I accept the gift without courtesy. On the high castle tower, Owen enjoyed the meticulous care of the Japanese maid. He said calmly to the envoy from Queen's Island. At the same time, he glanced at Shu Liya. It was obvious that the gift was The scope also includes him.

Neither Abigail nor Shu Liya objected to this. One was in awe of the other's strength, and the other was relying on the other to save his life.

Negotiations require one party to be subdued. After Abigail, who represented the Queen's Island, put down the aggressive attitude of the powerful forces, the two parties quickly completed the exploration and cooperation, so she returned to report to the Queen not long after, and only the third princess Shu Liya stayed.

Owen didn't want to accept this student at first. After all, he wasn't really a pervert, and he had no interest in splitting his sleeve. What's more, this guy was ambitious and wanted to usurp the throne, which was even more troublesome.

But if you think about it carefully, it's actually quite interesting, isn't it? So I really planned to teach something, just to pass the time.

How have you been during this time? Owen asked the maid to step back and asked Shu Liya, who still maintained the demeanor of a princess even though she was not used to kneeling.

It's very bad. Shu Liya told the truth. He was really having a bad life because his mother and sister wanted to kill him. If he hadn't still been of some use, he would have died long ago due to various minor accidents.

It's just bad, because you chose the wrong path. Owen smiled slightly and continued.

You think I'm not qualified to be the queen? Shu Liya smiled, but the madness hidden in her eyes could engulf him at any time, because this was his only obsession. When this was denied, his life, his life will be meaningless.

No, what I'm saying is that you chose the wrong career. Owen said still calmly, and Shu Liya's madness was not enough for him to take seriously.

A crazy warlord can drag thousands of people into hell, but the rage of an incompetent person is meaningless. After all, not every madman is called a clown.

I am a mage, a wizard, an alchemist, a puppet master, and a summoner, but this does not prevent me from becoming an excellent lord. Owen used himself as an example and stewed a pot of poisonous chicken soup for Shu Liya.

Although she didn't say it explicitly, Shu Liya immediately understood what Owen meant. After comparing it with her own experience, he finished the bowl of chicken soup.

He almost died after taking the Black Magic Book, but the other party was able to gain the respect of Queen Island. What's the difference?

The answer is strength. As long as he is strong enough, he can occupy an island and become his own queen. Who would dare to object then?

Teacher, I want to learn magic. Shu Liya knelt on the ground imitating the movements of the maids, expressing her submission while also showing her own ambition, for which he did not hesitate to pay any price.

The corners of Owen's mouth couldn't help but turn up, but he was serious about teaching, so let's start with body modification.

Owen carries a modified synthetic furnace with him, which can do everything from synthetic materials to bloodline fusion and genetic modification, so it is called a universal furnace.

It's a good thing to be ambitious, but you must have relative strength. If you want to have strong strength, you must have enough potential. Bloodline fusion is the best and fastest way. Owen released the shrunken universal furnace and restored it to its original state Then he said to Shu Liya.

Leave everything to the teacher. Shu Liya thought with her buttocks and knew that as long as he went in, he would definitely be manipulated, but the question was, did he have the right to refuse?

Shu Liya, who had no choice, thanked Owen with a smile, and then walked into the cold and thick universal furnace.

Owen looked at the progress value and began to select synthetic materials for his students.

The all-powerful T virus was arranged first, and then Irving had trouble choosing what to choose.

As the upper limit of progress value increases, more and more games are opened, giving Owen more and more choices.

The problem is that he has never played many games at all, and he doesn’t even know the plot background very well. As a result, most of the games are idle. Therefore, when choosing Fusion Bloodline for students, he chooses among several familiar games. .

This is it, it will feel very exciting. Owen touched his chin and smiled strangely as he helped Shu Liya choose the fusion bloodline.

It is said to be a universal furnace, but it is better to use the system to strengthen the opponent, so there is no danger at all, and the bloodline fusion will be completed soon.

Shu Liya came out of the universal furnace and was incredibly beautiful, her whole body seemed to be sparkling.

I feel amazing and very comfortable. Shu Liya kept touching her body with her hands, especially when she looked deeper, her expression was very subtle.

The bloodline fused to you is called Veela. It is a natural magical creature and the embodiment of charm. Its appearance is even better than that of the legendary elves. Owen said with some pride the bloodline chosen for the student. Whether it is strong or not is another matter. , fun enough to be true.

As magical creatures, Veela and Succubus know each other very well. They are equally beautiful and full of charm. They are born with magical power and have the ability to transform. However, they cannot easily have deeper communication with the opposite sex.

Veela can change their appearance and even turn into animals. Especially when they are angry, they can turn into a harpy that releases fire. To some extent, Veela has a bad temper.

As a natural shapeshifter, gender has no meaning to Veela, which is why Shulia's expression just now was so subtle. Now the last obstacle to her becoming the queen no longer exists.

These are textbooks. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time. Owen took out the Hogwarts spell textbook and said to Shu Liya, his attitude became a little gentler from the previous indifference. After all, everyone He is a face-control person, and he is no exception. Being good-looking is an advantage, so although he is not affected by charm, he will inevitably be given preferential treatment.

The Hogwarts magic system was prepared for Shulia after careful consideration. First of all, her Veela bloodline comes from this world. In addition, although the power of Hogwarts spells is not great, it is very versatile and can be used as long as there is magic power. It is used and covers all aspects, including space, time and cause and effect.

But to what extent Shu Liya can grow is not important to Owen. It is just a casual move. For now, her management ability is more useful.

Shu Liya wanted to become the queen, even though she was usually regarded as the queen's pet, she still studied secretly and carefully observed how the queen managed it. Therefore, a territory of more than 2,000 people was not difficult for her, but she was very happy.

But after seeing Owen's indifferent look, Shu Liya seemed to understand something again. She no longer focused all her energy on territory management, but settled down to learn magic spells.

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