Compared with the other three places where there is only one metal gate, the Magic Well not only has two gates inside and outside, but also has four mithril golems blocking the middle to act as guards, which shows the importance of this place.

Oops, the situation is not good. Although Emile is not a mage and has no research on golems, but based on experience, she knows that she will definitely not be able to defeat them.

Owen didn't expect Emile to fight. This person's strength was more than enough. In addition, he was his own woman's mother and was often used as a consultant, so he simply ignored her words and started to work carefully through Nuan Baobao. The scan did not go well. The Mithril Golem was shrouded in a thick magical aura, and Nuan Baobao could not scan it at all.

And because of their pro-demon characteristics, these ten mithril golems near the magic well are like constantly refreshing and repairing new magic spells. Even after a thousand years, they still maintain their best condition, plus various kinds of charms engraved on their bodies. With the blessing of witchcraft, not to mention high defense and high attack, the speed is not slow, plus the magic weapon with restrained magic power in his hand, you can tell at a glance that it is not easy to mess with.

I originally wanted my Ultramarines to swarm forward, but after taking a look at the space between the two doors, I reluctantly gave up this idea and sent only four Ultramarines to test the combat effectiveness of the Mithril Golem. The soldiers suffered a big loss.

Because there was a magic barrier at the gate, long-range attacks were ineffective, so the Ultramarines took the initiative to step into the gate area to engage in melee combat. However, who would have thought that the magic weapon in the opponent's hand actually had a twisted stance. The sturdy chain sword turned into pieces upon contact, and the thick The composite armor did not last long, and while the armor was shattered, the twisted stance released tore apart the electronic muscle suit and the tough skin of the Ultramarines, causing considerable damage.

Fortunately, every Ultramarine has a reaction speed that exceeds the limit of human beings, and can avoid vital points in time. At the same time, he takes out his bolter and shoots without taking into account whether he will accidentally injure himself.

When the bolt bomb exploded within a distance of one meter, the Ultramarine had already jumped back in advance and aimed the shoulder with the thickest armor on the body at the explosion point. Even so, the Ultramarine's armor was shattered in large areas and his whole body was on fire. It exploded far away like a scorch, and you could even see the melted electronic muscle bundles fused together with the flesh and blood under the action of high temperature. It looked very miserable.

Suffering this heavy blow, although the Ultramarines did not completely lose their combat effectiveness, they were only at the third level of strength.

However, their opponents, the mithril golems, had repaired their own damage with sufficient supply of magic power, which made Owen give up the idea of ​​long-range attacks.

The only good thing is that the Mithril Golem will not leave the gate area, allowing the Ultramarines who suffered a big loss to escape smoothly.

But after seeing the scene of the fight just now, Owen instinctively felt that he could fight.

Mithril Golem's combat skills are about the same as his, but Owen's constantly upgraded Saint Aries Power Armor's defense and strength are superior to his opponent's. The Thunder Power Hammer can cause effective damage, and the specially-made 25 mm caliber heavy explosive Shotgun, if you really charge forward, you can probably win one on one.

If Ciel explodes with all his strength, he can hold down two of them, but there will be no one left to deal with the mithril golem.

Emile couldn't do it. The magic resistance of the mithril golem made her legs weak. In desperation, Owen decided to wait until he went back to upgrade his equipment before regaining his position.

Although the final progress was not smooth, the battle on the second floor of the ruins has ended, and the Goblin Mechanical Corps is cleaning up the monster training center and puppet factory.

Every adventurer who participated in the mission received generous rewards. The only dissatisfaction was that the ruins were closed. This also made the adventurers understand that their adventurous life here was coming to an end. After all, they were adventurers who couldn't stop.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I returned to Dashudong Tavern, I found that there was a new series of tasks, which was to explore the Devil's Horn Forest.

The ruins are only part of the Devil's Horn Forest, but not all of it. Owen plans to focus on developing the ruins next, so the surrounding situation must be clarified first, so these adventurers come in handy.

Knowing that he could continue to stay here and that there would be a new series of missions, the adventurer was so happy that he quickly celebrated with a bath, wine and a feast.

After appeasing these adventurers, Owen began to mobilize manpower to develop the underground ruins. After all, there was no need to waste such a large place.

A floating puppet similar to Nuan Baobao conducted an all-round scan of the entire ruins under the control of the Flame Queen. The originally blocked waterways and collapsed areas on the first floor were repaired by the goblin engineering team. As for the lighting facilities and ventilation ducts, although they were repaired Fixed, but mainly relies on plants from Plants vs. Zombies to provide light and air.

Owen is so interested mainly because the facilities here are all ready-made. After restoration, the first floor of the ruins can accommodate 20,000 to 30,000 people. It is simply an underground city. How could it be abandoned.

As for the second floor, unfortunately the situation is not as optimistic as Owen imagined, because the adventurers took away almost everything that could be demolished during the previous exploration. If they were all sold to the Green Shade Town Adventurer Guild, there might be a chance of repair. But in addition to being sold to foreign merchants, there were also some that were secretly sold at the borders of the empire, so except for some reference points, they were almost completely useless, which made Owen itchy with hatred.

The monster training center and puppet factory were barely preserved, but many problems were discovered under the Queen of Fire's careful scanning.

First of all, the Monster Training Center can only be used to cultivate monsters, and the monsters that are cultivated have many defects, otherwise these monsters will not be used as raw materials to transform puppets.

Thinking about the previous massacre of those monsters by the Goblin Mechanical Corps, you will know how valuable it is.

In addition, the pool needs comprehensive maintenance, the equipment needs to be updated, the culture medium has long expired, and the raw materials are exhausted. A series of problems made Owen almost convert this thing into a sewage treatment plant.

The puppet factory also faces many problems. The aging of the equipment is just a minor matter. There are no spare parts that can be made by oneself, but the low technical content makes Owen unbearable.

After conducting a detailed scan, Owen found that the technical content of the puppet project was not as high as expected. Except for a few technologies, he looked down upon them at all.

Owen doesn't even understand what kind of social structure that unknown human force is now. The civilian area on the first floor is still living a life that is not much better than that in the Middle Ages. The second floor has entered the industrial junior high school stage, and the third floor has directly crossed over to science fiction. Level, how can this be justified?

In fact, if it weren't for the harvest support from the third floor of the ruins, Owen's occupation of the underground ruins this time would be a loss-making business.

Fortunately, the infrastructure is not fake. Owen can build it into a new city and connect it to the underground city under the castle to create a large-scale underground city.

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