While Shu Liya was busy studying, Owen had carefully scanned the collection of books sent from Queen's Island, and continued to search for places that matched the records on the collected charts.

Because of its long history, even Queen's Island, which has existed the longest, has only a partial understanding of the secrets of human origins.

According to the legends currently circulating, the first humans were lost in this unknown sea by boat. However, in the collection of books on Queen's Island, humans first rode not a wooden sailboat, but a flying ship.

It's just that this spaceship encountered a storm and crashed into a very dangerous place in the world. The survivors had to build a ship to leave. Even so, they suffered heavy losses, causing a gap in the inheritance.

According to the legend and the collection of books on Queen's Island, Owen set his sights on the only continent in this ocean.

The Orc Continent has a very sloppy name, and judging from the name, it is clear that it does not belong to humans. In fact, this is indeed the case. In the past, humans have tried to land on the Orc Continent countless times, but they have never succeeded.

It's not that they were blocked by the orcs. On the contrary, those orcs welcomed humans. The main reason was that the living environment there was so harsh.

The accurate name of the Orc Continent should be the Wilderness Continent. According to limited records, there are a large number of giant beasts living there, each of which can be called a moving natural disaster. The most terrifying ones are the lizard people living in the endless swamps and forests in the center of the continent.

These lizard people have their own civilization and country, and their numbers are extremely large. The so-called orcs are just slaves and sacrifices of the lizard people, so the orcs welcome the arrival of humans so much, because they can help share the pressure, and humans are clever and good at Making tools, these are urgently needed by the orcs.

In addition, there are frequent storms around the wild continent, and there are also a large number of sea beasts living there. It is difficult to get close to it, let alone occupy it for a long time.

In fact, whenever encountering certain situations, the humans who land will face a dangerous situation where they are unable to advance or retreat. For this reason, humans have sacrificed countless lives, but there is still no stable colony. Even if they are lucky enough to survive, they can only survive. Hiding in Tibet.

Owen estimated that among the several ships, only the Storm and the Swift Wind could withstand the storms and noisy sea beasts around the wild continent, and the other ships might not be able to withstand them.

However, to be on the safe side, Owen decided to wait until the time travel energy was fully charged before setting off. If he encountered danger, he could escape in time. In addition, the progress value accumulated during this period could also be exchanged for a powerful subordinate.

As the progress value continued to increase, Owen began to select suitable redemption targets. Because of the quantity, it was indeed difficult to choose.

After accidentally clicking on Monster Hunter, Owen suddenly thought of Daenerys, the mother of dragons, who was doing nothing in the space of authority.

Now this person is living a very nourishing life. Although Green Shade Town and Hydra Island do not provide much faith, after being filtered by the authority space, it is like sewage turning into pure water, making the long-lasting dragon mother feel like drinking nectar. , it was so comfortable that I didn’t want to come out at all.

Because he couldn't stand anyone who had more time than him, Owen exchanged it for a female fire dragon, and then threw it into the power space to be transformed by the dragon mother.

Strange but inferior bloodline. Daenerys, the mother of dragons, said with disgust when she saw the female fire dragon that was bigger than a dump truck but had two wings and two legs.

The dragon clan attaches great importance to bloodline. Only pure-blood dragon clan can obtain the inheritance derived from blood. Female fire dragons can only be regarded as pterosaurs, only slightly better than dragon beasts. Not to mention blood inheritance, they don't even master the dragon language. , the only difference from the beast is that it looks more like a dragon, and this is not a shame for the dragon clan, so it is not surprising that the dragon mother has such an attitude.

But after all, it is a job assigned by parents to provide food and clothing, and the Dragon Mother is not confused about the importance, even if she is a demigod.

If it were a thousand years ago, even if she was not a demigod, as the most ill-tempered red dragon among the pure-blood dragons, she would not have given a human a second look.

It's a pity that the thousand-year confinement has made Dragon Mother look away from it a long time ago. She feels that it is good now. Not only does she have a safe place to live, but she also has a pure faith that flows smoothly. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before she becomes a god.

But this does not mean that the dragon mother will become ambitious because of this, let alone despise Owen, or even dream of turning over and becoming the master.

Just kidding, someone who is not tempted by divinity but can also control the authority space of a true god as a mortal, would such a person be an ordinary person?

The Dragon Clan is just arrogant, not brainless, so the Mother of Dragons doesn’t believe that, saying that she is the incarnation of a certain true god is more or less the same, so she plans to hold her in peace and wait for Owen to take her flying.

Therefore, she would still complete the tasks occasionally given by Owen seriously, so she began to carefully look at the female fire dragon who looked like a quail in front of her.

The physical strength is not bad, and it can barely withstand my blood essence. The mother of dragons looked like she was taking advantage of you, stretched out her hand and dripped a drop of blood essence, and blended it into the body of the female fire dragon.

At this time, the Dragon Mother has no body, and the current image is just an illusion in the power space, but the heart containing her essence and blood is here, and it is also the core of her future reconstruction of the physical body, so if it is not for Owen's sake, She would not waste a drop of blood on a pterosaur.

Obtaining a drop of the blood essence of the demigod dragon clan is not enough to completely transform the female fire dragon, but it is enough to allow it to take another step forward.

The already huge body swelled again, the surface of the body was also covered with a thick layer of red dragon scales, and a pair of awl-like dragon horns grew out.

It's a pity that it still has wings and feet, and has not broken through the limitations of bloodline.

Even this is enough. In addition to the venom, the fire breath of the female fire dragon has become more deadly, and the already strong body has exceeded the upper limit of the pterosaur. Some weak pure-blood dragons may not be its opponents.

The dragon mother was somewhat satisfied with this, because from now on, her consciousness could be attached to the female fire dragon, so she could enjoy the scenery outside.

As for her real body going out, she has been locked up for thousands of years and refuses it from the inside out. She barely manages to maintain her life by looking at the scenery outside as a female fire dragon.

As the owner of the authority space, Owen can somewhat perceive the thoughts of the Dragon Mother, and this is exactly the thinking he instilled in the Dragon Mother through the authority space.

No one really thinks that they did nothing when faith passed through the authority space.

How is it possible? The Dragon Mother is a demigod, and the chance of becoming a god under his training is not low. How can he let such a big treasure run away?

He must use whatever means are available, but in comparison, his methods are more sophisticated and greedy than those of the people in the ruins. Not only his body, but his soul and will also want to change into his shape.

So start with the fear in her heart, train the dragon mother into a otaku, and then put his mark on her, and finally be able to have sex.

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