Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 218 Ferrier who wants to be taken care of

Although Ferrier scolded her harshly, it could not change the fact that she felt guilty.

Of course, the land of voodoo is not that simple. With the means she has accumulated over the years, even if one or two thousand soldiers swarm in, or even set a fire, she can escape unscathed. However, the existence of voodoo hunting is completely aimed at witches, and with the absence of a Under her, Emile, Ferrier is really at her wits' end.

The curse is powerful, but the problem is that she is stuck halfway up and down. If she really puts her life on the line, there is no chance of success. The question now is whether she wants to take the gamble.

In the end, Ferrier did not choose to risk her life, because it was Emile who came. She still thought that the other party was sent by the rebellious witch of the boss, so she just let it go. The boss still had to give her face, otherwise love Mi'er went back empty-handed and provoked the boss again. Her small body couldn't bear it, so she obediently let the witch hunter give her a magic potion that limited her magic power.

Seeing this scene, Emile secretly laughed in her heart, because she had already guessed that Ferrier would think so, which was why she followed and was sure to capture him alive.

Before leaving, Ferrier also gave instructions to her confidants so that she would not make any big noise by disappearing quietly. The whole process was very cooperative, and it was not until she came to the castle through the floo network that made her curious. After realizing it, I felt something was wrong.

When Ferrier saw Owen, she was stunned. She looked at Emile as if she wanted to kill someone. After all, where did the Northland Witches Union come from? He was a noble man at first glance. He didn't expect to fall in love with him. Mil, you are such a big-assed person, you are actually a traitor, and you even sold me out. It’s a shame that I still trust you so much!

Ferrier's eyes made Emile feel a little embarrassed, so she coughed lightly and whispered.

He is the boss's son, dear.

Fei Li, who was thinking about how to make a fool of himself for a while, and find an opportunity to bite back in the future, was suddenly stunned. Seeing that he looked familiar to the big leader, he immediately believed Emile's words, but after knowing that the other party was The lord of Akita Town, that is, Queen Hydra III, Ferrier complained to the big leader one hundred and eight times in her heart. If you had told me earlier, I would have used the cursed flesh and blood to trick Count Solari.

Although Ferrier doesn't care about the Northland Witches Alliance, it's because she knows that the so-called alliance is dispensable to the big leader, and by the way, she doesn't look down on the so-called three leaders, Emile.

But this does not mean that she does not take the big leader in her eyes. On the contrary, Ferrier is most afraid and in awe of the big leader, the rebellious witch Emilia, even though she now knows that the big leader's incarnation as Hela has given birth to a child. , still not losing the slightest bit, so by the way, I was a little afraid of and flattered Owen.

Owen had no intention of subduing the other party immediately. He could subdue Emile because the other party was willing to cooperate. Otherwise, he would really take a master-level professional to his advantage, so he just signed a covenant with the other party.

Interestingly, Owen discovered that Ferrier didn't actually have much ambition. She was obsessed with her identity as a countess and even acquired a territory because she liked the life of a nobleman, so Owen made a big pie for her and promised her Help her become a female noble of the empire and enjoy the true top life in this empire in exchange for her support.

Just as Owen thought, Feryl, as a witch, also had something wrong with her, so she actually agreed.

In fact, if Owen was willing to support her and allow her to enjoy the luxurious life of a noble, Ferrier wouldn't care about the problems of his subordinates and territory at all.

This kind of thinking is obviously abnormal, but the witch who can't stand it probably has some psychological problems.

From the rebellious witch to the little witch at school, they all have psychological problems, and the more powerful they are, the more serious they become.

For example, Dale, with Owen's support, has become as powerful as Emile, but she is still addicted to the canary's life.

Let’s talk about Emile, she looks normal, but in fact her huge size has brought her huge psychological problems. If she hadn’t found her daughter, her partner, and the meaning of life here, she would not be better than Ferrier. How good it is.

The most serious one is of course Owen's mother Hela. She is a big boss, and she went to find a man to marry and have children because she was angry with her mother. She tried to be a good mother and slapped her mother in the face. How could this be done by a normal person? Something to come out of?

Although she has some psychological problems, Ferrier is not stupid. She can actually monopolize the fur trade in the North and build a foundation on the border of the North. Her ability should not be underestimated.

If it weren't for the empire's appetite this time and its desperate plan to fatten the North to share the cake, she wouldn't have ended up in such a passive position.

First of all, the area of ​​cooperation between the two parties is intelligence, because intelligence is so important. If Ferrier knew Owen's identity in advance, she would definitely not hit this iron plate.

Thinking about Ferrier's misfortune, Owen felt that investment in intelligence needed to be increased.

Owen was actually quite helpless, because the root development time was too short and there were too many aspects that needed to be covered. As a result, except for Akita Town and a few places on the border with Northland, the intelligence network was completely blank.

Moreover, Owen couldn't buy some information from black hands, because it would reveal his own details. In order to create a mysterious background, he also worked very hard, okay?

Ferrier's joining helped Owen a lot, and she became the white glove of the territory. Some matters that were inconvenient to come forward could be left to this graceful woman who was good at dancing.

What Feriel lacks is the foundation. Now with Hydra's support, she can break through the restrictions of the North, truly step into the empire, become Hydra's tentacle, and explore the secrets deep in the empire.

Therefore, in addition to the exchange of intelligence, Irving also gave her the semi-discarded muskets and artillery from Mara Town, and asked Howard to help her train a firearms army.

The purpose is to cause a military competition, sell more firearms, and completely muddy the waters in the North.

Ferrier didn't care how much trouble this would cause, she just liked this feeling. The attention and probing made her feel like the protagonist on the stage, so she agreed without hesitation.

Of course, Ferrier is not stupid. She agreed so happily because she knew that there was a rebellious witch behind Owen. No one knew the power of a legendary witch better than she did.

Obviously at this moment, Ferrier attributes Owen's achievements to Hela, but she doesn't know that Owen was the one who was abandoned back then. If she knew, she would be even more excited, because this means that the power to support her is stronger and she can step forward earlier. Enter the imperial aristocratic circle and experience the life of the upper class.

Owen doesn't care what Ferrier thinks. If she really just wants a noble life, Hydra can completely satisfy her. Anyway, she won't lose money, but can use her to achieve her goals.

At this point, the revenge operation ended perfectly. No one was killed during the period, but everyone got what they wanted. This is much better than annihilating the whole family.

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