Be careful, there are raptors nearby! Ya sniffed, and his expression suddenly changed.

If there was something that Ya didn't like to encounter the most, then hordes of velociraptors would rank in the top three.

Velociraptors are natural hunters, strong, agile, cunning, ferocious, and good at cooperation. Even a hunter like Ya would never want to run into such an opponent.

No, it's the lizard people! Bai is worthy of his own elf bloodline, and his eyes are good, but this news is not as good as the velociraptor group, because the lizard people rank first on the list of Ya's most hated ones, followed by the giants. beasts and raptors.

Velociraptors like to cooperate to hunt prey, but due to the density and quantity of prey, the number cannot be too many, ranging from three to five to ten or twenty. Any more cooperative hunting will not be cost-effective, and it will not be harmful to the environment. The prey is in hot pursuit, so as long as you run fast and don't get surrounded, you can avoid fighting.

But the lizard people are different. They are the real rulers of the wild continent. Not only do they occupy the most resource-rich area in the center of the continent, but they also establish kingdoms and tribes belonging to the lizard people under the influence of outsiders. Their population and organization have increased dramatically, and they have become Increasingly terrifying, the beast-like demi-humans who had barely managed to survive had to hide in the cold mountains, resulting in a sharp decline in their numbers year by year.

Moreover, the lizard people still maintain the tradition of blood sacrifice to our gods. Because they love outsiders like them, they will be extremely excited once they find out about them, and they don't care about their own casualties.

I feel the flavor of faith. The dragon mother's voice reached Owen's mind through the authority space, making his heart move. It seems that he needs to find out the details of the lizard people's faith next. If there is no true god behind him, then for To avoid waste, let the Mother of Dragons take over these ownerless beliefs.

Owen was helpless about this. Although he promoted the belief in the Mother of Dragons in Green Shade Town and Hydra Island, those believers only believed in him because of his face. To put it simply, Owen was their first object of faith, so all believers They are all pan-believers, the kind who burn incense when meeting gods, and the beliefs they offer are quite limited.

There are many lizardmen and their beliefs are primitive. You must know that the more primitive the faith, the purer it is. They are the favorite lambs of the gods.

If planned properly, it may not be impossible to obtain a new land of faith, and it can also be used to develop the wild continent and extend the territory's sphere of influence here.

Ever since he knew that the world was not the only one, Owen planned to open the base to all the worlds. Only in this way can he cut off one head and grow two heads. No matter what kind of blow he suffered, it was the same as pruning excess branches and leaves to his power. Beneficial and harmless, this is a qualified Hydra.

Soon Owen had no time to care about this because they were almost surrounded.

The lizardmen were familiar with the terrain and had already set up traps. Even Ya felt tremendous pressure when they were blocked from all sides.

As a last resort, Ya could only jump off his mount and throw off his two long legs. He actually ran faster than the chocobo and rushed to the front.

But this will consume a lot of Yaya's physical strength. This is obviously not a wise move when facing the enemy's encirclement and suppression, but only in this way can they have a chance to escape the lizard people's pursuit.

At this time, the Birds of Prey team truly showed the strength of outstanding adventurers. As a hunter, Yao lowered his body like a wolf and ran at the front. While avoiding traps, he could also accurately judge the direction of the lizardmen's encirclement, and he could always lead the team. Escape from the gaps in the encirclement.

If Ya is the hound that rushes at the front, then Bai is a good hunter. Her archery frequency is not fast, but she is very accurate, and she knows how to seize the opportunity. She is either aiming at the lizard hunter who is about to block Ya, or from both sides. The lizardman riders surrounded them from the sides, blocking them a little and causing confusion, maintaining the fragile balance of chasing each other.

Zhi also asked Owen to change the idea of ​​​​she being a pet. Her agility and lightness allowed her to maintain balance on a running chocobo, and she was skilled in using hand crossbows, hidden weapons and poisons. It was obvious that she was definitely a Qualified assassin.

But these are not enough to escape the lizardmen, unless luck is on their side.

However, Owen felt that these three were not really serious at all. Although they did not say it clearly, they were waiting for him to take action.

Attack acceleration! Owen did not forget that he was a mage, so instead of summoning shikigami and puppets to launch a counterattack, he just used a simple first-level air magic to accelerate the attack, and then rode away the dust, letting a bunch of people The lizardmen who were about to encircle them watched helplessly as they disappeared.

After running out of the encirclement, he was panting like a dog and had to continue walking in a circle. It was obvious that the hunter's ancestors had summed up a lot of useful experience in their lives.

Are all lizardmen so crazy? Owen comforted Longyang, who was not yet satisfied with running, and said to Bai, who was adjusting the bowstring.

Although it's always been crazy, this time it's just us who are unlucky. Bai said helplessly, obviously knowing something.

The Voodoo Clan and the Mother Clan are preparing to go to war, and we encountered the advance army. Zhi said calmly, jumping out of nowhere.

Have you heard the news? Bai Bangzhi said, patting the weeds on his body.

Well, I saw traces of the rat clan nearby, so I went to inquire about the situation. It was very bad. Those rat clan were preparing to migrate to avoid the war between the two lizard clans. Zhi frowned and said.

Migration is not as simple as walking a distance, nor is it going camping. After leaving a complex cave and a familiar environment, attrition is inevitable. One bad thing is the end of heavy casualties, so no one will choose to migrate unless they have no choice. , which also shows that the conflict between the two lizardman clans is not as simple as a conflict, but a real war.

Are these two lizardman clans very powerful? Owen, who was planning something, asked.

It can't be described as powerful. Bai sighed and explained to Owen.

Although the original lizard people were divided into different tribes, they were all named after their mothers. To put it simply, they were still in a matriarchal society. This was also related to the fact that the female lizards were larger and stronger.

However, with the opening of the teleportation array, external forces invaded the world and divided the lizard people into different forces, among which Voodoo, Blood Skull, Black Claw, and the oldest mother clan were the main ones.

Just by listening to their names, you can tell that the first three lizard clans are ruthless characters, not to mention that they are three against one. Even the mother clan is the oldest and largest, but it cannot withstand the stalking of three strong men, and they are forcibly divided not long after. It is divided into three parts, namely the wood mother in the forest, the jellyfish near the river, and the mountain mother at the foot of the mountains.

The Voodoo clan was attacking Shan Mu, and she was the one taking the initiative. This was not good news for Ya and the others.

It’s not that Ya and the others are both Holy Mothers and they are worried about Mountain Mother, but because the existence of Mountain Mother is the barrier of the mountains. Once this barrier is lost, the beast-like demi-humans in the mountains will face the more aggressive Voodoo clan. .

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