Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 227 Irving wants to take risks

Just when Owen was about to go to sea, the ancient blood suddenly boiled, making him almost lose control and cross over again. However, he had a hunch that this crossing was not random, because he clearly felt the coordinates.

Owen, who didn't understand why, was trying to suppress the surge of ancient blood and while checking his body, he suddenly saw the portal glowing. It was only then that he understood what was happening.

Guangfa's space coordinates? Damn, who is so fierce! Owen was stunned for a moment, first cursed, and then came to the portal as fast as he could, pressed his hands on it, and while stabilizing the boiling ancient blood, he also He is sensing something carefully, but the most important thing is to cover up the mark of the portal to prevent the location of the portal from being exposed.

No matter how the portal is made, the principle is the same. The basic function is transmission and positioning. Therefore, although Owen made it with reference to multiple systems, it is still connected to the transmission point in this world.

That's not right. It should be a nearby teleportation point that broadcasts its location and frequency. Anyone with the teleportation function can receive it and use it as a mark to travel to the teleportation point.

When the constantly fluctuating light from the portal calmed down, Owen put down his hands and fell into deep thought.

Apart from the teleportation gate he created, the only teleportation point in this world is the spaceship that was used when the human race came to this world.

The question now is whether the teleportation node was accidentally triggered by someone, or whether it was a deliberate trap.

To be honest, Owen was really moved.

Just because he is a coward does not mean that he does not have the urge to take risks, especially when the danger is not great. He can go on a small adventure like a real adventurer to satisfy the hidden impulse in his heart.

Considering that this world is not very mysterious, apart from guns and artillery, the only ones that can pose a threat to him are the giant beasts. In addition, he can cross borders at any time, so he becomes more and more excited.

Thinking that the trump card in his hand was not a vegetarian, Irving explained it and happily put on the equipment he had prepared long ago.

He wears a spiritual headband, electronic muscle girdle armor, a loose mage robe, a silver sword slung around his waist, and a chicken leg-shaped staff in his hand. He only needs a white beard to dare to charge. It is unparalleled among the orcs.

However, this outfit is only secondary. It is more for a certain feeling. The most important thing is actually his own attributes.

The attribute bar is not static. Not only can Irving adjust it, but he can also be biased in terms of functionality.

It just so happened that the previous attribute bar was too cumbersome and complicated, and Owen planned to simplify it to make it easier to deal with it in the way of a mage.

But after seeing the heavily armored demon sheep and the pet cat Nizi in the attribute column, Owen couldn't help but frowned.

Because they haven't been summoned and used for a long time, the two can no longer keep up with their progress.

After thinking about it, Owen took out a fire dragon egg and some mithril steel, and fused these with the heavily armored magic sheep.

The fire dragon egg can no longer be hatched, but it still has value in itself. At least as a synthetic material, it is still a great supplement to the heavy-armed magic sheep.

After fusing with the fire dragon egg, the heavily armored demon sheep became larger in size, and its thick horns became a bit ferocious. Even its bad temper became even more violent, and from time to time it would spit out a stream of flames that would blacken the ground.

However, the improvement in strength is obvious. If the previous heavily armored magic sheep could only break through a wall, then the current mithril dragon sheep can compete with armored vehicles.

As for the cat that he raised on a whim, because the appearance of the pure-blood cat was not in line with his aesthetics, he kept it in the castle and was taken care of by the house elves. He only petted it occasionally when he thought of it.

There happened to be good material, so Owen merged it with the Elle cat from Monster Hunter to become a one-meter-tall cat-man.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of Ellu changed after being mixed. The raccoon cat Ellu was unexpectedly cute, so Owen was in a good mood and named it Ellu.

Although the name is a bit perfunctory, the appearance and feel are really good, and Irving can't put it down.

It’s just that Ellu cats are not just pets. They are also good helpers for monster hunters. In addition to helping to pull carts and collect trophies, they can also assist hunters in combat and recovery.

Owen touched his chin. Because of his appearance, he rarely generously exchanged some good things for Ellu.

After doing this, Owen opened the much streamlined attribute bar.

Name: Owen, age: 23, occupation: mage/wizard, magic value: 600/600.

Command 35, force 30, intelligence 60, politics 40, charisma 70.

Specialties: Occult Arts, Ancient Blood, Fragments of Authority,

Skills: Elementary telekinesis, intermediate mental power, intermediate meditation, elementary alchemy, elementary air magic, intermediate spells, intermediate onmyoji, elementary runes, elementary witch literature, elementary devil aura, elementary monster summoning.

Equipment: Electronic Muscle Girdle, Iron Robe, Unicorn Sword, Brave Staff, Spirit Ring, Holy Aries Power Armor, Thunder Shock Hammer, Seiko Heavy Bolter, Seiko High-Speed ​​Chain Sword, Portable Universal Furnace .

Mount: Mithril Dragon Sheep.

Pet: Ellu.

Shikigami: Steel Fist, Giant Scythe, Female Fire Dragon, Slime Queen, Minotaur Minotaur, Great Witch Emile, Demon Centaur Bella, Blood Princess Angel, Mother of Dragons Daenerys.

Puppet: Top Hat, Ninsha, Zaku, Nuan Baobao, One-eyed Eagle.

From a numerical point of view, Owen's attributes have increased, but they are only visible, far from being first-class.

But the skills are extraordinary and quite rich.

And this is simplified, with no subdivisions at all, otherwise it would be at least several thousand words longer. This is the result of his hard work over the years.

In addition to these, the equipment is also gorgeous, not to mention that he also has many puppets and shikigami. It is an exaggeration to say that he has an army of one man, but if he wants to deal with him, there is no army without even thinking about it.

Owen, who was full of confidence, teleported himself through the locked node. Unexpectedly, he was dumbfounded as soon as he opened his eyes.

Based on the intuition brought by the ancient blood, Owen knew that he had not left the world he was in before, but had just crossed a certain distance, but the sight in front of him shocked him.

Right now, he was in a fairy tale-like beautiful valley, full of unseen plants, birds and beasts, and under his feet was an ancient teleportation array that was constantly releasing space markers.

But he has no time to study these now, because he accidentally discovered that there is a small town in the valley. In addition to some humans, there are also many orcs living here.

They are not the kind of violent green-skinned orcs, but demi-humans who have the appearance of beasts but live like humans. They wear well-fitting clothes and use common language with a slight accent to skillfully solicit customers for business, and the people they greet are It was someone like Owen who came out of the teleportation array.

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