Li Dai go public under a backdoor, so as to take control of the Shanmu clan.

The only problem now is that he must determine whether the God of Mountain Mother is really so bad that he is unable to respond to the outside world. Otherwise, a god, even a totem god, is not so easy to deal with.

Therefore, Owen suspended the idea of ​​contacting the Mountain Mother clan and quietly waited for the opportunity to come. Anyway, the gods' injuries were not easy to recover from, so he could afford to wait.

Although he chose to wait, Owen was not idle during this period, but was preparing to strengthen his trump cards, such as Maya.

This woman is a hard-working and meritorious master, and she cannot be treated badly by anyone. As for the cautions and little thoughts of the past, Owen has long since ignored them, so he can do it with confidence and boldness.

After exchanging four Gorgons to temporarily send Maya away, Owen prepared to strengthen Maya's bloodline to the level of Medusa.

In fact, this is not difficult. After all, Maya has been strengthened with the Gorgon bloodline before, so as long as the progress value is in place and combined with high-concentration blood potions, Maya's strengthening is a matter of course, so she has humans and Medusa. The two forms gave Owen a new experience, but they were too life-consuming, especially the snake's tail, which was really draining, so he had to give it a try.

However, Owen was not happy for long, because there were signs of the spread of the plague in the mountains.

When plague zombies first appeared on the battlefield between the two clans, Owen didn't take it seriously. However, he ignored the harm and spread of the plague to mammals. Even the highly resistant ratmen had a large number of infected people. fell into a weak state.

But this did not make Owen confused, because he knew that the beast-like demi-humans in the mountains lived quite scattered, and the low temperature made it difficult for the plague to spread quickly. As for the large-scale infection of ratmen, it was not What a big deal.

Ever since time travel, sanitation has always been Owen's focus. When the territory expanded, sanitation was upgraded to environmental sanitation and became more comprehensive.

Nowadays, the territory not only has an excellent sewer system, but also has public bathhouses, toilets, garbage stations, hospitals, etc., which are also disinfected regularly, greatly reducing the chance of disease transmission.

However, Owen did not become careless because of this, and still paid attention to epidemic diseases and plagues. After all, this is a world with extraordinary power, and it is not impossible to play with viruses and plagues.

Therefore, as early as a few years ago, Owen asked Dale to refine targeted potions. After Emile joined, the research went further. So after obtaining the plague sample, Emile, who followed Owen into this world, began to Brew the corresponding potion.

It is not entirely correct to say that it is a magic potion, because Emile uses many original materials from the mountains, which greatly reduces the cost. Although the efficacy of the medicine is inevitably reduced, it makes it possible to use it on a large scale.

Moreover, the physique of the beast-like demi-humans is stronger than that of humans. It only requires a little external force to break the stalemate with the plague and allow its own immune system to work. After drinking the decoction at least two or three times, the rat-man can recover and eat two more meals. After a full meal, he returned to work and acquired antibodies against the plague for a long time.

Let Meiya tell the beast-like demi-human tribes in the name of Glen Town that here can provide decoction to cure the plague, and then take the opportunity to recruit some suitable people. Owen would not let go of such a good opportunity. He never gave up on this opportunity. The idea of ​​a piece of land, and what he wants to do now is to use the skin of Glen Town to expand his influence on the mountains. The Rat Man is just the beginning.

With Maya here, any of Owen's orders can be well executed, not to mention that in addition to Emile, Witch Hunt also knows how to refine potions, which can fully meet the needs of nearby beasts and demi-humans.

Owen wanted to take this opportunity to select some suitable soldiers, but he soon despaired. It turned out that he was completely wrong in using Rivendell as an example.

The vast majority of beast-like demi-humans live an extremely primitive life. It is very common to eat raw meat and live in caves. There is no soil for civilization at all, so let alone words, even the vocabulary is surprisingly small. In other words, even if you understand Effective communication cannot be achieved in the other party's language because these things simply do not exist in the other party's language.

This is not something you just need to create a vocabulary. It is like introducing the sea to someone who has never seen the sea. Apart from water and big, you can’t say anything else at all, and the other person doesn’t understand it, so let alone complicated vocabulary. Although It doesn't reach the level of introducing computers to primitive people, and it's not much better.

Under such circumstances, asking the other party to learn to observe discipline and train them into qualified soldiers is simply a dream.

Owen wanted to exchange military buildings for direct conversion, but without a suitable building core, just like the town center of the territory or the castle tower on Hydra Island, military buildings cannot be built without a core, and these military buildings are all aimed at humans. Owen couldn't tell whether beast demihumans were human beings.

Feeling helpless, Owen could only recruit a group of cat-men and goat-men first, intending to try to see if he could replicate the miracle of the rat-men.

Cat people are not cat-eared girls, their bloodline is more primitive, so they show more animal characteristics, like a cat that can walk upright. It's cute, but it's cute.

So the question is, where did the hybrids of cat-humans like Cat-Eared Girl come from?

Full of doubts, Owen asked Ellu to train the cat people.

The intelligence of Ellu cats is not low, and their strength is not weak. These cat people can be trained into qualified scouts and good helpers. There may not be a possibility of training to become assassins or thieves in the future. When the time comes, they can be given to the root for further training to fill the gap. Manpower shortage.

As for the Goat Man, don't think that the Goat is weak. In fact, the Goat Man is very aggressive and is especially good at putting his head on his chest. His specialty is moving freely on cliffs.

But Owen hired the goatmen not for fighting, but to transport goods.

The battleships on Hydra Island have arrived at the Savage Continent according to Owen's guidance. The only problem now is that they can't get in.

However, places close to the mountains are full of cliffs, making it impossible to pass through normally. If you try to land elsewhere, let alone whether the two clans who are fighting for a pot of porridge will give way. Just lengthening the journey is not cost-effective, so Irving specially hired If you get the Goatman, let the Goatman carry the goods to the warship docked on the shoal, and then take a shortcut back, which can shorten the round trip time to three to four days.

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