Walking down the dark tunnel, although there was no lighting, Emile and Witch Hunter were not affected at all. Instead, they were calculating how far they had gone.

According to the distance they followed according to the tilt angle of the tunnel, they had obviously gone deep underground, so it was a bit strange.

The deeper the underground, the better. Construction costs and ventilation issues must be taken into consideration. But when they came to a natural underground cave, they understood why the tunnel was so deep.

I didn't expect that she would find a good place. Emile said casually, holding his mace and wand, flicking away the brightly colored scorpion that fell on his shoulder.

It's a good place for witches, because the underground caves are extremely damp, causing thick moss and tall ferns to grow everywhere. There are dense plankton in the water everywhere, and the most terrible thing is that they are crawling everywhere. The colorful insects and snakes make people’s scalp numb just by looking at them.

For ordinary people, walking five steps in this place is like smoke coming out of ancestral graves, but for witches, it is nothing, because many things here are essential materials for performing witchcraft, cursing and brewing potions. After all, chewing centipedes and toads is an introductory lesson for witches.

Of course, after acquiring the foundation of Hogwarts, the witch has changed these spell-casting habits that affect her appetite and physical health.

Ahead is a land of voodoo, please be careful. Emile saw the invisible dividing line not far away. The plants and poisonous insects that crossed the line were more energetic and brighter in color, so she said to the witch hunters around her. .

The five witch hunters nodded, and then drank a bottle of dark green potion without changing their expressions. This can greatly enhance their resistance to poison, because the voodoo land is not a kind place, and it can swallow up human lives. Very powerful.

Just like mages have wizard towers and wizards have their own wizard huts, witches also have their own unique site advantages.

For example, a witch like Ferrier who is good at cursing likes the Voodoo Land the most. She infiltrates witchcraft, poison and curses into every inch of the land to create her own special area, so outsiders have no way to hide their own. The traces were discovered as soon as they got close.

At this time, in the depths of the cave, Ferrier's face changed as she was throwing colorful mushrooms into a pot to brew potion, because she sensed the arrival of the intruder, and also felt a familiar aura, one that made her very unhappy. the breath,

After pondering for a moment, Ferrier did not escape through the secret passage, but put down the potion she was brewing and walked towards the intruder.

When Ferrier saw the tall Emile, her face became ugly. When she saw the Witch Hunter with two swords on his back, her face became even more ugly, as if someone in the family had died.

She is not afraid of intruders, nor is she afraid of acquaintances coming to her door. She is afraid of two groups mixing together, because there is nothing more terrifying than an enemy who is familiar with you. If so, then add the attribute of being a companion.

Emile, you are not welcome here, get out of here!

At this time, Ferrier, who was wearing a black witch's robe, was washed away, but she did not return to her original nature, but exposed another side of herself.

Under the influence of magic, her eyes became dark, and thick eyeshadow spread to both sides. Her angry roar made her reveal her white teeth, making her look particularly sinister and terrifying. She no longer looked as charming as she did at the banquet. , but this is her true side, Feryl the Cursed Killer.

If something happened to you, let's just let it go. Considering our past friendship, I won't kill you. Emile rubbed the mace and wand in her hand and persuaded Ferrier, but she always gives people A strange feeling of eagerness to try.

It must be an illusion. After all, the two of them are not only colleagues, but also colleagues. They are not colleagues of Guo and Guo, so...it can't be right?

You're looking for death! Not only did Ferrier's face turn dark, but black lines as dense as blood vessels began to appear all over her body.

It is indeed a curse. I had a premonition that you would take this step back then. I thought that the life of the countess in these years would make you have some scruples, but I didn't expect that you would do it anyway. You are really cruel to yourself. Aimi Er said with an expected expression.

Grudges are also a taboo for witches who play with curses, because this is an extremely dangerous curse. If you are not careful, it will be backlashed, and even the soul will not be spared.

But I have to say that the curse is really powerful, especially when it is cast on oneself. As long as it can be endured, it can become an immortal body, the kind that can be resurrected even if it is reduced to ashes.

Having reached this level, she can no longer be considered a human being. However, Ferrier is not yet capable of taking the final step, so the curse on her is only half-finished. Even so, it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Emile was not afraid, otherwise she would not have followed.

Like Emile, Ferrier is also a great witch in the legend. The two sides are evenly matched. If Emile fights hard, Emile will still suffer some losses. The problem is that Emile has the upper hand. This is an advantage, not to mention that she still has the advantage. There are helpers.

You haven't called your toy out yet, or you won't have a chance in a while. Emile looked around and said to Feryl.

This is the reason why Ferrier hates acquaintances, because most of your methods are good at the other party, but you still have to fight. Even now, she doesn’t know why Emile came. As for what happened before, my mother You've committed so many things, which one are you talking about?

There is no need to bring out the poisonous insects in the Voodoo Land to show their ugliness. Ferrier directly activates the Inferi hidden around them, and large groups of Inferi covered in moss and growing colorful mushrooms crawl out from every corner.

These Inferi are Ferrier's favorite work. They combine corpse poison with highly toxic spores. Just getting close to them will cause severe hallucinations. If they are splashed by corpse liquid, they will be poisoned by the compound poison.

The problem is that we are all in the same group. Although these things cannot be called leftovers, they are not very fresh, so Emile did not take action at all. The five witch hunters drew the silver swords from their backs and rushed forward.

The silver sword is not silver-plated, but a special alloy of mithril steel mixed with silver. It is not only engraved with dharma seals, but also witchcraft. Therefore, while taking into account the characteristics of mithril steel, it also has the effect of killing evil and breaking spells. The Inferi are like those who use bricks to hit cherry tomatoes, with the effect of exploding pulp. It is really a sword, and it does not stop when it is slashed.

Ferrier's face turned even more ugly. She had prepared one or two hundred Inferi that emitted poisonous spores. If they were ordinary soldiers, three to five hundred would not be enough to kill them. Even if they faced professionals, they would still have a big advantage. , you can meet colleagues.

Witches have a high resistance to abnormalities, and witch hunters have been strengthened by T-virus and herbal medicine. Now they are even more inhuman. Not to mention the highly toxic spores, even if they pick these colorful mushrooms and make hot pot, it will be fine, so Ferrier All the hard work is gone.

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