Master, these are the post-war statistics of Mara Town. Maya handed the post-war report compiled overnight to Owen, who was rubbing his eyes.

Because he was worried about problems in the Battle of Mara Town, Owen had been living and eating in the lord's office in the center of the town. Although the area of ​​three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms was not small, he was still a little unaccustomed to living in the castle and had poor sleep quality. It's a bit worse. I don't know if it's because the bed isn't suitable or because Maya moved too much when she reported work last night. Anyway, she feels like she has a sore back.

After stretching his body, Owen put down his hand to take the report, and then asked Ram, who was following Maya, to make coffee for him.

It was obviously a Terminator-type battle puppet. Now, apart from being an assistant to Maya, it only had this role. Owen shook his head. Otherwise, he would just stuff a coffee machine into his stomach the next time he transformed it. He just didn't know what to do. Whether the water exit is from the bottom or the top needs to be studied carefully.

While drinking coffee and looking at the post-war statistics in his hand, Owen's eyes widened after just reading a few lines.

The number of casualties in the battle of Mara Town was not many, only double digits, but the materials consumed could be used by any Northland noble on the spot, including the two earls.

In the First World War, more than 3,000 muskets, more than 200 artillery pieces, and mountains of ammunition were scrapped. Irving was shocked to see that the money was not short of money.

But after a little calculation, Owen knew that this consumption was normal.

The service life of a civilian musket is about 80 rounds. If it is properly maintained and the full charge is reduced, there is no problem in increasing the number of uses by 50%.

But if you shoot continuously, even if you allow time for cooling, the service life will be greatly reduced. After all, repeated cooling of the barrel will cause great damage to the metal.

In this battle, each musketeer fired more than a hundred rounds of ammunition every day, and only scrapping more than 3,000 muskets was considered good.

The artillery also has a service life, and no one dares to continue using it at the risk of exploding the barrel. Otherwise, few of the surrounding soldiers will survive.

As for ammunition, the fixed ammunition used in muskets is half a tael of propellant with one projectile. One hundred rounds weigh six or seven kilograms. Multiplied by one thousand is six or seven thousand kilograms. This is only one day.

In addition, artillery consumes the most ammunition, which is more than ten times that of muskets. You can imagine how much supplies were consumed in this battle.

Such a large consumption made Owen hesitate to continue to form a pure firearms army. After all, these alone were enough to arm a larger number of cold weapon troops.

However, after looking at the number of casualties, Owen finally firmed up his previous idea, because if the cold weapon troops were to fight those contagious aberrants, the number of casualties would probably reach four digits.

Therefore, although a large amount of ammunition was consumed, the results achieved were still good. Almost thousands of aberrants were eliminated in three days. Even if most of them came one after another, it was already a good result.

Just comparing the ammunition consumed, Owen was stunned by the tenacious vitality of the aberrants.

The deformed people's brains can't dodge at all, and there is no problem of missing when they are crowded under the wall. How many bullets will it take to die?

In any case, the military camp has indeed made great achievements, and Irving is not in vain. A large amount of materials have been transported there, they have been fed with wine and barbecue, and everyone has been given a generous bounty.

In addition, Charlie, Monk, and Kayla have each been upgraded to a level, and are not far away from becoming regulars.

Next, the military camp will be renovated and there will be no more missions, because I am afraid there will be no chaos coming for a long time. After all, the aberrations coming all the way will not let go of the delicious food along the way.

But the matter didn't end there. Irving just likes to be stubborn, but that doesn't mean he has no temper.

It's okay if you don't have the strength. You can only endure it when you are angry. After all, it is easy to fight hard, but the problem is that you only have one life, and it is not for you to play with or to be angry.

But now Irving has the qualifications that he doesn't need to endure, so he takes action when it's time to take action, so that his grandson suffers this injustice.

Is this information sent by a black hand? Owen picked up the information on the table, read it over, and said with a sneer.

Yes, it was just delivered. Maya said while counting the supplies that needed to be sent to Mara Town next.

It seems that the black hand is quite stretched out. The battle in Mara Town has just ended, and they have even found the mastermind behind the scenes. Owen touched his chin and decided to let Genbu strengthen surveillance of the black hand.

Since they are so free, they are going to press for the payment for the Book of Flesh. They have been left with them for such a long time, so they should give it to them. Otherwise, let them get out. Owen said angrily.

The payment has been sent, along with the information. Maya said, and then handed the tallied bill to Owen.

Oh, this was planned. Black Hand really deserves his reputation. Owen raised his eyebrows. He didn't have any reaction to Black Hand's little tricks, but he wanted to cause trouble for them.

The Book of Flesh was sold to Black Hand, but Owen did not ask for money, but various rare resources, otherwise Black Hand would not have delayed the payment for so long.

It's a pity that what Owen wants is of high value. Although the Book of Flesh is extremely precious, the things he can exchange for it are really not much, barely reaching the bottom line of his psychological expectations.

And although he got the things, he couldn't keep them. The previous experience on the third floor of the ruins made Owen understand that although the Ultramarines are powerful, they are only powerful. They still have shortcomings, especially the equipment, whether it is electronic muscle beams, composite armor, or chain saws. Swords cannot reach the limit of design. The biggest limitation is the material.

Originally, I wanted to make do with the low-grade mithril steel found in the ruins, but now with these rare materials, the quality can be improved by one or two levels.

But after the revenge was over, Owen squeezed his fingers, sneered, and let Maya continue to handle official duties while he came to the root.

The root located on the first floor of the underground city already has a considerable scale, both in terms of size and number of people.

Now the area where the root is located has been expanded into five major areas, namely the central training ground, the convalescence center in the east, the intelligence department in the south, the prison in the west, and the research room in the north. The functions are quite complete.

As for the personnel, in addition to Samui and Shinobu, there is also a ninja team that has been expanded to four and thirty witch hunters.

The ninja team is composed of one chuunin and nine genin. Although they are not from Naruto, the mage forbidden curse in ninja skin, they are still quite elite, especially after learning the breathing method, sneaking and the ultimate slash, they can dodge. Not much.

But witch hunters were what Owen valued most. He even thought that the original fifteen witch hunters were not enough, so he asked Emile to choose some that were as miserable as possible.

Sure enough, after being reborn in his hands, these witch hunters had fanatical faith in him and were called dead warriors.

As for strength, every witch hunter has been strengthened many times, including T virus + secondary blood potion + green herbal potion + demon hunter trial. They have extraordinary spiritual perception, strong physical fitness and recovery power, and can skillfully use various Weapons, potions, and sigils are highly resistant to abnormalities, especially magic and curses.

Then equipped with soft armor lined with mithril threads, dragon skin tights, silver swords, steel swords, hidden weapons, and magic potions, frontal combat is not as good as that of the Ultramarines, but in terms of the diversity of methods, no one in the territory can match it.

In some respects, witch hunts are special professions that target legal and weird professions. Being targeted by them makes even Emile feel creepy. This is why she sighs for her former companions, because Once targeted by a witch hunter, she would be dead.

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