Ya was really powerful, and he managed to get out of the danger range before the giant monster noticed them, so they couldn't catch up even if they wanted to.

Owen saw those stupid big guys from a distance. Even sitting there, they looked like hills. Just by looking at them, you could tell how powerful they were.

If the giant monsters weren't too stupid, with their physical advantages, they would definitely have the potential to be at the level of a hegemon. It's a pity that God gave them powerful bodies, but took away their brains.

Hearing the angry roar of the troll behind her, Ya was very happy because she once again played tricks on those stupid big guys.

But the trolls are just the beginning. As the terrain becomes flatter and the surrounding plants become more lush, there are more and more dangerous situations.

Fortunately, Ya and the others were indeed experienced and could solve the problem without Owen taking any action, so that he could focus on other aspects.

In fact, Owen has long discovered that the environment here is very special, because a large number of ferns are preserved here.

After trying hard to dig into the knowledge of past lives in his mind, Owen could only come up with the result that ferns are more suitable for dinosaurs. After all, who can study this? Besides, the prosperous period of ferns has passed hundreds of millions of years. What is the real situation? I'm afraid that no one can tell for sure, so we can only make half-guesses based on the current information we have. As for whether it's reliable or not, it's just like someone who can travel through the past and come up with evidence. We don't have to listen to experts.

Owen was lucky enough to come to another world. Unfortunately, his knowledge was limited and he could not conduct in-depth research. He just felt that the oxygen content here was a bit high. If not one of the few people was an ordinary person, he would probably suffer from oxygen poisoning.

No wonder there are so many giant beasts here. Owen suddenly said, because the larger the body, the higher the demand for oxygen. Otherwise, it cannot satisfy the consumption of the huge body. Not every giant beast is like a dragon, even in the crater. Can survive in it.

However, oxygen cannot be generated out of thin air. Owen consciously began to collect plant species here, and when he goes back to cultivate them, he can use them as an oxygen production machine for underground ruins.

In fact, Owen has discovered that he is more here to investigate than to satisfy his inner sense of adventure.

It was still too early for colonization, but if the teleportation array here was connected to Green Shade Town, he could collect a lot of information from those adventurers and make preliminary preparations for colonization.

As for the problem that the cost of teleportation is too high and colonization is uneconomical, Owen is not without foundation in this world. The strength of Hydra Island is still not good enough. The problem is that he cheats. As long as he strengthens it, he will still be able to serve as a vanguard. of.

Of course, these are just Owen's immature ideas. How to implement them depends on the subsequent inspections.

The three of them are not surprised that Owen collects these ubiquitous plants.

Legal professions are famous for having many problems. Warlocks are crazy, wizards are weird, and mages are difficult.

Warlocks are crazy because they have very poor emotional management. It is common to set off fireballs when they disagree. They always feel that they are missing a pair of Sharingan.

Wizards are weird because they are too repressed, taciturn, and mysterious, making it difficult for people to like them.

However, the difficulty of being a mage is really difficult to describe. It is difficult to get started, difficult to progress, and difficult to break through. It is not easy from beginning to end.

In fact, this is normal. Both warlocks and wizards rely on blood for their livelihood. They are born with magic power. All they have to do is learn to use it.

Just like the second generation of rich entrepreneurs, what they need to consider is not how to make a comeback after losing money, but how to learn lessons and make persistent efforts.

Can ordinary people be the same? If you lose money once, you will basically have to work for the rest of your life to pay off the debt. A few will have the chance to do it again.

The same goes for mages. To put it bluntly, they are just ordinary people. It is difficult to awaken spiritual power through meditation, it is difficult to use spiritual power to resonate with elements, it is difficult to build magic models through runes, it is difficult to research, it is difficult to innovate, and it is even more difficult to make breakthroughs.

It can be said that this is a profession that only belongs to geniuses. Those with a weak mind can only be apprentices for a lifetime. Only true geniuses can get started, and any legendary mage is a figure like Leonardo da Vinci.

Are there many such people? Not many, so most of them are stuck as mage apprentices, and eventually die from reckless breakthroughs or from the teacher's experiments. This shows how difficult the profession of mage is.

Just because it is difficult, the mage will not let go of any opportunity. These ordinary plants in the eyes of the teeth may play a decisive role in some aspects. As for what role they play, they are not able to know. .

By the time Owen completed a round of collection, it was almost dark. Ya and the others had already set up camp. They just cleared an open space and lit a campfire to heat hot water. As for the tents, they were not suitable for use in the current environment because it was too dangerous. If there are too many, the tent will not only bring some psychological comfort, but will only reduce their perception and reaction, so they simply don’t set up the tent.

Owen frowned. He was no longer the unlucky little nobleman who cried in the cold castle. After getting used to the life of a nobleman, it was really difficult for him to sleep in the wild.

Come out, Queen Slime, and use the skill Underground Castle. Owen didn't care about exposing a trump card, so he summoned the Queen Slime, which was getting bigger and bigger.

As soon as the hill-like Slime Queen appeared, the hair on Ya's body stood up in shock. Bai even put his hand on the bow and arrow. Zhi's reaction was the most direct. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the bushes.

After hearing Owen's order, the Slime Queen quietly penetrated into the ground as if it were drilling into a floor drain. Its powerful corrosion and digestion capabilities allowed it to easily hollow out the ground and support and strengthen it, so from the ground Can't tell at all.

Come in. Owen waved to the hairy teeth and the others, but a hole quietly appeared under his feet, and the fluorescence lit up.

Damn it, I never knew slimes could grow so big. Ya kept rubbing his arms with his hands and muttered at the same time. Shiro and Chi had similar expressions.

It's either that they haven't seen slimes before, or because they have seen them and are familiar with slimes' properties, they understand how terrifying such a big slime queen is.

Slime is immune to some physical attacks, but is limited by its own weakness. Even an ordinary person can solve it with a wooden stick. After all, slime is not immortal or a liquid metal terminator. Once most of the body is If they are scattered, slimes will also die.

Not to mention methods such as burning and salting, there are many ways to deal with slimes that are usually only the size of footballs.

But when the slime becomes as big as a hill, it can only be described as terrifying.

The huge size makes physical attacks completely ineffective, because even the giant beast cannot destroy most of the super-large slime's body in one breath, and the gelatinous slime wants to recover, which is no more difficult than the fusion of water droplets.

As for energy attacks, except for the legendary mage, other professions cannot evaporate a slime the size of a hill. Even the legendary mage must specialize in destruction.

This shows the horror of the super-large slime, which also makes Ya and the others afraid of Owen, and they begin to doubt whether their previous plan has the possibility of success.

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