Of course, the muskets used by the musket battalion were not made by Owen. He, who is good at rubbing blasters, can't stand such inferior works. In fact, these are civilian muskets made by the arsenal in the center of the fourth-level town. They are also used by regular musketeers. Standard muskets, fine muskets used by elites, and even artillery.

But no matter what kind of musket, its power is limited, even the artillery.

But when bolters couldn't be mass-produced, Owen could only choose to use these primitive firearms.

Of course, it is not that Owen cannot make weapons from World War I and World War II. After all, the technical content of the things used by the Goblin Mechanical Corps is not low, but he will have to face too many problems if he really wants to do so.

Firearms can still be polished by hand with a simple production line and monsters, but bullets cannot. It is difficult to build a bullet production line in a short time, and the propellant is also not up to standard.

The propellant currently used is made from powdered mixture of magic horn tree blocks. Although this highly efficient fuel can burn fiercely instead of propellant, it inevitably contains impurities. The musket is not sensitive to this and can hit ten people. Dozens or twenty shots.

The same cannot be said for firearms with higher precision. If the rate of fire is fast, the chamber may explode before a magazine is fully loaded.

These problems can be solved, at most it takes a certain amount of time. The biggest problem is the empire.

The Empire is not that simple. Irving will get a lot of benefits if he takes down a relic. If you say that the Empire doesn't have many relics and doesn't have any trump cards, he won't believe it.

Even without these, the legendary mages supported by the empire are not vegetarians. Their destructive power is comparable to that of strategic bombers. If they are really provoked, their territory can be razed to the ground in a matter of minutes.

Therefore, muskets can be used, but they must not pose too great a threat, at least not to be considered a threat by the empire.

Irving was annoyed by worrying about this and that all day long. It was not that he had not considered the possibility of violent pushback. With such a big piece of empire squatting beside the bed, he could not sleep well.

But even if he upgrades the town center to level five, the upper population limit will only reach 100,000. Even if he ignores production and logistics issues, he converts half of them into soldiers, equips them with muskets and artillery, and trains a group of elites to use weapons and tanks from World War II. , the ace still has the Ultramarines and Witches, but it's still not enough. At most, it can only defeat the Empire's frontiers, but it won't hurt the foundation of the Empire at all.

Because judging from the intelligence collected on weekdays, the population of the empire is around 50 million to 100 million, or even more, so what if he wipes out hundreds of thousands of imperial border troops.

What's more, the imperial frontier troops are not weak. There are countless high-walled and formidable passes, which are so easy to fight.

What's more, he couldn't afford it at all. How many people were there in the entire Northland, and what proportion of the population were adult males suitable for training as soldiers?

On a grander scale, seventy or eighty thousand people are as powerful as the sky, and the empire can kill him just by spending them.

In addition, he has guns and cannons, and the empire also has extraordinary powers, such as the organized Fighting Knights, the Royal Mage Guild, and legends. I really want to destroy him. It would take less than a meal to eliminate the time wasted on the road.

This does not include those religions that worship gods, otherwise they will die faster.

In this situation, even Owen couldn't resist cheating, so he didn't dare to be reckless and had to be cautious in everything he did. Even if he wanted to use firearms, he would do it little by little, for fear of touching the sensitive nerves of the empire.

I really want to let go. Irving summed it up. He must have at least a population of more than one million, 100,000 regular troops, 200,000 reserve troops, double-digit legends, a powerful religion and a real god. , this will make the empire afraid and not dare to start a war easily.

Therefore, there is a long way to go, and Irving still needs to work hard.

While Owen was busy preparing for the future, a group of restless guys were busy training in the newly built musketry camp.

Howard cracked the whip, and even if a bunch of thorns refused to obey, they could only endure it, because they had tried and they really couldn't beat him, so in order to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, it was better to be obedient.

Hello, I'm Charlie, a third-level knight. As a manager, Charlie didn't need to carry a musket. At this time, he took the initiative to say hello to the tall and strong knight next to him.

Munch, a second-level knight. Munch has a bald head and no eyebrows, a lion's nose and a tiger's mouth. He is very ugly, but he exudes a strong masculine charm, especially his strong body that can make the plate armor creak. Doubtful about his ancestry.

Although Munch is a little taciturn, Charlie is eloquent. In addition, the two of them will work together for a long time in the future, and they both intend to become friends, so they will get to know each other quickly.

Monk was born as a knight, but although his strength was not bad, his ugly appearance made him unpopular with the nobles and even became the target of ridicule. In the end, he was kicked out because of a trivial matter. This was a great shame for the knights.

As a knight, Monk, who couldn't kill that bastard noble, had no face to stay, so he simply came to the Northland and joined the military camp. As long as he could make enough contributions, he could become a real canonized knight. And this is what he dreamed of.

It's a pity that although his strength is good, he is lacking in other aspects. Therefore, he is only rated as a second-level knight and cannot dominate the army.

Although Charlie has average strength, he may be eloquent and calculating, and is suitable for running a military camp. In addition, his temporary status is paramount to him, so Munch consciously placed himself in the position of deputy.

After realizing this, Charlie secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At least he wouldn't need to focus too much energy on intrigues in the future.

The two did not have time to spare. After Howard handed over the training to his son, he began to teach them.

In fact, Howard was just rushing to put it on the shelves. It was not that he had never been exposed to firearms. Thanks to the fact that he had done all kinds of hard work when he was in the imperial frontier army, he had also brought cannon fodder with muskets on the third line. The problem was that he looked down on those who only knew how to do it. A soldier who shoots off guns to scare people, so his understanding is limited.

After getting some information from the lord, he studied hard all night, but he didn't know what it was, but he couldn't show guilt, so he could only bite the bullet and follow what was written in the book.

You want to go to the military camp. Maya put down her busy work and took some time to meet a girl today, intending to relax, but she didn't expect the other party to give her a surprising answer.

Although the blond girl in front of her is not very old, her tall and curvy figure shows the vitality of a young person. Maya, who is already in her forties, can't help but lament that she is old.

Of course, I was just sighing. After acquiring the inhuman bloodline, Maya's lifespan may be measured in hundreds of years. In another fifty years, she will still be like this. The other party may have only two pockets on her chest and her bulge even when sitting on the sofa.

After regaining her composure, Maya lowered her head and began to think, because the other party was not an ordinary citizen and could be dismissed as she pleased.

The girl's name is Keira. She is the eldest daughter of Baron Corrence. She has just come of age this year. She has not loved red makeup since she was a child and loves armed weapons. She has trained hard in swordsmanship and wants to be a knight loyal to her lord.

It's a pity that her father won't let him, and he wants to send her to the lord's castle to be a maid.

Now that her father was in Mara Town, she was an adult again, so she began to feel anxious and went to the town center to introduce herself.

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