Ferrier's current state of mind is very interesting, because everything she has been proud of for more than ten years has been used to make wedding dresses for a bunch of people. Although she has not completely given up on herself, her heart is full of emotions that she will destroy herself if she is tired, because she is really I can’t muster the energy to start a business again.

In order to vent her emotions, Ferrier not only became one of the masterminds behind the incident, but also personally wrote a death list.

Now this list has become a reminder. In the town that is gradually becoming chaotic, the people on the list die in various coincidences or unlucky ways to make room for the people sent by Owen.

In order to avoid suspicion, the ninja responsible secretly stirred up chaos and randomly killed some unlucky people, making it impossible to investigate because there were too many suspects.

Before the ninjas took action, some smart people took the opportunity to kill their opponents and blame others. As the chaos spread, more and more people had this idea and implemented it. There were no longer enough assassins in the town. There is more than one order in each one. Sometimes he is a hired killer one moment and becomes a new target the next.

In such a chaotic situation, the clues left by the ninja are not important anymore. Even if Holmes comes now, there is no way to find the murderer, because there are too many murderers in this ghost place. According to the comic style, there are really little black men everywhere. People were running around, Conan could break his legs even if he came. There were too many murders that happened that night.

Except for the Church of Flesh and Blood, the operation to eliminate the Demon Head also did not go smoothly.

Compared with the Flesh Church, which has a large number of people, the Devil's Head is much smaller in scale. Several warlocks are crowded in a private house. As a result, because they are careful in everything, they detect the approaching threat in advance. After all, the devil is still intuitive. Very advantageous, so escape in time.

But they never expected that the ninja had already done something in the tunnel where they retreated. As a result, they stepped on a landmine, killing one and seriously injuring two on the spot.

The three demon warlocks who were still alive were ruthless enough and did not escape immediately because they knew very well that they had fallen into the opponent's trap and would definitely die if they just escaped, so they killed the three companions without hesitation. Sacrifice the soul to the demon together, summon dozens of demons, and activate the monsters hidden nearby, causing even greater turmoil.

Due to man-made accidents, the town of Ferrier is facing destruction under the unknowing promotion of everyone. One-third of the buildings have been destroyed. Countless civilians chose to flee in panic, but many people still fell to the flesh and blood monsters. In the hands of the devil.

It wasn't until dawn that everything calmed down.

Sitting on the terrace, Ferrier listened expressionlessly to the bad news brought by her sweaty cronies.

Nearly half of the entire town was destroyed, with hundreds of casualties. The management suffered the heaviest casualties, almost completely destroyed. Those who didn’t know thought that the management was on the front line last night, but in fact they had arranged everything. After the assassination, he had to face assassins arranged by others in a blink of an eye, and there were more than one wave. It can be said that the number of tasks completed by the local assassins last night was the total number of tasks completed in the past three years.

This is embarrassing, because everyone had a tacit understanding before deploying manpower to Ferrier Town, and everything was fine.

Who would have thought that last night, everyone was somehow connected and wanted to eliminate some competitors. As a result, you lit a fire, I added a bundle of firewood, and he poured a bucket of oil, and it became a big deal.

In this regard, Samyi silently said that these are what she should do.

Although they assassinated each other last night, it was impossible to achieve this effect because of the different levels of assassins. But who asked for more professional ninjas to help check and fill in the gaps, so more than half of the management could go along with them. The remaining injuries, even those with the most minor injuries, will have to recuperate for several years, while those with more severe injuries will hopefully be able to return to their jobs and shine if they can be re-employed.

However, this was obviously impossible. Ferrier spent a large amount of money to select suitable people from the chaos to replenish the population, and at the same time posted notices to select talents.

Owen promised her managers to join the spies sent by various forces to become a member of Ferrier Town, and quickly help her manage the large influx of people.

Rioters are not easy to contain. In addition to having enough money and food, they must also be able to contain them, otherwise they will inevitably suffer the consequences.

There is no need to worry about money and food. Ferrier's small treasury is still quite rich, and the food is also supported by Owen. It will be no problem to feed the entire population of the entire town, let alone one or two thousand people.

After giving these people a full meal, the manager immediately went to work without giving them any time to rest. There were soldiers with muskets standing by to supervise their work.

This is not because they are not kind enough, but because people will have random thoughts when they are full. These are chaotic people. If they join forces to rebel, I don’t know whether they will succeed or not. I am afraid that Ferrier Town will not be able to retain them, so they start working immediately after eating. , fall asleep after finishing work, wake up to eat and then work again, not giving them time to think.

After the house is built, follow Owen's lead and distribute the property and farmland directly.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, so once they have fixed assets, these so-called chaotic people become docile people, because they are reluctant to part with the property they have dreamed of in this life.

Ferrier Town stabilized at an astonishing speed and quickly recovered its strength. Some small private movements also gradually subsided because they could not find an opportunity.

But Hydra's support for Ferrier did not end, and the aftermath of this incident would not end so simply.

Regardless of the Devil's Head or the Church of Flesh and Blood, they are not the ones who swallow their losses hard. If they don't come back with revenge, they would be disgraced by the reputation of their evil organizations.

And this is what Owen hopes for. As long as Ferrier does not fall, the hatred will be attracted to her, and the territory can take the opportunity to develop, absorb more people, and complete the renewal.

For this reason, Owen specially sent a small team of ninjas and ten witch hunters to take charge of her personal safety. He also sent Howard to help organize the soldiers and train a pure firearms army.

Just as Owen expected, the rapid development of Ferrier's town attracted a lot of attention and attention. Because of Ferrier's complicated interpersonal relationships and the unknown number of admirers, it was difficult to figure out the power behind it. This attracted a lot of attention. More people came, not only curious about Ferrier, but also curious about what happened that night.

Being able to wipe out a Flesh Bishop of the Flesh Church, dozens of Flesh Cultists, and many Demon Warlocks from the Devil's Head in one night is definitely not something that an ordinary organization can accomplish. Even the Black Hand mobilized a group of elites to come to Feili. Er town.

After Owen knew this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was finally able to develop his territory with peace of mind.

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