Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 216 Operation to capture witches

The target this time is Countess Ferrier, who was once the second leader of the Northland Witch Union, nicknamed the Curse Killer. As the name suggests, she is a terrible witch who is extremely good at cursing. Owen said to Sam Yi and Ren.

Master is preparing to launch a witch hunt? Samyi is no stranger to Ferrier. In fact, the famous nobles and forces on the border of the Northern Empire are the targets of her inquiry, and initial results have been achieved. She wants to It was Owen's idea that was confirmed.

If it is just an assassination, there is actually no need to send out witch hunts. Although ninjas are not as good as witch hunters in frontal combat effectiveness and methods, they are more suitable for killing people. Therefore, using witch hunts with restraint legal professions has a deeper meaning.

Yes, because I want to catch people alive. Although Owen chose revenge, he did not get carried away.

If it were another protagonist, he would have been tricked, and he would probably have to kill the opponent's whole family or even massacre the city to relieve his anger. However, Owen placed his position as the lord, so he can kill people, but it must be meaningful, killing an important person. The characters must have sufficient interests.

Simply assassinating Ferrier is meaningless to Owen. Apart from venting unnecessary anger, there will be no additional benefits, and it may even cause some unnecessary trouble. After all, this person is on the border with the empire. Many powerful people maintain quite ambiguous relationships, and even the imperial capital has personal connections.

Even if it's just a joke, it will bring some unnecessary trouble to Owen, and the last thing the Hydera family needs right now is trouble.

But if you capture and conquer the other party, the benefits are obvious. Not only will you gain an important territory on the border of the empire, but you can also use the other party's personal connections as a springboard to enter the empire that Owen has longed for.

But how to conquer the opponent is a problem, and even Irving is not sure.

Unlike those desperate witches who are in hell, Ferrier is also a witch. Not only is she beautiful, she also owns a prosperous town on the border of the Northland and monopolizes the fur trade in the Northland. Every year, Even excluding the management part, the income is not a small number. It is unrealistic for such a person to conquer the other party with some small means.

Master, maybe you can ask Madam Emile. For such a target person, Samyi didn't have any good ideas, so he made a suggestion, and Owen was thoughtful after hearing it.

Turning around and heading to the magic school, Owen found Emile who was basking in the sun in the garden.

Because there is only one male assistant, Domi, in the whole school, not only does he have to live alone outside the school, but he can only enter the school during class and leave immediately after class, so Emile simply went for a full-body sunbath. To be honest, The white was a bit dazzling, and it made him squint his eyes.

It's for Ferrier. Lying on a special lounge chair reinforced by steel pipes, Emile raised his head, glanced at Owen from the top of the mountain, calmly changed his position, and tried to let the sunlight shine evenly on his body, and then continued said.

I knew you would come after I felt the familiar curse breath from Mara Town. Emile was quite accurate in judging people. She knew that Owen was diligent and thrifty and would not easily waste any useful witch.

It would be troublesome to subdue her. After all, every living witch is a huge threat, especially those who are good at cursing. Emile raised his hand and scratched his head, shaking it so that the reflected sunlight continued to shine, making Owen even more unable to open his eyes. When I opened my eyes, all I could think about was that.

I will go this time, otherwise you will have no choice but to kill her. Emile sighed helplessly. After all, they formed the Northland Witches Alliance together. Even if the relationship is not good, if she can lend a helping hand, she It’s not good to just sit back and watch.

That night, Emile went to her original farm with the root operators. All the people here were replaced by system members, and there were underground secret passages. It was not difficult to cover up her whereabouts without being discovered.

Using the intelligence network based on the border of Northland, the group of people sneaked into Ferrier Town quietly. Because it was not the season for trading furs, it seemed quite deserted. Even the patrolling soldiers were perfunctory.

The maps and everything are ready-made, you just need to check if there are any changes in the patrol time route.

At night, the group of people sneaked towards the lord's mansion and the operation to capture the witch began.

Feriel's lord's palace is located at the back of the town, close to the empire's border, because she often entertains guests from that direction.

Because banquets are often held, the building style of Lord Ferrier's Mansion is more in line with the nobility of the imperial capital. It is mainly luxurious and beautiful. There are gardens and statues everywhere. It is very tasteful at first glance.

This is very popular with guests, but it is not conducive to defense. Even in order not to expose her identity as a witch, there are no witchcraft, curses, or even traps. The defense relies on dozens of soldiers.

These are all disguises. I'm sure the people living here are just stand-ins. Although Ferrier is addicted to playing the role of the countess, her own level has not declined, so she must have a secret place to study witchcraft and curses. . Emile just took a few glances and decided it was a bait.

Shinobu, who was responsible for commanding the operation, did not raise any objections because her intuition also told her that there was a problem here. Therefore, she followed Emile's instructions and sent out her witch hunts. As for the team of ninjas she brought, they were not professionally qualified. Let them take care of the perimeter.

Witch Hunter has the template of a demon hunter, but he also receives ninja training. Even if his skills are not strong enough, he can still successfully sneak into the lord's mansion with his high perception and superhuman physical fitness.

What is more advantageous than ninjas is that witch hunters have an unimaginable ability to perceive witchcraft and curses. Even if the smell is very subtle, they still cannot escape their search and accurately find the tunnel entrance hidden in a remote corner of the lord's mansion.

The triggering witchcraft, the secret curse, and the refreshing special potion. Sure enough, there is a reason why no one has discovered it for so many years. Emile just glanced at the entrance and saw everything, but She didn't take action next because Witch Hunt had no intention of entering through the entrance.

Shinobu released a few small snakes, walked forward for a while, nailed a kunai to the ground, and nodded to the witch hunter.

The witch hunter took out a bottle of magic potion and poured it on the kunai's position. The soil where it met the potion immediately melted like snowflakes. After pouring the bottle of potion, the tunnel's stone wall could already be seen.

Judging from the gaps in the tight stone walls, it seems that the construction was done with care, but it was useless.

With Emile as the master of potions in the territory, and the various potion formulas accumulated at Hogwarts for thousands of years, the territory has a wide variety of potions. Therefore, if there is a potion that melts soil, a potion that melts rocks will naturally It’s also indispensable.

People's inertial thinking was used here, and they only made the door indestructible, but forgot to reinforce the walls. Therefore, the witch hunter easily sneaked into the tunnel, cracked various witchcraft and traps along the way, and successfully arrived at Ferrier. It took a lot of effort to build The land of voodoo.

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