Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 223 Great Development of the Territory

Although not long ago, the place where thousands of deformed people passed became a dead place, but thanks to the continuous influx of chaos into the North, it did not take long to fill this empty space, and the repaired military camp was once again They started hunting, keeping the good ones and killing the bad ones. The population growth of the territory entered the fast lane again.

Thanks to a good internal affairs system, a strong army, and Owen's kindness, the rebels assimilated quickly. Even if there were restless ones, it was easy to deal with them. The military camp was the best place for them. I didn't look at Charlie, Munch Keira is only one step away from becoming a full-time employee.

There are precedents, no matter how restless, unless they are born chaotic and evil, they will choose to fight within the existing framework.

After eliminating this part of the unstable factors, the rest can be easily arranged.

Those who know how to farm will farm, those who know how to herd will go to herd, those who know crafts will work, and those who want to be soldiers should become soldiers. If you think you are talented, you can also go to the town center to recommend yourself.

However, even with this diversion, and there has always been a remnant in Akita Town, the influx of people in a short period of time is still too much, and the town cannot accommodate it, so it can only be dispersed outwards.

It is unrealistic to rebuild the town. There are only four towns in the fourth-level town center. Now they have been given to Mara Town, Green Shade Town, Nomadic Tribe and Bison Tribe.

Therefore, Irving divided the original Muzhai earth forts outside the town into levels, with one hundred households as one base and three hundred as one fort, and built Muzhai earth forts.

It is actually a village, except that all adult males are militiamen and are given out muskets for regular training, so that they can withstand for a certain period of time even if they are surrounded by regular troops.

But division alone is not enough, these places also need to have managers.

Owen had an idea and took out the empty duty of the general's camp. On this basis, he drew a big carrot for the new arrivals and divided the territory into serfs, farmers, commoners, gentlemen, knights, and knights, with the latter two are divided into three levels.

The gentleman corresponds to the citizen, which refers to the farmers and businessmen with small assets in the territory. They have money but no power, so they are eager for recognition, so Owen gives them the vanity they need.

Gentlemen do not have many privileges, but Owen stipulates that farmers and commoners must be courteous when meeting gentlemen, and take off their hats to show respect. In other words, whoever sees them nods, and there is no need to line up.

Irving praises himself for being able to satisfy the vanity of these people and gain gratitude and support without paying any additional cost.

A knight does not need you to be a knight. He is a military position outside the military system. He is mainly responsible for the training of the militia in the place he manages.

A knight has a higher status than a knight, and is similar to a township chief. His duty is to assist local farmers in managing the territory, such as organizing production, collecting taxes, labor, and public announcements.

No one doesn't like rights, even if it's hard, they still enjoy it, not to mention that the pie drawn by Owen includes them all, so they are all working hard to fulfill their responsibilities.

The stability of the territory has accelerated development, and Maya is already preparing to build a city. As for Owen's previous concerns, haha, the empire's predators are about to leave for dinner, so what are they worried about? It is the last word to develop one's own strength as quickly as possible.

It took Owen several years to understand this, but thanks to his previous low profile, the empire is now focusing on the more mature and plump northern border, rather than the remote place near the Northern Boundary River, because in the middle The distance was so far that it would take several days even if we rode horseback day and night, half a month by caravan, and even a narrow escape on foot.

Before the emergence of large-scale cheap transportation methods, this kind of development is completely worth the loss, so unless they discover the truth about this plump fruit in Akita Town, they will not focus on it in the short term.

So Irving still has time now, and it is the time for his best development.

First, there is the foundation laid previously, including iron ore, fuel, stone, wood, industry, talent, and food, which are enough to support the rapid expansion of the territory.

Second, there had just been a big commotion in Ferrier town, and the Countess acted like she had someone behind her back. Not only did she spend a large amount of money to recruit rebels and train firearms troops, but she also held grand banquets one after another, inviting everyone Participate and show off your luxurious clothing and accessories. The food provided during the period contains a lot of spices, and the wine is also a rare and exquisite product. Whether it is delicious or not, the food is really expensive.

Even ordinary nobles cannot afford these, and even if they do, they would not be willing to use them at a banquet of this caliber because they are not worthy.

Now everyone is speculating that Ferrier, the famously beautiful countess, has a powerful admirer. In comparison, even the town being rebuilt and the firearms army being trained are not important. Not to mention the remote Hydra territory.

The third is Mara Town, where military camps and nomadic tribes form a dragnet between the northern border and the Hydera territory. The insurgents can never come back. While gaining a lot of labor, it also keeps the territory isolated from the outside world. .

Thanks to these advantages, Maya can freely re-plan the territory, starting with building city walls.

Owen was hesitant about building the city wall, because the stone materials needed to build the city wall previously came from underground ruins and could be directly demolished. But now the underground ruins will be the focus of the next development, and they certainly cannot be directly demolished to build the city wall. , this is totally worth the loss.

Fortunately, with the mining of the Buffalo Collar Iron Ore, a large amount of stone was also brought with it. For this reason, the Flame Queen stepped up the construction of underground tunnels from the territory to the Buffalo Collar Iron Mine.

The original tunnel was more like a pipeline, because no one was needed to drive it, so the trains that transported the ore were mini. Anyway, the iron ore transported did not need to be kept intact, so there was no need to build it too big.

But stone was not good enough, so expansion became inevitable.

After expansion, the underground tunnel from Akita Town to the Buffalo Territory can now pass small trains driven by goblins, which can transport ten to twenty tons of cargo at a time. If it does not stop day and night, the transportation volume is considerable.

Although the witch can transport the Space Expansion Bag through the Floo Network faster with the Space Expansion Bag, the Territory cannot currently make the Space Expansion Bag itself and can only exchange it through Owen. In addition, there is currently a need to support Ferrier Town with supplies, plus Considering the long term, Irving agreed to the plan to continue expanding the underground tunnels and eventually reach the standard of double railways.

The puppet machinery factory located in the underground city is also working overtime to produce excavators and cranes. The quantity does not need to be too large, but it is enough to increase the progress of the project more than ten times, but it requires a large amount of steel.

The speed of development of Akita Town shocked some outsiders stranded here, including many businessmen with long-term vision.

Especially after the class divisions were announced in the town center, how could these rich but powerless people stand this?

Those who have the capital should seize the opportunity to buy property, and those who have no capital should find ways to participate in it.

After assimilation, these people are at least commoners, most of them are citizens, and some even have noble potential. Their joining further enriches the talent pool of the territory.

What's interesting is that while the territory is busy, Owen has nothing to do.

There was no way, there was Maya for big things, and there was a well-established management for small things. There were really not many things that required him to make the decision, so Owen, who had nothing to do, planned to go to the Blue Sea to see where he had explored.

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