Because the people who came to seek refuge were not the first batch, there was already a set of procedures in place, so the grassroots managers responsible for registration acted quickly, and soon it was Charlie's turn.

Mr. Charlie, this is your temporary identity card. The grassroots manager handed Charlie a temporary ID card made of composite material and asked him to keep it carefully.

Because the number of serfs you brought exceeds 200, you have two choices. The grassroots manager said calmly.

The first is to convert the serf into 500 acres of farmland. He can use the loan to buy tools, hire farmers, and become a happy farmer.

Another option is to join the civil service, but temporarily as a temporary worker in charge of military camps.

Charlie chose the second option without much thought. He didn't want to waste the rest of his life farming land and collecting rent.

Mr. Charlie, you made a right choice. Now we need to make a more detailed registration to arrange your position, so please answer truthfully. The basic manager took out another register and said to Charlie arrive.

It was Owen's idea to divide the refugees, because although the assimilation ability of the fourth-level town center is stronger, one thing remains unchanged, and that is the sense of belonging. The stronger the sense of belonging, the faster the assimilation will be.

For example, farmers, land is their life. As long as they are given land and houses, it will take less than a month to complete their assimilation and become a loyal system population.

Secondly, there are the civilians. Because they rely on craftsmanship to make a living, they can return home as long as they can live and work in peace and contentment. With the prosperity of the territory, most of them can complete the assimilation within a month or two.

The only troublesome people are the people with small assets. However, after giving them land and hiring farmers to work, it won't take long for them to become addicted to being happy farmers. After all, ambitions and other things can't be achieved without food and clothing. Worry will fade away in life, only those who are poor will be aggressive, and only those who are rich will not take risks.

But there are always people who naturally dislike ordinary life and want to take risks. Their ambitions refuse to beat for a peaceful life.

With this mentality, it is estimated that the town center will not be able to complete assimilation in a year and a half, and will become a factor of instability, so Irving singled out these people and planned to arrange them at the edge of the territory to act as the first line of defense.

And isn't it because he is ambitious? Wealth, status, and power can be given to him as long as he makes enough contributions. This will actually increase his sense of identity, speed up his assimilation, and kill two birds with one stone.

When Charlie came out of the town center, he followed the other party's suggestion. He first went to the bathhouse to take a nice hot bath, then got a haircut and shave, and then put on a decent and slightly gorgeous officer's uniform, giving him a completely new look.

Looking at himself in the mirror in the bathhouse lobby, Charlie almost didn't recognize him and couldn't help but put his hand on the sword at his waist to look even more heroic.

Because of his birth, Charlie not only received education in literature, calculation, painting, horse riding, etiquette, etc., but also learned swordsmanship, archery and command. After all, for the family, illegitimate children with blood ties were very suitable to be trained as confidants, so they were willing to spend money.

As an illegitimate child, he can only rely on his own ability to get ahead. Therefore, Charlie has been studying and mastering more skills seriously since he was a child, so his ability is really not bad, otherwise the temporary position would not be so high, and he would be a third-level knight.

Owen divided this type of temporary workers into five levels, namely slaves, armed pioneers, knights, knights, and barons.

Among them, knight, knight, and baron are just titles and are divided into first, second, and third levels. However, as long as they make enough achievements, they can become regular.

It was because of this that Charlie was so excited and eager to seize this opportunity.

Coming out of the bathhouse, Charlie followed the road signs to the barracks next to the castle.

Seeing the majestic castle, the vast barracks and the well-trained soldiers, Charlie was so envious that he couldn't even mention it, and his mouth was almost watering.

Not to mention the low-key, luxurious and historical castle, the four heavily guarded barracks alone dazzled him.

Now the barracks are integrated into four parts, the infantry battalion, the cavalry battalion, the archer battalion, and the musketeer battalion.

The first three belong to the traditional arms, the latter belongs to the newly established one, and the place where Charlie wants to report is the newly built musketeer camp.

Arriving at the musket camp and showing his ID, Charlie was able to enter the camp. As soon as he entered, he saw a group of bald heads lining up under the instructor's scolding, but the weapons they held were actually muskets?

This group of bald heads are speculators and gold diggers who came to the North looking for opportunities to make a fortune. They are diverse, including landless farmers, wanted criminals, escaped slaves, and even deserters.

What they have in common is that they are brave and fierce, unwilling to be ordinary. In order to make a fortune or stand out, they are willing to do anything. They are the most unstable factor after adventurers, so they are all thrown here by Owen for training.

After signing the contract, these people were shaved, thrown into the river, washed clean, and put on uniforms. They looked decent, but their unruly eyes and skewed postures all proved that This is a bunch of thorns that deserve a beating.

The barracks is not a place for you to play with your personality, and no one will tolerate them, especially an experienced soldier like Howard. He sneered, waved his hand, and the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time put down their weapons and went up. After a good beating, he immediately became honest.

Charlie had seen many such people, so his attention quickly focused on the musket in the opponent's hand.

Muskets are not a rare thing. The empire had equipped soldiers on a large scale decades ago. However, due to shortcomings such as complicated maintenance, low hit rate, and easy explosion, the popular muskets quickly disappeared from the army.

But this is not the real reason, but because a destined turmoil caused unexpected losses to the empire, and the most critical reason was the musket.

As long as a hunched old farmer can pull the trigger, he has a chance of killing a fully armed soldier who has undergone rigorous training for several years, and this chance continues to increase as the number of people increases.

Especially for turmoil in units of one hundred thousand, if equipped with enough muskets and artillery, the destructive power that can be produced is difficult to estimate. Even the strong castles of the nobles cannot resist. This is unbearable for the upper class rulers, so muskets It soon disappeared from the imperial sequence.

However, after all, they were installed on a large scale and the structure of the muskets was not complicated, so they are still available in some places, and even finely crafted ones have become a favorite hunting tool for nobles.

Charlie used a musket when he was young. Compared with the exquisite hunting rifle used by nobles, this musket seemed much rougher.

The iron barrel is about two feet long, and the muzzle is specially made into an open bell. The barrel is short and thick, making it easier to load ammunition. However, this structure also greatly affects the hit rate, range and bullet power. When he saw that the barrel of the gun was paired with a stock that had not been carefully polished, Charlie knew that this gun was completely prepared for cannon fodder.

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