Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 237 The Temptation of Medusa

Although the two parties have reached a cooperation, the matter is not over, but has just begun, because the complexity of the matter is beyond Owen's imagination. Before, he had never thought that the situation in Glen Town or Qunshan was so special.

Due to the high terrain and cold climate of the mountains, the products are not rich. Even if they learn to cultivate terraced fields, it will be difficult to meet the demand. Therefore, the beast-like demi-humans hiding in the mountains have to spread out in groups and form in dozens or hundreds. A small group that lives by hunting and gathering.

This resulted in each small tribe being very closed-minded, and it was too difficult to bring them together.

First of all, they would not be willing to fight for the lizard people. Secondly, fighting would consume the tribe's adult population, which was the foundation of the tribe's existence, adding to the trouble.

Although the development speed and scale of Yougu Town completely exceeded the limits of the mountains due to the existence of the teleportation array, it was still dominated by small groups, so even as the mayor, he did not have much power.

For example, Meiya was able to become the mayor because she was strong enough. As for management, there was no management at all. The entire town operated completely freely. If it hadn't been affected by outsiders all year round, it would have been chaos instead of Become rich and prosperous.

In this case, the only thing Meiya did was to collect taxes and then kill the bastards who dared to peek into Rivendale Town.

Owen was speechless. He thought that his management of the territory was invincible, but he didn't expect that Meiya was even more powerful than him and treated him as a protection fee collector.

In fact, Meiya is helpless about this. It's not that she doesn't want to take care of Yougu Town, but she can't. Her strength allows her to occupy the position of mayor and collect high taxes. But as an outsider and without any trusted subordinates, she simply can't. She may not be able to manage the affairs of the town, or even form an army. In other words, she has not integrated into the town at all.

In fact, Owen is also very troubled by this. Meiya lacks enough appeal to integrate the power of Glen Town, let alone the tribe of beasts and demi-humans scattered in the mountains.

In desperation, Irving decided to start from a small town and form a small army to lead the way. However, after getting to the bottom of it, he almost wanted to give up.

Beast demi-humans are far stronger and sharper than humans. Even after Cat Girl and Bunny Girl reach the level of ordinary people, they still have the strength to overturn several strong men with bare hands. Cat Girl, who is disfigured without raising her hand, even looks good. The bully bunny girl, thanks to the rabbit's well-developed lower limb strength, can kick a strong man weighing 200 kilograms seven or eight meters away with one kick. Those with a weaker physique can prepare for the banquet, while the lighter ones will have to break a rib. This shows how rich the physical resources of the beast demihumans are.

The problem is that they rely too much on physical advantages, resulting in beast demihumans not being good at using tools and weapons.

Fortunately, Glen Town already has a foundation of civilization due to the influence of outsiders. Other beast-like demihuman tribes in the mountains are not so good. Iron tools are rarely seen in these small tribes, and wooden sticks and stone axes are obviously not as good as the original minions. use.

Not to mention the issue of discipline. It's easy to make wild beast-like demi-humans fight hard. It's easier to make them learn discipline and obey orders than to kill them.

The stronger the beast demihumans, the more so, which put Owen's idea of ​​forming an army into a deadlock from the beginning.

Owen soon understood that beast-like demi-humans were more suitable for use as surprise troops or special forces, rather than for large-scale operations.

Maya on the side reacted faster than Owen. After frowning, she gave a revised version of the initial plan.

Beforehand, we were prepared to fight steadily. We would first form an army and establish a base, and then discuss cooperation with the Shanmu clan.

Now they can only do the opposite, first trade with the Mountain Mother clan as an arms dealer, and then slowly integrate the beast-like demihuman tribes in the mountains.

The change of plan reduced the importance of Glen Town to another level. After realizing this, Meiya hesitated for a moment and then proposed a new deal.

Now Meiya realizes that she can't do anything without manpower, so she wants to hire some manpower from Owen.

Meiya plans to hire some outside adventurers, and then find some from the residents of Rivendale Town, plus the manpower hired from Owen, to barely build a team, so that they will not have to watch the next changes.

Owen was very interested in this. After all, he was not afraid of his subordinates being bribed and betrayed. Therefore, the more Meiya hired, the more benefits he would get. So he changed his mind and came up with a unit that the opponent simply could not refuse, the Gorgon. .

The four monsters in the dungeon have different advancements. Among them, the advancement of poisonous snakes includes Gorgons and even stronger Medusas.

Sure enough, after seeing someone of the same race, Meiya decided to hire him without even thinking, because she was confident that he would truly become her team member.

However, the Gorgons hired by Meiya require Owen to spend progress points to redeem them, and they are not cheap, so ordinary gold and silver will not work. They must be rare resources such as mithril and fine gold.

Meiya didn't care about this. She waved her hand proudly and sent ten people to inspect the goods first.

This move made Maya's eyes light up and she re-evaluated the wealth contained in the mountains.

In fact, this is normal. The mountains lack food, but they never lack resources.

The continuous mountains contain countless high-quality wood and minerals, including gold, silver, gems, crystals, sulfur, saltpeter, as well as precious magic crystals, mithril and fine gold. The mountains are quite huge. of mineral veins.

This place is worth occupying, Maya's eyes were shining and she was constantly calculating something, while Owen nodded with satisfaction after checking the quality of mithril and fine gold.

Ordinary minerals such as gold and silver can be exchanged for supplies. As for mithril and fine gold, in addition to hiring Gorgons, you can also choose to exchange some of these. Owen re-wrote a list to Meiya and took out some Sample, because mithril and fine gold cannot be measured by ordinary materials, he will not deceive the other party in this regard.

I want the blood potion! Meiya took a fancy to the bottle of emerald green potion at a glance, because her blood was sending out signals of desire, and she couldn't wait any longer.

Yes, there are basic blood potions, advanced ones, and even the perfect potion that can make you become Medusa. Although Owen's tone was calm, it was full of temptation for Meiya.

Just like the relationship between the nine-tailed fox and the vixen, Medusa and the Gorgon also have a huge class gap, not in terms of strength, but in the evolution of life levels, so no Gorgon can resist becoming Medusa. The temptation of Sha is just like how few fox demons don’t want to be Daji.

Meiya instinctively sensed that she was about to fall into the other party's trap, but this was a conspiracy. As long as she could not resist the temptation to become Medusa, she would inevitably fall into the trap.

The key is that the bottle of blood potion in front of him and Maya are not fake, which further confirms that what Owen said is true.

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