Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 236 Cooperation with Glen Town

When Meiya returned home, she took off her hat. The snake hair that had been restrained in the hat suddenly danced happily and made a hissing sound. If you have trypophobia, you will be scared when you see the snake hair on the head. It was not meant to be slapped on the spot, but Meiya had long been accustomed to it, and was even a little tired of it, because she knew very well that everything she said in front of the teleportation array was bullshit, and the only thing she had was to spend real money to hire those profit-seeking adventurers.

There is no way to win, Meiya knows this very well, unless all the beast-like demi-human tribes in the mountains unite to form a large army and support the Mountain Mother Clan unreservedly. Only in this way can the Voodoo Clan's attack be repelled.

The first one alone cannot be completed. If you want to gather the beast-like demi-humans scattered across the mountains, you can't just rely on a slogan. No one is willing to die. What's more, those guys are short-sighted and have not defeated the mountain in the Voodoo Clan. The mother clan has invaded the mountains, and even before putting it on their necks, don't expect those bastards to listen to her.

What's more, there is a deep blood feud between the beast demi-humans and the lizard people that cannot be washed away. I don't know how many beast demi-humans have been used as slaves or even blood sacrifices by the lizard people. If you want to make these beast heads put down their hatred and help the lizard people, just Thinking of this, Meiya felt that every hair on her head was hurting, and she had a vague feeling of hair loss.

Now Meiya is already considering a way out, but she can't go back to her original world because the coordinates have disappeared, and she doesn't know if the teleportation array is damaged or something worse.

Meiya carefully considered which world was more suitable as a retreat. With the wealth she had accumulated over the years, she could spend the next long years in luxury.

It's just that there are too few worlds that can tolerate aliens. People like her are classified as Warcraft in many worlds. Once they appear with a large amount of wealth, she is sure that she will definitely become the favorite of all adventurers, even better than Dragon Treasure. The appeal is still high.

It's true that she is a Gorgon, but that doesn't mean she's invincible. It's not impossible to kill her.

When the time comes, her head will be mounted on a shield, her skin will become a tight-fitting leather garment for a certain lady, and even her meat will be cooked into rare delicacies.

Thinking of this, Meiya suddenly shuddered, then froze, turned her head in the direction of the door, and whispered.

It actually tastes like the same kind!

As a rare gorgon, Meiya has never seen a few of her kind, not even once since she came to this world, so even if she was in a bad mood, she still braced herself to go see her kind. Judging from the smell, he is still a very young member of the same species. Maybe she should teach him how to adapt to human society.

Eh?! Meiya, who met Owen and his group just after going out, was suddenly stunned.

A hybrid gorgon, a huge witch, and these strange warriors, I hope you are here for peace. Meiya's tone was not good, because she felt a huge threat, which made her uneasy The snake's tail is waving.

Beautiful lady, let me introduce myself first. I am Hydra III. You can call me Owen. I am a lord. The ancient bloodline originating from elves gives Owen a pure aura, which is ideal for non-humans who rely more on instinct. Innate favorability plus ten is also the reason why creatures in the wild rarely harm elves on their own initiative. At this time, he is wearing glasses which adds a bit of elegance to him, although Meiya doesn't know what glasses are.

With the pure aura and the fact that she didn't feel any hostility, Meiya softened her attitude a little and invited them in.

Owen took Maya and Emile inside, while Witch Hunt and the Ultramarines were waiting outside. This made Maya's expression more relaxed, because those tall and strong warriors made her feel a lot of pressure.

As a Gorgon, Meiya is not small, so the room is large enough to accommodate Emile. However, when Owen and Maya sit down, they look like children sitting at the adult table, which looks a bit strange. .

Originally, I just came here for a small adventure, but I didn't expect to encounter something like this. Owen opened the topic first and thanked the other party for the juice and snacks.

Yeah, no one likes war. As the mayor of the town, Meiya certainly doesn't like war. After all, most of the income of Valley Town comes from outsiders. Now that there is such a big problem, let alone the future. The year was wasted.

Are you interested in cooperating? Owen said with a smile as he held up glasses that could resist the spell of the basilisk's petrified eyes.

Are you not restricted by the teleportation array? Meiya's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly became wary, but thinking about it, she was already thinking about running away, so it didn't matter anymore.

Of course it will be affected, that's why we plan to cooperate with Glen Town, or even form an alliance. After all, madam, you can also feel our blood. Irving said calmly.

Meiya nodded. She could sense that none of Owen and the others were pure humans. Even those half-giant warriors had a different aura about them.

Because of human greed and aggression, non-human intelligent races will take the initiative to form groups in order to resist humans.

At the same time, human beings are also equated with cunning and deception. Even if they sign a contract, they dare not trust the other party too much because there are too many examples of suffering losses.

On the contrary, non-human beings are simpler. Except for a few, most of them directly express their attitude. Human beings, among others, believe in aliens more than the same kind.

Then what can you bring? Meiya, who had regained her composure, sat cross-legged and elegantly, ready to negotiate terms.

Maya, the next step is up to you. Owen picked up the juice and said to Maya with a smile.

Next, as a junior, Maya taught Meiya a good lesson. Even as a Gorgon, she almost experienced the feeling of sweating. Now she only has one thought, what a terrible feeling!

However, after hearing Maya talk about Green Shade Town, Meiya trusted Irving a little more and looked forward to the future cooperation.

Building an army is the most important thing at the moment, followed by weapons and food. Hydera can provide these. The question is what can Rivendale Town provide? Owen generously gave Meiya a list of supplies and asked her to He gasped, obviously stunned, then froze again.

Valley Town is really special. Because of the existence of the teleportation array, it is easy to obtain a large amount of wealth. However, in a war, it is difficult to effectively convert this wealth into power, so Meiya can only choose to exchange wealth for the other party's support, and the exchange ratio It's obviously not going to make people happy.

Ms. Meiya, you don't have to worry too much. Hydera never treats its allies badly, and it is richer than you think. Owen obviously saw Meiya's concerns and said with a smile.

Meiya then remembered that the half-giant warriors she had seen before were actually equipped with mithril steel armor. At least in terms of wealth, the other party was not lying.

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