Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 205 Three Points in Northland

There are currently three people recognized as having the best development in the North. The first is Earl Ferrier, the second is Earl Solari, and the third is Viscount Hydra III.

They are like three points, two points on the border of the empire and one point on the northern boundary river, making a little embellishment for the desolate northern land.

Among them, Earl Ferrier has a monopoly on the fur trade in the North, and high-end furs are the favorite of imperial ladies. In addition, Earl Ferrier is beautiful and has long sleeves and is good at dancing. He is not familiar with many dignitaries on the border of the empire, and he is also close to the border of the empire. The army, so the mob did not dare to make trouble at her place, otherwise they would be hacked to death by the well-trained imperial frontier troops in minutes.

Although Count Solari is a gentleman and does not have the innate conditions, he still masters a monopoly business, which is the horse and livestock trade. Moreover, he is also the supplier of war horses for the imperial frontier army and has also formed a powerful cavalry. Otherwise, Why is it a monopoly? Therefore, it is not disturbed by chaos.

As for the Hydra family, it was still somewhat famous when Hydra I was around, but it completely fell apart after his death. It was thought that it would decline, but who would want to come back to life at the hands of Hydra III? Now its reputation in the North is slightly different from that of those two. There is a tendency to compare the two counts, especially in this chaotic time.

However, many people believe that this is mainly because the territory of the Hydra family is far enough away. Without sufficient food supplies, the rebels cannot reach the territory of the Hydra family at all, not to mention that the rebels are unwilling to go. After all, the farther north they go, the more they go. It is desolate. If you don't grab the relatively rich northern border, you can't go north to catch the northwest wind.

Therefore, for a long period of time, the turmoil will not temporarily affect the territory of the Hydera family. This is the advantage of this rising star.

Because of these advantages, many northern nobles were forced to take sides, especially those close to the empire's border.

There was no other way. Under the wave of turmoil, the small lords who only had more than a hundred serfs and a dozen semi-off-the-job soldiers in their territory were unable to deal with it independently. They had no choice but to hold on to each other. The power of the two earls suddenly increased greatly.

The Hydera family's territory has not been affected at this time because it is too far north, but everyone knows that it is only a matter of time. Therefore, the pioneers who originally only used Akita Town as a springboard to establish their own territories had to face a choice. , take refuge or carry it on your own.

Those who joined the pioneering group and came to the North were either unable to survive or ambitious. The former had already chosen to join Akita Town, but the latter ran away to become the local emperor regardless of the danger.

But now they regret it. The Tu emperor was so easy to make. Buying serfs requires money, and development also requires food and tools, not to mention training soldiers and buying weapons to protect themselves, which costs nothing.

Even if they were so rich, they would not take risks in the Northland. Therefore, under the threat of chaotic tides, they had to consider whether to continue to persevere.

Unlike the northern nobles who were close to the border of the empire, these people had to grasp at straws in a chaotic situation. Being too remote gave them time to think, and also added hesitation in their hearts.

Some people choose to give up, at least temporarily, and join Akita Town with all their belongings, like Charlie.

Charlie's background was not bad. In fact, anyone who came to the Northland to carve out a territory on his own was not too bad. Unfortunately, he was an illegitimate child. When he grew up, he would either work as a groom for his direct brothers, or he would have to go out and make a living on his own.

It happened that the empire was forming the Second Northland Development Regiment at that time. With a little hint from the family, Charlie gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and came to the Northland with the resources sponsored by the family.

He is a smart man and knows that although the northern border is good, it has a bleak future.

Because if you do not develop well, you will be exploited by the two earls. If you develop well, congratulations, your level of exploitation will be a little higher and you will be exploited by the imperial frontier troops.

In addition, the better places on the northern border were occupied by people, so Charlie resolutely followed the caravan to the vicinity of the Northern Boundary River.

When he saw Akita Town, Charlie was envious and filled with fighting spirit. After some hard work and with the help of a slightly rich family, the land he developed was impressive. However, as the unrest spread, Charlie I know it's time to make a choice.

Taking refuge in Akita Town is safe, but it also means that all his previous efforts will be in vain. He will most likely end up as a farmer in his life, and his descendants will probably not have a chance to make a comeback.

However, all these concerns were no longer important under the impact of more and more bad news. Charlie, who understood that there would be nothing after death, finally decided to seek refuge in Akita Town, so he took the remaining family property and more than 200 serfs to the original place. Akita Town made him envious, but this time he would not be a passerby, but a defector.

Akita Town is more prosperous than when Charlie first came. In addition to many people like him who came to seek refuge with their families, there are also many caravans. It seems that not only has this place not been affected by the turmoil, but it has also become more prosperous, which makes He was a little confused.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because Akita Town is the only place within hundreds of miles that sells food in large quantities, and it is also the only place where metal tools and weapons and equipment can be purchased.

Needless to say, the importance of food. The newly arrived pioneers would definitely not be able to plant it themselves, and it would be unrealistic to transport it from the empire. In addition, there must be enough food to open up wasteland for farming, so they can only buy it from Akita Town.

After all, Akita Town is the territory with the most farmland in the entire Northland. In particular, the convenient water canals can ensure that even in the desolate Northland, a good harvest can be obtained, so that there is enough money to sell food.

Of course, tools and weapons are also very important. Without tools, you cannot build walls, and without walls, you cannot stop bandits and refugees. Not to mention the role of weapons, they are prepared for your colleagues.

However, the imperial border troops strictly prohibited iron weapons from leaving the customs. Even as a northern noble, the number of iron weapons that could be purchased each year was very limited. Apart from through one's own personal connections, one could only rely on smuggling.

Akita Town is one of the few places that sells ironware and weapons. Although the quantity is small and the price is expensive, the quality is good, so it attracts many people to buy.

The more prosperous Akita Town became, the more Charlie felt that he had made the right choice to seek refuge, so he gritted his teeth and went to the registration office in the center of the town.

There were already quite a few people here. Charlie was given a number plate in his hand and arranged to sit on a bench nearby, waiting for his number to be called.

Charlie, who was a little dazed, shook his head, regained consciousness and started talking to the people on the side.

Everyone was talking about the treatment issue. Someone came over to explain it before. Charlie came too late and didn't hear it. Now he pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

There are also levels of refugees. For example, those who have wandered all the way can only go to work in the land reclamation brigade of Akita Town, and they can become farmers after half a year.

However, once you become a farmer in the territory, you can be allocated land and houses, which is very attractive. After all, free farming is a lifelong dream for many people.

Secondly, craftsmen can get a temporary residence permit as soon as they arrive, but it still takes half a year to become a regular worker, and during this period they cannot leave the place where they work and live, nor can they violate the laws here.

Finally, there are pseudo-lords like them with family wealth, a little capital in hand, and as few as twenty or thirty serfs, as many as one or two hundred serfs. Although they do not have the title of Northland, they cannot be treated as civilians.

Most of them are arranged to become farmers, but only the land is their own, and the farmers who work need to be hired by themselves.

This cuts off the road to becoming a noble in the North, and they do not have the power of life and death. The advantage is that it is safe and prosperous here. Their descendants can also go to the newly established school in the town to learn culture and martial arts. After graduation, If you get good grades, you can join the town center or the security team, and you may not be able to get ahead in the future.

Although he is not married yet, Charlie is already interested.

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