Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 235 The enemy of my enemy is a friend

This is not simple. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you don't want to face the Voodoo Clan, then just support the Mountain Mother Clan. Owen said calmly.

The three of them looked at each other and realized that this was indeed the best way at the moment.

The mountains are the only place where the beast-like demi-humans can live now. There is no way to retreat. However, they will definitely not be able to defeat the Voodoo Clan. Otherwise, they will not hide in the mountains and rely on the low temperature and low oxygen environment to prevent the lizardmen from invading in large numbers. .

The problem is that the Shanmu clan is not very aggressive, and they have to face the pressing pressure of the Voodoo clan. They adopt a laissez-faire attitude towards the mountains. But if they change it to the Voodoo clan who likes blood sacrifices, they are afraid that they will be killed if they hide underground. Catch them and bleed them.

So now we can only choose to cooperate with the relatively mild Shanmu clan to fight against the invasion of the Voodoo clan. As for the post-war issues, we have to wait until we can survive.

This matter has little to do with adventurers like Ya and others, but if the Valley Town is occupied by the Voodoo Clan, they are afraid that they will never think about coming again, and they will not dare to come, so they are so active.

The war between the two clans disrupted the plans of the adventurers who came here specially. Even those businessmen who wanted money rather than their lives began to consider whether to run away in advance to save money and lose their lives.

Owen was also thinking about what to do next. As for taking risks, he was not in a hurry. What's more, the two major clans at the foot of the mountain each sent many raptor riders and lizard hunters to fight against each other. Going down the mountain at this time was purely seeking death, so he went with it. After the messenger Ya and the three of them made an appointment, he contacted Maya through Emile and asked her to provide a plan.

Although she already understood the mystery and abilities of her master, going directly to occupy territory in another world and planning to participate in the war between two indigenous forces was still beyond Maya's ability.

However, having full control over the development of the territory over the years, Maya has grown a lot. With the assistance of the Flame Queen, she quickly came up with a preliminary plan.

Because there is too much information missing, the solution provided by Maya is very simple, because the simpler, the less likely it is to make mistakes.

That is to form a corps of beast-like demihumans, and then participate in the battle between the two major clans as mercenaries, while doing arms trading.

Owen touched his chin and thought it was a good idea, but now that he didn't have the right manpower, he alone couldn't support this plan.

In fact, manpower is not a big problem. There are portals on Hydra Island and the underground ruins, and a group of manpower can be sent over at any time.

The problem is that the number of transmissions through the portal is limited, and due to design flaws, Owen's traveling energy needs to be consumed to maintain the space channel, making unlimited transmission impossible.

After thinking about it for a long time, Irving finally decided to teleport people from the original world, because Hydra Island really didn't have any capable subordinates, so although teleporting in the same world cost less, Irving still chose to teleport some powerful ones from the original world. Hands down.

As a choice, Owen began to consider who to teleport over.

Teleportation is not free. In addition to durability and load capacity, energy consumption must be considered.

The most common method of teleportation is to use magic power from the outside world, but it takes time to accumulate, so it can only be used regularly, such as the teleportation array in Glen Town.

This method is not very convenient, so you can also use magic stones or your own magic power to activate it. It is convenient and fast, but the farther the distance, the greater the consumption. Most people really can't afford it.

For this reason, Owen built the portal on the third floor of the underground ruins, directly connected to the magic well of the underground city, and obtained a steady stream of magic power. In theory, it could be opened for a long time and transport a large number of people.

In practice it doesn't work, especially for cross-border teleportation.

The longer the space channel is maintained, the more variables there are. If there is a slight change, who knows where it will be transported, and it is not impossible to be thrown into the void and become a mummy.

Besides, both the teleportation array and the teleportation gate have upper load limits. It is easy to be overloaded if left open for a long time, and overloading cannot be done by just changing a fuse.

Therefore, space transmission must be as short as possible, just like a bullet.

After arranging the candidates, Owen went to the teleportation array, intending to open the space channel, but found that he had to queue up, because many outsiders were busy returning to their own world.

This reaction is normal. They are here to take risks and make a fortune, but they have no intention of participating in a war.

Of course, some people choose to stay, because the mayor of Glen Town has issued tasks with generous rewards, and wealth and danger can be found anywhere.

Owen met the mayor of Rivendell Town for the first time, and he didn't expect that he turned out to be a Gorgon. It was obvious that the other party was also an outsider, but he chose to stay here for some reason and became the mayor.

The Gorgon is a very rare magical creature, and with higher intelligence than humans, it is the last person that adventurers want to provoke, especially the Gorgon mayor in front of him. He has grown to a very high level, even with his eyes. Wrapped with rune cloth, there is still a faint gray light revealed, making anyone who faces her feel that their body gradually becomes stiff.

This feeling is definitely not a good one. No wonder she can't see the other party in normal times. No wonder the other party can become the mayor of Glen Town as an outsider because she has this strength.

Owen watched with great interest as the other party gave a speech about defending his homeland, safeguarding his own interests, etc., and trying to keep outsiders here and contribute to the town.

The effect of the words was average, but the reward offered by the other party was really exciting.

The mystery of this world is indeed not high, but it does not mean that it is a barren place. On the contrary, this continent produces precious resources such as mithril, fine gold, and magic crystals. Some people have even discovered that star iron makes demigods A treasure that is jealous of.

The former Devil Blood Princess An Qi once told Owen that she suspected that this world was originally the fragment of a higher world that was shattered, otherwise it would be impossible to breed resources of this quality, and there are deeper secrets buried in this wild continent. The evidence is true. and the fragments of authority of the God of Illusions.

These secrets are still too far away from Owen, unless the dragon mother grows up.

After the crowd dispersed, Owen activated the teleportation array and locked the teleportation gate in the underground ruins. As the magic power was consumed, Maya, Emile, twenty witch hunters and ten ultramarines walked out of the teleportation array.

Owen's time travel consumes most of his energy, and the magic well in the underground ruins also needs time to calm down and accumulate magic power.

In other words, Owen will have no reinforcements in a short period of time.

It's a nice town. If the information is true, there is indeed value in cooperation. Maya made an assessment of Glen Town as soon as she came out, and the result was not bad.

Then let's talk to the mayor. If we have the other party's help, our operation will be much smoother. Irving does not intend to participate in the war between the two clans on his own. It is most cost-effective to use the help of others. The mayor doesn’t want to lose his town either.

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