Owen was stunned for a moment when he saw the lively small market made up of simple tents and street stalls. Then he saw people dressed as adventurers of all kinds constantly calling for friends, which made him feel dumbfounded. How could it be like a scene in a game? Came to reality? !

Silver Scale Breastplate costs five gold coins each. The quantity is limited, first come, first served! The hawker, who was wearing a hood to avoid being recognized, was selling the silver scale breastplate, which was shiny and fluffy and had a fishy smell in his hand. , but except for a bunch of little kids, no one took a second look at these real fish scales.

Healing potion, a good healing potion. One bottle is worth a life. If you don't buy it, let it be a fortune teller. Good people will be rewarded. The witch holding the crystal ball with an ugly face laughed strangely, and the color in front of him was suspicious. Strange potions are still bubbling, but not many dare to get close. After all, witches are notoriously moody and will curse you for who knows what reason.

Thunder Warhammer, a high imitation artifact, starting with 100 gold coins! The tall tauren blacksmith vigorously waved the warhammer thicker than a human calf in his hand, showing its power to the passing adventurers. The problem is that this thing is almost 100 gold coins. It weighs a lot, and that human being can be very tiring just carrying it out on adventures.

Pet eggs are on sale, buy one, get one free! The beautiful blond lady carried a basket and sold colorful pet eggs everywhere. However, those who know the industry can see that these pet eggs are randomly picked up from outside, and at most they will hatch into lizards. As for snakes, whether they are poisonous or not, you have to experience it yourself to know.

The Birds of Prey team is recruiting people. They have super survivability and can take care of people. We welcome mages. Warriors, get out! Three female adventurers with different styles are recruiting teammates. Unfortunately, there are too few mages, and there are too many males with obscene purposes. They were so angry that they unleashed their dogs to bite people, causing a great deal of trouble.

It's the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Macho Men's Guild. Join now to get a secret oil to make your muscles shine! A group of hairy berserkers wearing bearskin and only a T-shaped clothing showed off their majestic bodies. He smeared animal oil on his body to make his muscles shine, but not many dared to get close. Occasionally, a strong man with a tomahawk and a sledgehammer stopped to watch, but he would be dragged away by friends or teammates with earth-colored faces, for fear of going astray.

Seeing the scenes in front of him, Owen was full of doubts, but he did not stay still, because it was too conspicuous, and people appeared from time to time in the teleportation array behind him, so he walked along the stalls as if nothing happened, trying to blend in. in.

Owen soon noticed that the currency used here was still gold, silver, and copper, with various styles. The value was mainly estimated based on weight and purity. He was relieved, at least the money could be used.

Then Owen discovered that the situation was not as complicated as he thought, because someone took the initiative to help introduce the situation. Apparently there were many people like him who were here for the first time.

According to the details of the news, it was divided into an introduction to copper coins, a detailed explanation of silver coins, and a kneeling and licking of gold coins. So with only a few gold coins, Owen learned a lot of useful information, and then said goodbye to the tour guide girl whose mouth was dry.

Through the girl, Owen learned that it turned out that the teleportation node here was not opened for the first time, but only once in the first hundred years, and it only lasted for one day. Apart from trapping some unlucky people, it did not play any role.

Later, I don’t know when it became open once every ten years, and each time lasted for a month. Many people who came here were able to return alive, and they gradually became famous.

Since then, more and more orcs and humans from this world have discovered this place, relying on the safe areas cleared by these outsiders to slowly settle down, forming the small town in front of them.

In recent years, the teleportation array has been opened more and more frequently, almost once a year, so there is this lively little market next to the teleportation array.

As for the people in front of them, they are adventurers and businessmen from different worlds. The only thing they have in common is that they all discovered the teleportation array.

This really opened Owen's eyes. He thought he was the only one, but he didn't expect that there were so many time travelers.

However, Owen also discovered that the origins of humans in the world where these people live are also problematic, and some people are aware of this and are also looking for the origins of humans.

Unfortunately, either he didn't want to go into details, or he also had a little understanding, and even made many mistakes, so Owen soon lost interest. After all, this matter was not very important to him. As long as it could ensure that it would not pose a threat to him, human beings It makes no difference to him what the origin is.

Although the teleportation here was different from what he imagined, Owen did not intend to go back immediately because this place fit his fantasy of adventure very much.

Just from Owen's careful construction of Greenshade Town, we know that he also has a dream of adventure deep in his heart, especially when he has taken a fancy to a team of adventurers and plans to join in an exciting adventure.

Thanks to Owen's aristocratic temperament, mage's appearance, and rich man's approach, he is very popular. At least three members of the Birds of Prey team were satisfied and introduced themselves enthusiastically.

The captain of the Birds of Prey team is called Ya. She is a wild brown beauty with long legs and big breasts. She can even show her tiger fangs when she smiles. She is a hunter by profession and a part-time veterinarian. She has a forest wolf. She is good at traps and short-bladed melee combat, as well as keeping pets. It is said that this skill is actually a skill developed on the farm in my hometown.

The vice-captain is Bai, a fair-skinned and beautiful blond elf with an upturned front and back. He wears a simple armor that looks a bit defensive but is useless. He carries a bow and arrow on his back and wears a rapier. He is a radiant-looking elf. Strange Ranger.

The remaining one is a small and exquisite rat assassin named Zhi. I don’t know how he grows. He is soft and furry, has big eyes, round rat ears, and a slender pink tail. Not only does he not look like a rat with sinister eyebrows, , but it makes people feel a little cute.

Would you like to eat dried fish? Owen smiled and took out the dried fish and waved it in front of Zhi's face. He didn't care about her identity as a rat. After all, she looked good, so he naturally looked at her differently.

Zhi turned her head away disdainfully. She was a ruthless rat assassin who killed without blinking an eye. She was not a domestic pet, she was just a small fish. Who are you looking down on!

Zhi kept her head down as she silently ate the cheese cream stick, as if she could avoid the strange gazes of her two companions. Little did she know that she was hiding something from others, but this cheese was so good!

We didn't expect that there would actually be a mage joining us. When we came to a stall, we asked for a few glasses of juice. Ya handed one of the glasses to Owen and said curiously.

Although mages are a legal profession, compared to adventurous warlocks and traveling wizards, they prefer to squat at home and do research. It is common not to go out once a year. Therefore, except for some mage apprentices, there are very few formal mages. Show up, let alone be an adventurer.

Although the Birds of Prey team is under the banner of recruiting mages, in fact, they originally only planned to find a mage apprentice, because they still knew how small the chance of meeting an official mage was, and the chance of being willing to join their team was even smaller. .

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