None of these thoughts were expressed by Ya and the others, but they neatly packed up the camp and led their mounts into the cave entrance one by one.

Owen is not very clear about how big the Slime Queen is, because the slimes he summoned have already become part of the Slime Queen, and as long as there is enough food, the slimes will continue to divide and reproduce. Less than the upper limit.

Right now, the Slime Queen has split up so many slimes to reproduce in this place with abundant food, and she will gain weight when she returns.

Even if she split into many pieces, the Slime Queen was still huge. After hollowing out the ground in one breath, it formed three major areas. One was the animal pen near the entrance of the cave, which was used to house the chocobos and dragon sheep. The space was spacious and The slime maid is responsible for feeding, and all the food is concentrated feed.

The middle area is the largest, with the circular living room as the center, surrounded by kitchen, storage room, toilet and bathroom. The last area is four independent bedrooms.

All areas including the furniture inside are part of the Slime Queen, which means that they are actually in the Slime Queen's belly. If something goes wrong, it will be digested in minutes without even the dregs left. of.

The three of them knew this very well, so their smiles were a bit forced. It felt like they were invited to spend the night in the belly of a giant beast, which was quite exciting.

But everyone is curious, and the three of them are no exception, and they explore everything here unconsciously.

The walls here are made of a material similar to reinforced plastic, which is hard but full of flexibility, firmly supporting the underground space.

The ground is similar to the rubber of tables and chairs, a little soft and a little elastic, but becomes stronger as you go in, like a rubber-covered steel baton.

What the three of them like the most is the sofa. It feels like they are sinking into it, as if they are lying on a cloud.

This is the adjustment of the hardness of the body part by the Slime Queen. It is not difficult for the current Slime Queen. Some slime maids can even be assigned as internal service staff, so it is not necessary to eat, drink or clean. They need to use their hands and even introduce some of the equipment here, such as faucets, toilets and bathrooms.

Although it is inside Queen Slime's body, the source of the water is very serious. It is high-quality pure water collected and filtered by Queen Slime from the ground. You can drink it directly from the tap without any problem.

Even in extreme cases, the Slime Queen can convert underground organic matter into nutrient solution, so she will not starve to death even if she does not carry any supplies.

After eating and drinking, Ya and the others followed the slime maid to the bathroom and took a refreshing bath, and then returned to their respective rooms. As for getting together to discuss how to deal with it, don't be stupid, they are staying in each other's stomachs now, Discussing and dealing with each other here is something that no ordinary idiot would be able to do, so they just communicated with each other using brief gestures and actions while taking a shower.

Previously, his attention was attracted by the adventure that was about to unfold. Now Owen has somewhat come back to his senses. At this time, he has realized that he is judging people by their appearance. The Birds of Prey are not as innocent as he imagined.

In fact, this is normal, so silly and sweet. It is estimated that these three people have long been dead, how can they live such a nourishing life.

With this understanding, Owen will naturally be on guard.

Among the three people, Ya and Bai, who are the captains, are actually not a threat to Owen. The biggest threat is Zhi who is like a pet.

As a rat man, Zhi is about 1.2 meters tall and weighs 40 kilograms. He is not very strong and his speed can only be said to be average. However, his reactions are extremely sensitive, coupled with his boneless racial advantage, he is a natural assassin.

Irving estimated that if Zhi launched a sneak attack within three meters, he might not be able to react.

But this does not mean that Owen has no means to deal with it. The simplest one is Elu. After all, he is a rat, so just find a cat to keep an eye on him.

Early the next morning, when Zhi got up early and saw Elu the cat walking out with breakfast, the whole mouse felt bad. Not only was he stiff, but he also had the urge to fall to the ground and pretend to be dead.

Cat people? Ya Hebai, who got up one after another, was stunned. Didn't you see it before?

Her name is Ellu, she is my personal attendant. Owen, who got up last, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then sat at the dining table, eating Ellu's fried eggs and bacon, then picked up bread and milk, and said calmly.

Ya Hebai nodded blankly, and then looked at Zhi who was still in a stiff state with sympathetic eyes.

Although the beast-like demi-humans have lowered their animalistic nature and strengthened their rationality, they still do not deal with their natural enemies. The rat race has the most say in this matter, because there are too many rats that eat rats. There are eagles in the sky, cats, and holes on the ground. There are snakes in it, and the most terrifying one is the cat, which is the mortal enemy of the rat.

Zhi finished breakfast with tears in her eyes, and when she went out, she burst into tears. If there was anything more terrifying than a mouse and a cat in the same room, it would be eating at the same table.

How many times did Eluma unconsciously put the fork in front of Zhi? When she came to her senses, the pity in her eyes made Zhi tremble.

Ya Hebai had to comfort Zhi who was trying to escape back to the town, and finally decided to give up those little temptations and take people directly to the Master's Tomb.

Obviously, what they found was not a big fat sheep, but a dragon in sheep's clothing.

Now that the other party is treating you politely with a smile, you should kneel down quickly and continue without letting the other party's face fall to the ground. Then it will not be as simple as kneeling down.

Next, Irving enjoyed special treatment, and the service was really good. Everyone who had used it said it was good. As for the details, I won’t go into details.

Of course, although the process is very enjoyable, who takes advantage is completely a matter of benevolence and wisdom. Do you really think that women will suffer in this kind of thing?

As he went deeper, Owen discovered changes in animals as well as plants.

The mountains and peripheral areas are dominated by mammals. However, as we go deeper, there are more and more ferns, the oxygen content gradually increases, the temperature and humidity also rise, resulting in a decrease in the number of animals, but some dinosaur-like creatures become more and more popular. There are more and more, and they are getting bigger and bigger.

Owen has released Nuan Baobao to facilitate the collection of various data, including plants, mainly various dinosaur-like creatures.

Dinosaurs were extinct long ago in Owen's previous world, but now that they are seen, even if they are not as magical as dragons, they are still full of curiosity.

But with the collection of data, Owen discovered that dinosaurs in other worlds are not ordinary. The simplest examples are velociraptors and pterosaurs.

The velociraptor in the previous life was actually not very big, let alone a mount.

However, the velociraptor from another world looks like a smaller Tyrannosaurus rex, which is stronger and more ferocious. Therefore, it not only has amazing combat power, but also can become an excellent combat mount.

Pterosaurs in the previous life were very dependent on terrain. Because pterosaurs relied on gliding to fly, their nests had to be at high places.

But the pterosaurs from another world can actually climb trees and jump to fly, which is an eye-opener for Owen.

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