Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 238 Shushu Tunnel Engineering Team

Obviously, Meiya's unreliability made Owen have little confidence in her. In addition, she entered a state similar to hibernation after drinking the blood potion. Therefore, after taking away a lot of her private money, he hired a large number of rats through Zhi. People plan to build their own forces. As for Maya, she is intervening in the management of Rivendale Town on Meiya's behalf. Wherever the Ultramarines are, the residents of Rivendale Town will know what it means to dare to be angry but not to speak out and to be submissive.

It is not difficult to recruit ratmen. Although there are not many ratmen in Rivendell Town, that is because too many ratmen are not allowed to live in the town.

This is mainly because the rat people are so prolific. If they are not restricted, the entire Rivendell Town will be filled with rat people before long.

Therefore, the people who can live in Glen Town are all rat people with some status. For example, Zhi, her family is very large, so she just gathered nearby tribesmen to gather hundreds of them, and they are all related to each other, which amazed Owen.

A dark mass of rat-men gathered not far from Glen Town. They seemed a little uneasy because they were far away from the warmth and safety of the cave. However, out of trust in Zhi, these rat-men were still waiting there quietly.

Soon Owen came with ten witch hunters. Seeing the black rat-men, he felt a little trypophobic, but thinking about the role they could play, he still got used to it.

These furry little guys with a pair of black bean eyes are natural spies. Unfortunately, no one has ever made use of the rat people all over the mountains or the entire wilderness, because they are too weak, so weak that people don’t want to take a second look. After all, who cares about a mouse that can be kicked away and can only hide in hiding.

But Owen, who has dealt with black-backed rat-men, knows that these little guys are not as weak as imagined. Even if they cannot be used for fighting, it is still good to get information. Moreover, the rat-men's requirements are very low. They have two meals a day. I want to eat well, but I want to be full. At least I can eat enough for one meal a day, and the types of food are not limited.

From Owen's point of view, this condition is almost free of charge, because he has summoned the Slime Queen a long time ago and has already stored a considerable amount of nutrient blocks.

Slime is a nutrient block synthesized by devouring organic matter. It looks like gray-white soap and tastes quite bad, like finely ground sawdust mixed with starch. It is not only choking on the teeth, but also has a bitter taste. It does not need to be boiled in water. It feels like chewing on plywood.

Even so, the nutritional value is still there, at least it is more than enough to fill the stomach.

It's definitely not possible for Owen to feed the rat-men in the entire mountains at the moment, but there is no problem with a few hundred rat-men, which can keep them full, so he generously took out the mountains of nutrient blocks and allowed these rats to All you can eat is food.

There is no need to soak the nutrient cubes in water. These rat people like the hard texture of the nutrient cubes very much. The clicking sound of eating them made Owen's ears feel itchy for a while.

After looking at the size of the rat people, Owen offered a meal package of three nutritional blocks a day, and generously provided a salary of ten nutritional blocks per month. The rat people were very satisfied with this.

In addition to these, Owen also attaches great importance to labor security, specially equips the rat men with vests, hard hats and engineer shovels, and forms a team for the rat men.

Ordinary ratmen wear yellow safety helmets. They are basic laborers and carry out all the dirty work.

The ratmen wearing blue helmets are all experts at digging holes. They are responsible for the safety of the tunnel and determining the direction. Otherwise, if you get lost underground, you can't just dig up. If you dig a water vein or a cesspit, you will die.

Those wearing red hard hats have a slight reputation among the ratmen. They are organizers and are responsible for leading a group of ratmen to complete the tasks assigned to them.

As for the white helmet with the highest status, it is of course Irving’s only one.

After the distribution, the rat people put on their vests and helmets, carried backpacks filled with nutritional blocks, and carried engineering shovels. The rat tunnel engineering brigade was established.

These ratmen will go deep into the mountains to inquire about the lizardmen's fighting situation, and dig complex underground passages and underground spaces to prepare for Owen's next plan.

Although rat people like to dig holes, they don't do it intentionally in normal times. Firstly, although their claws and teeth grow quickly, they cannot withstand grinding all day long. Secondly, their physical strength cannot keep up because they can't fill their stomachs.

But with the nutrient blocks provided by Owen and the sturdy and durable engineer shovel, the Rat Man completely unleashed his nature. When he was hungry, he gnawed the crunchy and delicious nutritious blocks. When he was full, he happily wielded the engineer shovel to dig holes. Hundreds of The rat men advanced rapidly at an astonishing speed of tens of thousands of meters a day, and soon penetrated deep into the war zone between the two lizard man clans, and brought back a lot of the latest news.

The battle between the lizardmen was far more cruel than Owen imagined. The two sides were not like the same race at all. Javelins, copper knives, stone axes, traps, poisons, curses, everything was used. The hunting teams of both sides looked like life and death enemies as soon as they met. Likewise, the difference in numbers and strength does not matter at all. It must end with the complete death of one party. Therefore, after the brutal fighting, all that is left behind are corpses and broken arms.

However, Owen strangely discovered that the lizardmen of the Voodoo clan would take away all the relatively intact corpses, and only the remaining corpses would be eaten by the raptors.

Oh, that's because the voodoo tribe wants to refine voodoo zombies. Meiya, who woke up after absorbing the blood potion, ran to Irving without even having time to bask in the sun, intending to buy a bottle of higher quality blood. After hearing this Said casually.

Owen didn't expect Meiya to know, but at least she had been in this world for many years, so it wasn't surprising to know, so he continued to ask.

Meiya also felt that she played too little role. It was rare that she knew something that the other party didn't know, so she explained it carefully.

The reason why the voodoo tribe is feared by the beast-like demi-humans is that they believe in the king of voodoo. In addition to liking blood sacrifices, they are also good at refining corpses into voodoo zombies. These voodoo zombies are not affected by low temperature and low oxygen. It can directly threaten the mountains.

Next, Meiya focused on this special zombie, which opened Owen's eyes.

In addition to being extremely powerful and invulnerable, voodoo zombies are also poisonous and cursed. They are unbeatable and untouchable. They are very difficult to deal with. If it weren't for the cumbersome refining process and the high failure rate, other clans would have had nothing to do with them.

This is also the reason why the Shanmu clan fights bravely and is not afraid of death, because if you die with missing arms and legs, you will be spared the punishment, but if you die completely, you will suffer the old punishment.

You must know that refining voodoo zombies will imprison the soul of the lizard man in the corpse soaked in voodoo, constantly suffering inhuman torture, and watching you kill your tribe and even relatives with your own eyes. No one can bear this kind of blow.

But then the Voodoo clan was no longer picky and wanted all kinds of corpses, including their own, which made Owen feel the urgency of the impending war.

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