Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 229 Customs of another world

The two parties introduced each other. Compared to Owen's somewhat concealed statement, the Birds of Prey were more straightforward. After all, they were just adventurers. They couldn't be expected to have a high vision of the overall situation, let alone a sense of confidentiality. Therefore, Owen was asked I learned a lot about the situation in the other party’s world.

But after listening to it, Owen somewhat understood the other party's straightforwardness.

The world where Birds of Prey is located does not have a unified empire, but multiple kingdoms coexisting, including many countries composed of non-human intelligent races.

People cannot live in harmony with each other, let alone between countries.

Just because they are opposed to each other, each kingdom cannot relax and is very focused on cultivating strong people. In addition, the prevalence of adventurers and professionals has led to the emergence of strong people in their world.

In its thousands of years of history, there have been countless legends, and demigods have appeared from time to time, and there are still many demigods confirmed to exist today.

If you want to invade such a world, let alone whether you can succeed, the cost alone is enough to make anyone retreat.

From this perspective, the world level of Birds of Prey is higher than that of Owen's previous world.

But it's not certain, because Owen has not set foot in the empire until today, and he only knows a little about this huge empire. Who knows how many secrets this bloated and decaying empire conceals. It may be more terrifying than the world where Birds of Prey lives. .

In any case, it is a fact that the powerful people in the world where the Birds of Prey are located are more active, especially in terms of adventure. Every time a new teleportation array is discovered, it will bring about a wave of adventure, attracting many high-level adventurers and even demigods to come and participate.

In contrast, the kingdom is not very concerned about this, because it is impossible to colonize and occupy the new world through teleportation arrays. Not to mention that only a few people can be teleported at a time. The consumption alone is not something that country can handle. But it is a good place for demigods, because in such a world they can collect faith without any scruples.

Of course, the disadvantage is that the laws of this world are generally imperfect. It is easy to collect faith, but the difficulty of lighting the divine fire has increased tenfold or a hundredfold, so there are gains and losses.

The Birds of Prey team is very lucky. The teleportation array connecting this world is located in an underground cave in a corner of a forest. Zhi accidentally discovered it, so until the teleportation array is not exposed, they are the only ones who can come to this world.

As for the reason why Ya and the others wanted to find a mage teammate, they also told Owen after signing the temporary teammate contract.

You have discovered a tomb that is suspected to be that of a legendary mage? Owen did not show any excitement after hearing this, but instead frowned.

Because of Brian's relationship, Owen didn't know anything about the mage community, and he showed such an expression just because he knew about it.

Mages are a rather solitary group of people. Because they need stable mental power to cast spells, they avoid communication and feelings. In addition, they are obsessed with research all year round. Therefore, the older and more powerful mages are, the more ruthless and ruthless they become. After reaching the legendary realm , almost act in a completely different way of thinking from ordinary people.

Therefore, after the mage dies, he either buries everything about himself, or he prepares for the test and waits for the destined person to come.

But the most terrifying thing is those who transform themselves into undead. They have completely abandoned all bottom lines, and no one can predict the consequences.

Moreover, legendary mages often use their own mage towers as mausoleums. Even if no one is in charge, trying to break in is a matter of narrow escape.

The Birds of Prey team also understands the danger of the legendary mage's tomb, but it would be a pity to give up, so they plan to find a mage to cooperate and try to see if they can break through. If not, they will have to sell the news.

Let's discuss the situation later. Irving thought about it for a long time, but did not give a clear reply.

As the captain, Ya Wenyan nodded, because she also knew that it was impossible to make an accurate judgment based on the limited knowledge and past experience of the three of them, so she had to let professionals like Owen go to the scene to take a look.

Next, Ya introduced the town of Glen to Owen. It was not their first time here, and Zhi was a local native, so he was quite familiar with it and even owned a house.

However, Owen refused to go back to live with them, and instead wandered around the town.

The source of the population of Glen Town is quite complicated. It is mainly composed of local demi-humans, that is, intelligent races with beast-like characteristics, such as Zhi.

There are also the descendants of humans in this world who tried to colonize the wild continent but failed, and the intelligent creatures from other worlds that mistakenly entered the teleportation array in the early days but were unable to return. Together, they formed this peculiar town.

Owen, who built Greenshade Town with his own hands, likes the familiar style of Glen Town very much, and he always feels like it is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Chicken Island.

The meat seller on the street may be a sword master, the map seller on the street corner may be a great mage, the person sneaking around in the alley buying some unhealthy picture albums may be a legendary assassin, it's all possible.

After leaving the territory, leaving many guards, and walking on unfamiliar streets, Owen suddenly felt a sense of freedom from all restraints.

However, Irving did not indulge in this feeling, because just like billionaires sometimes envy the simple happiness of ordinary people, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up his wealth to work hard for daily necessities.

Although adventure is good, being a lord is more enjoyable, but Owen still knows the difference. He doesn't intend to ask for trouble. This experience is enough.

While walking, Owen suddenly found himself in a strange alley. Most of the people walking around were men, but occasionally there were women, but not many.

Is this the authentic alien world, customs, men and women?! Owen was shocked.

Even though he had more than one woman, he had actually never been to a place like this in his life, so he couldn't help but feel excited.

Of course, Owen didn't want to test the depth, but mainly to feel the atmosphere. Yes, just to feel the atmosphere and satisfy his curiosity. This is human nature and understandable.

Owen coughed lightly. When he stepped into the alley, he hesitated whether to show the face of a sleazy regular or to maintain the face of a gentleman.

Before he could think about it, he was attracted by the first store.

Wooden Club? The name reminded Owen of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but when he looked inside, he saw a cat lady lying on the long counter with a lazy and flirtatious attitude. Seeing Owen peeping out his head, Kazilan narrowed her big eyes, as if she wanted to lure his soul away.

It's a pity that the cat-eared girl is okay, but the cat girl who looks like the white cat in Tom and Jerry is better to forget it.

Only then did Owen realize that his bottom line was unexpectedly strong, which was gratifying.

But Owen's next experience was really eye-opening. In addition to real cat girls, there were also female dwarfs with long beards, cowgirls with the most powerful breasts, mermaids who could only live in water, and even winged humans with human bodies and bird claws.

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