The main tribe of the Voodoo clan has moved to a place not far from the mountains, erected totems, pitched densely packed tents, and countless lizardmen were busy.

The busiest people here are not the warriors who are always preparing for battle, nor the serious-looking priests, but the tired hunters.

The lizard people don't know how to plant, and they can't grow anything in the swamps and forests. They don't raise many livestock, not even enough to feed the raptors. Their main source of food depends on hunting and gathering.

This method can only meet the needs of tribes with small populations, but cannot meet the needs of large-scale wars.

Thousands of lizard warriors can pile up a hill just by the meat they consume every day, and they can eat all the animals within a radius of dozens of miles in one day, not to mention the velociraptors they use as mounts. They are not vegetarians either.

Therefore, in order to keep the war going, tens of thousands of lizard man hunters continuously transported the captured prey here. Even in order to ensure that it would not rot, the lizard man hunters also tried to capture the prey alive as much as possible, which added to the excitement of hunting. The difficulty consumes a lot of manpower and material resources of the Voodoo clan and causes serious internal friction.

Failure to know how to plant means a lack of food reserves. In order to maintain the war, each tribe of the Voodoo clan has deployed many lizard man hunters. As a result, the number of prey obtained by these tribes has been greatly reduced. Hunger has inevitably come, taking away the old and weak of the tribe. , leaving the tribe in a state of weakness.

What's even more deadly is that as the war continues, this situation will continue to worsen, and the tribe's population will decline like a cliff.

The test of war is never just about combat power, population, reserves, and production. These are the keys to determining the outcome of the war. Obviously, the lizard people do not have a mature war mechanism.

Fortunately, most of the lizard people have one virtue and are all self-consuming. This is why the lizard people have existed on this continent for so many years but have never encountered a population expansion crisis.

Not enough, not enough. The King of Voodoo needs more sacrifices! The high priest of the Voodoo clan is an old lizard man who has lived for an unknown number of years. His teeth have long been lost and he can only eat pulpy gravy. Its back is not straight, and it always looks up at people. Even the tight skin of a cold-blooded animal has become loose and full of wrinkles, but its spirit is still good and its eyes are still sharp, even if the Voodoo clan The leader of the clan, a monster over two meters tall and as strong as a dinosaur, still felt tremendous pressure in the eyes of the other party, and often had to compromise.

The clan has sent out enough warriors and suffered heavy losses. Several tribes have had to merge into other tribes because they lost all their adult warriors and hunters. The clan is becoming weak. The leader of the Voodoo clan has been under constant pressure from the other party. Very dissatisfied. You must know that the clan has lost thousands of adult lizard hunters and more warriors in order to meet the sacrifices needed by the other party. This means that many tribes have completely disappeared.

This is your problem. The King of Voodoo has defeated the God of the Mountain Mother Clan. As long as he recovers through the blood sacrifice, the Voodoo Clan can completely eliminate the Mountain Mother Clan, seize their territory, enslave their population, and let the Voodoo Clan The Poison Clan has grown stronger from the fallen bodies of the Mountain Mother Clan! the high priest said, staring at the clan leader with cold eyes.

Give me the voodoo zombies, otherwise the warriors of the clan can only use their lives to break the defense line of the Shanmu clan. You must know that they have no way out and will only fight to the death. I will not let my warriors die in vain! The clan leader said. To reach the final bottom line, this is also his purpose, because he knows that the sacrifice to the Voodoo King is not something he can stop at all.

The Voodoo zombies are still being refined, and I can only give you a batch of defective products. The high priest didn't care about the defective products. He waved his hand and asked his priests to wake up the defective products and prepare them for Voodoo. The king brings more and fresher sacrifices.

Under the huge totem pole in the camp, there are two huge pools one behind the other. The priests of the Voodoo King are busy pouring the cooked voodoo soup into the pools to let the voodoo zombies soak in them. Accelerate growth.

However, there are always zombies that cannot withstand the increasing concentration of voodoo. Before they are about to be dissolved by voodoo, these unqualified zombies will be fished out by the priest of the king of voodoo and put into the second pool. This is what is called Defective products.

The so-called defective products are zombies that can no longer withstand the transformation of voodoo. In order to avoid waste, the priests of the Voodoo King poured more plague into the second pool, making these zombies a source of pollution that spreads the plague, that is, swelling. of plague zombies.

It stands to reason that plague zombies are the most terrifying weapons of mass destruction. The problem is that lizardmen are cold-blooded creatures and are not easily infected with plague. Unless it is a specially enhanced voodoo plague, ordinary plagues will only be effective for most lizardmen. It is equivalent to a bad cold. Weakness is inevitable, but except for a few old, weak, sick and disabled people, basically they will not die from it. If there is magic to dispel the plague, recovery will be faster.

However, the high priest did not expect to rely on these plague zombies to achieve final victory, but used them to test the gods of the Mountain Mother clan.

If the Mountain Mother clan is unable to drive away the plague, it proves that their gods have been severely damaged.

At that time, the high priest will hold a huge blood sacrifice to awaken the Voodoo King in advance and completely win this long war. To this end, the high priest will do whatever it takes, including killing the Voodoo clan leader who always raises many questions. Just like his predecessors.

No tribe or clansman is as important as the King of Voodoo. As long as the King of Voodoo devours the god of the Mountain Mother clan, as the one who has made the greatest contribution, he will also be rewarded by the King of Voodoo and become an immortal god!

Let alone whether the King of Voodoo can win, whether he will be so generous as to grant divinity to mortals is something that is unbelievable.

Unfortunately, the high priest, who was already too old, only had this so-called glimmer of hope in his eyes, and he abandoned everything else, including the Voodoo clan.

Owen didn't know what was going on inside the Voodoo Clan, because it was full of voodoo and curses, and even the rat men didn't dare to approach easily, but he had a pretty good idea of ​​the situation of the Mountain Mother Clan.

Compared with the Voodoo clan, which still maintained a fierce attack despite heavy losses, the desperate Shanmu clan, although resisting desperately, has lost confidence because the gods they believe in have not responded for a long time, even though the Shanmu clan is fiercely fighting. During the battle, they took time to hold many sacrifices, but there was still no response, which caused panic within the clan. If there was no way out, the clan would have disbanded long ago.

But this is definitely good news for Owen, especially after hearing the news about the Mountain Mother God, he saw an opportunity.

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