The reconstruction of the ruins will take at least three to five years. This has to take into account the development speed of the territory. Otherwise, with the current manpower and material resources of the territory, it would be necessary to repair an underground city that can accommodate tens of thousands of people and an almost completely abandoned industrial zone. , there is no time limit of ten or twenty years, there is no way that thousands of people can just move bricks without doing anything.

As a long-term development and construction plan, it is not an urgent matter at all, and as the territory develops, there will definitely be changes in the middle, especially with Owen's cheating development, sufficient room must be reserved.

For this reason, Owen just asked Maya and the Flame Queen to come up with a rough master plan, and then a relatively detailed first-stage reconstruction plan.

Owen drew a framework for the first phase of the plan, which was not to use the power of Akita Town.

Owen has been trying to separate Akita Town and Green Shade Town for a long time. He dare not say that they are completely separated, but at least it can confuse the enemy on the surface, so the two should try to avoid mixing together.

In fact, he was quite successful, and even the businessmen who came here often subconsciously distinguished the two.

Even the Black Hand only believed that the two parties were in a cooperative relationship, especially after they discovered that there was a legendary witch here, they confirmed this guess.

As for the relationship between Owen and which legendary witch, Black Hand does not think this will play an important role, because witches are famous for favoring girls over boys. Girls are inheritance, and boys are just accidents, so it can be cooperation. , but there is no upper-lower relationship.

Although Owen didn't know about this, he was instinctively on guard.

Besides, there are too many people staring at Akita Town, so it is not suitable to enter and exit the relatively closed Green Town.

After drawing the frame, Owen stopped intervening in the rest. He also gained a lot from the ruins and was eager to digest it.

However, before retreating, Owen had a temple built in Greenshade Town, which was dedicated to Daenerys, the mother of dragons, the red dragon, and the temple was a preparation for her to collect faith.

Daenerys can be said to be a very miserable dragoness. When she was young, she was captured by a group of malicious people and taken into a secret room in a dungeon. She finally escaped from the trap, and her body was so damaged that she could no longer survive. In the end, she had to rely on Stay humble and be young to gain a chance at a new life.

Although Daenerys sold herself out, all the trouble was thrown to Owen. Now it is not that easy for him to obtain a complete demigod.

Now, Owen has taken out the heart of Daenerys's original body and placed it in the space of authority to gestate the body using shikigami methods.

But what Owen wants is a demigod, not an ordinary shikigami, so simple pregnancy is not enough, and he must rely on the power of faith.

But the power of faith is not so easy to borrow, because demigods are not gods. Although they can gather faith, it is difficult to absorb and convert it into divine power efficiently, not to mention that the poison of incense also exists in other worlds.

For demigods, a small amount of pure faith is okay, but if the number is too large, it will inevitably become complicated, and then the mind will be like a water and land conference. Over time, it will become stupid if not crazy.

This is also the meaning of the existence of the Bible and the pastor, to unify the prayers of believers, reduce impurities, and turn the complicated voices into one voice, which can make people feel better.

However, unless they are fanatical believers, the faith they provide will always be mixed with a lot of impurities, and this is equivalent to pollution for demigods who have not ignited the divine fire. There are not only one or two demigods who are crazy about this, even if they finally survive If you ignite the divine fire, you will inevitably become a mad god.

This is also the reason why Owen placed Daenerys in the authority space. After all, although authority is broken, the owner of the authority space is left by the powerful god of reality and illusion. There is no problem with filtering and purifying faith.

As for Owen, he helps Daenerys reshape her body, collects faith, and provides space for authority. Will he lose his wife and lose his troops? After all, he is only a mortal and the other party is a demigod.

In fact, this is Owen's brilliance, because he also accidentally discovered that the authority space is actually attached to the system, so if he wants to seize the authority space, he must have higher authority than the system.

If someone or God could really deal with the system, Owen wouldn't need to resist at all. He could just lie down and die easier.

The space of authority covered by the system has become the prison of the Kingdom of God created by Owen for Daenerys. Not to mention that he has not yet recovered the strength of a demigod, even if he recovers or even becomes a god, he can only kneel under the power of the system. Singing conquest, Dad is so confident in the system.

Owen also upgraded the town center before retreating, because the territory's population is now not far from the upper limit of 10,000 people, and goblins can breed, so as a precaution, upgrade first.

The population limit of the fourth-level town center reaches 50,000, which is enough to build a city. In addition to farmers, commoners, and citizens, nobles can now be recruited.

Compared with citizens who only received simple education, nobles obviously received better education and could serve as middle-level managers, which was a big help to Maya. Unfortunately, there were not many people in the entire territory who could be converted into nobles.

Owen can only use the progress points to exchange a few for Maya to help reduce her burden. After all, she has more and more things to worry about, especially after the town center is upgraded, there are a large number of new buildings that need to be built, and the overall need Re-planning, after all, the conditions for building a city are now fully met. These require a lot of energy to operate and prepare, and cannot be done by just one person.

However, the biggest change when the town center reaches level 4 is nothing else, but the appearance of firearms, which means that the territory has now entered the firearms age and can recruit and train musketeers and artillery.

The question is whether Owen, who can already make bolters and power armor, can still look at primitive firearms such as musketeers that can't fire a few shots a minute and bulky cannons that can only fire iron eggs.

The answer is yes, because the former cannot be popularized, and those who only talk about quality without mentioning output are bastards.

Even with the help of Brian and the Flame Queen, the electronic muscle beam power armor still requires a lot of energy and time, and the progress value needs to be exchanged for some key materials. The overall cost is still higher than that of the Teutonic Warriors, and it is not mass-produced at all. Ability.

Even for the simplified mechanical power armor and the vehicles and equipment used by the goblin mechanical corps, 80% of the parts still need to be polished by goblin hands. Small-scale production is possible, but mass production is also not possible.

In this case, an army of primitive firearms that even blacksmiths can build and farmers can train has a value that cannot be ignored.

So even though Irving doesn't like it, firearms still have a need to exist.

Moreover, the requirements for soldiers in cold weapon combat are not low. Physical strength is the standard. They must also be proficient in combat skills and the use of armored weapons, not to mention battle formations and coordination, otherwise they are not considered qualified soldiers at all.

But firearms are different. Regardless of whether it is Wu Dalang or Wu Song, when holding a musket, it is fair. Anyone who takes a shot will die. The requirements for physical fitness are not so high, and it is easier to popularize.

As for the artillery, although it is bulky and has a low hit rate, it can play a huge role in attacking and defending. In addition, a batch of muskets were produced and stored before. Owen left this matter to Maya and let her look at it. Let's see if we need to train a group of firearms units.

After leaving the next matter to Maya, Owen couldn't wait to go into seclusion. There were too many ideas in his mind now. If he waited any longer, he might forget them. That would be a pity. Inspiration is priceless.

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