Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 204 The Empire is in turmoil

Returning to the soothing secret room of the underground city, it was expanded again by Irving. Now it covers a thousand square meters and is divided into multiple areas. In addition to the small garden, there is also a display area for displaying his works.

However, Owen was not in the mood to appreciate his work this time. Instead, he stood in front of the multifunctional high-end workbench and kept making gestures on the three-dimensional projection with his hands. Nuan Baobao could always respond in time and modify it according to his wishes.

Because there were so many inspirations, Owen, who was afraid of forgetting, could only record the ideas that kept popping up, and then slowly improve them later.

But this retreat was unexpectedly short-lived, because large-scale turmoil broke out in the empire. Tens of thousands of farmhands and slaves were like raging locusts, destroying everything they went. The scale was getting bigger and bigger, even heading north. The ground had a tendency to spread, so Maya had to get him out of the ground to sit down.

Arriving at the center of the town, he took over the information and information compiled by Maya and read it with a frown while drinking coffee. After pondering for a moment, Owen finally understood.

Similar turmoil is nothing new for an empire that has existed for a very long time. It will happen every few decades. Whether it is 20, 30 years or 50 or 60 years depends on how many people died in the last turmoil.

As for the reasons for the unrest, it is also very simple. Land annexation, serious exploitation, and no way to survive make it difficult to avoid chaos.

The problem is that people care about food and not fighting. No matter the lords, nobles, manor owners or businessmen, they are all trying their best to squeeze the last bit of value from the people at the bottom. As long as they don't resist, they will squeeze them to death. They are so ruthless.

With such a method of oppression, unless someone is dead, resistance is inevitable, and as more and more people choose to resist, the dots will connect into pieces, and eventually large-scale turmoil will occur.

Turmoil is about resisting the injustice of fate and overthrowing the exploiters. But at the same time, turmoil also hinders production, interrupts commerce, and harms the interests of those who benefit. So in order to make up for the losses, the oppression becomes more serious, so they resist The more there are, the wider the scope of the turmoil will be, which is simply an endless cycle.

So the question is, after experiencing so many turmoils, do the upper echelons of the empire know the dangers of doing so?

Of course they knew it, and even did it intentionally.

It can be said once or twice that I have no experience, but once more times, I have summarized my experience.

The problem is that we know that turmoil will occur if this continues, but we cannot avoid it.

First, the upper class cannot give up exploitation, because this is the basis of their existence. Whether it is used to develop territories, arm soldiers, or simply for enjoyment, exploitation is the basis for maintaining their status as superiors. It is a basis that cannot be changed. Once it changes, They will also cease to exist.

Second, there are only so many land resources. With the increase in population and economic development, various means of exploitation have emerged in endlessly. However, although the output is not fixed, the increase is very limited. Where do so many resources come from? We can only squeeze them hard.

Squeeze to the end, squeeze hard, and resistance and turmoil will become inevitable. After all, if you can't survive, you don't care about the consequences of resistance.

You know the reasons but you can't change them, because there are only so many land resources. Even if you reduce the level of exploitation, it will only delay the time of unrest. It can be seen that the upper echelons of the empire are not without smart people, but they are too smart. They are smart enough to find the root of the problem. Then There are just too many people.

Therefore, the large-scale turmoil that occurs once every few decades is nothing more than the empire's conscious metabolism and getting rid of the excess.

Most of the people died, and all the restless ones also died. Everything naturally returned to its original trajectory. Work that should be done, squeezed that should be squeezed, everything was as usual, waiting for the next round to begin.

At first, Owen felt a little incredible. The empire had gone through so many rounds of massive turmoil and yet it had not been overthrown?

This is not scientific, but it is very reasonable, because this world has extraordinary power, and extraordinary powers, regardless of their origin, once they have mastered the power, they already belong to the exploiting class, and the Madonna who occasionally rebels against the class cannot stop the general trend.

In this world, one cavalry can defeat thousands, one can defeat ten thousand, and destroy cities and lands. This is not an exaggerated description, but a fact.

In this case, there is no sense in the lack of spirit, lack of organization, lack of weapons, lack of resources, lack of everything, and purposeless turmoil relying only on numbers.

If it were not for the purpose of reducing the population, the task of quelling the chaos could be completed in a very short period of time simply by decapitation tactics.

As for whether there will be people like reckless heroes among the people, of course there are, but compared to the turmoil of death and no life, wouldn't it be nice to seek refuge with the upper class and live in glory and wealth?

In fact, there are people who commit murder and set fire and are recruited here, and there are quite a lot of them.

Isn't it interesting that the turmoil caused by the struggle to survive is just a stage to show one's own value in the eyes of some people.

The education he received in his previous life allowed Owen to understand everything in a short period of time.

But just like the keyboard warrior, apart from venting a few words, it has no meaning in changing the status quo.

Although Owen is not without the ability to change, in fact, high-yield seeds, a systematic steam industry, and portals that can travel through the world, any of them can change everything.

The price is that Irving is completely exposed, and you can know what is waiting for him by just thinking about it with your toes.

In this world, good intentions are not rewarded, not to mention that even if he takes out these, the real beneficiaries will be those at the bottom?

Originally, it was just a sigh of relief, and then Owen would return to a peaceful life, but this time it was different. The empire had a new outlet, and that was the Northland.

The idea of ​​bringing the troubled population to the North to fend for themselves has been around for a long time.

The reason why it has not been implemented until now is very simple, because as long as there is a population, there will be development. What to do when the Northland develops and the tail is too big to lose? This is not to cultivate enemies for yourself.

As for occupying it for development, it is also a good idea. The question is who should own it?

Even the emperor cannot ignore the power that a northern land can bring, let alone those nobles. This may be used as a trigger to cause real turmoil in the empire.

Therefore, the upper echelons of the empire would rather the excess population die from internal strife than let go of the northern border.

Things are different now. After two Northland pioneering missions, the Northland has been initially developed, and a large number of Northland nobles have been canonized. Even if there is a large influx of people, there will be chaos, but it will eventually return to the original framework. When the time comes, Use the north land as a chessboard and just place your pieces.

As for whether the northern nobles who are chess pieces are willing, haha, it's as if they have a choice.

Therefore, in a very short period of time, a large number of rioters were deliberately led to pour into the Northland through the openings opened by the imperial border troops, making the situation in the Northland that had just improved become chaotic again.

The Second Northland Pioneer Regiment used various means to seize the land and titles, but they never thought that retribution would come so quickly. Tens of thousands of rebels were simply not something that a single lord could resist. In an instant, countless nobles in the Northland lost their lives. Life or territory, with only three exceptions.

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