Although he has returned to his original world, Owen has not given up on the Blue Sea. After all, this is a new and unexplored world, and it is still a low-mystery world with little ability to resist. Without further exploration, it is like drinking yogurt and just licking the bottle. It's the same as covering, it's wasted. It must be licked deeply, carefully, and repeatedly. Only when it is licked dry and clean can it be considered worthy of one's own ability.

Therefore, Owen has been there twice during this period, accelerating development there and also arranging exploration missions.

After having the experience of underground ruins, Owen was very curious about whether there were ruins in the Azure Sea, so he asked people to explore the origins of humans in that world to see if they could find another ruins.

Owen knew very well how many benefits a relic could bring. Even picking up trash could make him fatter, so he was naturally very attentive.

Calculate the time, even if you don't find anything this time, you should have some clues, Owen thought.

Thinking of this, Owen couldn't sit still. Seeing that he had nothing to do in the territory, he packed up some things and headed to the blue sea through the portal.

Gradually, I became familiar with the feeling of time travel. When I opened my eyes, I stood in front of the portal. The ten samurai responsible for guarding immediately knelt down and escorted the lord back to the castle tower.

Now the castle tower has been upgraded to the third level, and it looks pretty good. A city wall has been built around it. Although it is a bit small, it is pretty good for the island.

Outside the city walls are neat farmlands and villages, with thousands of Japanese farmers working hard. The climate here can achieve three crops a year, and it can meet the needs of the territory without Owen's cheating. There are even a lot of Remaining.

I really don’t know how those savages who also live in tropical climates can live like savages. Are they brainless or their evolution bar is stuck?

Everything here is good. The only regret is that the castle tower reaches the top of level three, and the upper population limit is only 5,000. This makes Owen a little disappointed because he cannot use the human sea tactic.

However, the number of savages on Bol Island, which was renamed Hydra Island, is already limited. Another group was killed before, resulting in the current population of the territory being only a little over 2,000. Most of them need to work to complete production tasks, and the rest follow them as soldiers. sailor.

At present, the castle tower can recruit ashigaru, hatamoto and samurai. According to the combat effectiveness, the corresponding progress value is 1, 3, 5. The advantage is that it does not need to consume the progress value and only requires gold coins to recruit. The disadvantage is that it is weaker than the troops of the same level. .

But this is not important, because as a world dominated by oceans, the main force in the battle has never been the army, but the strong ships and guns.

There are now three more ships in the territory than before. In addition to the two Scimitar destroyers, there is also a new capital ship, the third-level battleship Storm with eighty guns.

Originally, Owen didn't plan to exchange for the big and useless battleship, but after knowing some of the situation in the Blue Sea, he still exchanged it for the battleship.

Currently, the battleship was driving away the nearby sea beasts and banshees, and was training at the same time to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, it happened to meet the envoy from the Queen's Island.

A brand new battleship, it seems we have all underestimated this one. This time the messenger is still Abigail, but she looks a little more tired than before. It seems that this period of time has not been very smooth. .

Thinking about it, you know that rescuing a third princess is a great achievement, but bringing back a third princess who tried to rebel and was found to be the leader is seeking death.

She is pretty good. After all, she is a confidant of the queen. As a member of the royal family, it is understandable that the third princess cannot handle it. Therefore, although she is under a lot of pressure, one day will eventually pass. Shu Liya will What bad luck.

Shu Liya who returned alive can be said to be the biggest scandal in the royal family of Queen's Island. Even if the Queen loves him, his cuteness will disappear. What's more, he is a time bomb right now, so he has to consider whether he should let him catch a cold and die or make a mistake. Fallen to death on the stairs.

The queen's unabashed look made Shu Liya feel chilled, but he was not willing to die like this, so he exaggerated Owen's strength, and then said that he was valued by the other party and planned to accept him as a student.

Originally, the secret black magic book of the royal family fell into the hands of the other party, which was enough to give the queen a headache. When she heard about the other party's strength, the queen couldn't help but feel her heart beat.

Although the royal family of Queen's Island does not practice black magic now, it does not mean that they do not understand magic at all. The more they understand, the more the Queen understands how powerful a person who can control that black magic book is, so she goes along with the flow and sends this troublesome third princess to Coming to the door is regarded as the sincerity of Queen's Island. As for food or use, they don't care.

This was also the reason why the Queen's Island messenger ship came to visit, but even Owen didn't expect Shu Liya, an elf ghost, to think of dragging him out to be used as a tiger skin.

Compared to Shu Liya who was still in the cabin and being closely guarded, Abigail was carefully recording the information about the battleship in front of her.

Humans in this world have mastered the construction of battleships, but no matter which world they are in, building such a large ship is still time-consuming and laborious, especially since this world lacks land and is mostly islands, and how productive can an island be? .

Therefore, building a battleship like the Tempest not only requires the efforts of the entire island, but also takes years to build, not to mention the heavy artillery needed for the battleship. It can be said that it is all money, so a battleship also represents a force. comprehensive strength.

Even though Queen's Island has more than one battleship, after seeing this brand-new battleship, Abigail decided to maintain a high respect for Irving. You must know that Queen's Island built the last battleship five years ago. It has not yet calmed down, and the other party's ability to independently build a battleship is a manifestation of its strong strength, so it is carried out according to the standards of visiting a country.

When Irving received the news of the visit of the Queen's Island envoy, he knew that his men's exploration of the origin of mankind had been exposed, otherwise the other party would not have given some of the books in the Queen's Island collection as gifts, and they were all books about the origin of mankind. Obviously, Irving had previously The movements of his men attracted the attention of Queen Island.

However, this did not surprise Owen. After all, his men who were responsible for inquiring about information were all a gang of robbers, and they had no sense of confidentiality at all. After a few glasses of wine, he no longer knew anything, so why should he keep it a secret.

In fact, Irving didn't care about the leak of the news at all. On the contrary, this was the bait he threw out. You see, it was not taken.

Naturally, Irving would not refuse the cooperation from Queen's Island.

Because in comparison, the people from Queen's Island are local snakes and have more and more comprehensive information about the origin of human beings. Cooperating with them can save a lot of time, but he did not expect that the other party would be so sincere and actually put a person Princess as a gift.

Although he was his student in name, in reality, all he could say was that he understood what was going on.

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