What on earth can support a dragon to be so fertile? Owen scratched his head, wondering what was the key to the cradle of life that could make a dragon lay eggs like a hen.

Master, is divinity.

A voice full of magic sounded in Owen's ears, reminding him that there was a knowledgeable devil under his hands.

Owen summoned her, and now she is no longer a devil, but a shikigami Blood Princess, and has her own name, An Qi.

Angel, holding a thick magic book, followed the summons. She still looked like a little lolita with white hair and red eyes. She looked quite cute. Apparently, this former devil had figured out his master's hobby, which was to look good. He wants them all.

This instrument infuses the power of divinity into the body of the red dragon. Unfortunately, because it has been extracting activity and vitality for forced reproduction, and cannot collect faith, the life form cannot transform, and can only stay half-dead inside. As the former Although he has never seen the devil, he has a lot of theoretical knowledge. Angel is not unfamiliar with divinity, so he quickly determined the status of the red dragon and then said to Owen.

It turns out to be divinity! Owen was really shocked. He didn't know very well what the essence of divinity was, and An Qi couldn't fully describe it in words, but he knew the function of divinity, which was similar to the immortal elixir. This is the difference between immortals and mortals, which shows how precious they are.

What's even more terrifying is that the people in this ruins actually use divinity to conduct experiments. How rich this family is, Owen smacks his lips in envy, he's really greedy.

Master, if you kill the other party, there is a certain chance that you can obtain divinity. After another careful inspection, An Qi told Owen an important news.

Although she was a devil before, as a shikigami now, An Qi must consider her master, so after discovering this, she said it without any secret.

Hearing these words, Owen's heart moved, but after feeling a faint consciousness, he changed his mind.

His heart was beating, but Owen was not greedy, because he had a system. Let alone divinity, it was only a matter of time before he could become a god. There was no need to choose to fuse divinity with unknown origins, so he opened up the space of authority, and inside Saw the red dragon.

Compared with the broken and twisted red dragon in the outside world, the red dragon that reshaped its appearance in the power space chose the appearance of a human woman. However, it was influenced by Emile who came here with her. Not to mention her height of three meters, her figure is also comparable. , the lower abdomen also has the unique fleshy feeling of mature women. It is very elastic and soft, making people feel like they are in the clouds.

Owen, who withdrew his gaze, coughed lightly and began to negotiate terms.

Dragons are arrogant, especially when they are caught in underground secret rooms like this and that. It can be said that the hatred is as deep as the sea. If it is intact, this red dragon will definitely fly to the human city and let everyone feel the heat of the dragon's breath.

However, being locked up in the dark for thousands of years, even if she took the opportunity to fuse with divinity, she still lost her temper. In addition, although Owen has a human form, he is still considered a human after being fused with ancient blood. He was afraid that even he couldn't explain it clearly. This was the reason why Red Dragon was willing to negotiate terms with him. It was definitely not because he was afraid of death.

It is said that it is negotiating conditions, but in fact it is no different from surrendering, because apart from this skin, flesh and bones, Red Dragon can't offer any chips at all. Even skin, flesh and bones, as long as he kills her, he will let the other party do whatever he wants. In this case, How can a female dragon get hard?

In the end, after a series of manipulations by the female dragon, Owen agreed to help her get out of the predicament, rebuild her body, and develop her faith. The only condition was that the other party would stay humble and stay small.

After the conditions were met, Owen obtained more information from the red dragon, including divinity.

In fact, the red dragon didn't know the origin of the ruins, because she was embarrassed and knocked to the ground without much resistance. When she woke up, she was already soaking in the training cabin.

Then came the constant coma and awakening. The worst thing is that every time I woke up, I either had missing parts or was pregnant. After being soaked in misery for thousands of years, my brain was filled with thick nutrient solution, which could not provide many clues at all. .

But it was the matter about divinity that made Owen's expression change, and he felt very happy at the same time.

Divinity is not without attributes. In fact, divinity is mostly related to the condenser. For example, if a warrior condenses divinity, then divinity is related to combat. If a mage condenses divinity, then divinity may be related to many fields. After all, mage The coverage is too broad.

Unfortunately, after thousands of years of repeated reproduction of the red dragon, the divinity has been polluted. The original attribute was to increase vitality, but now it has become easy to conceive and have many children.

If Owen integrated this bit of divinity, he would have many children and grandchildren, but there would be a question mark as to who would be the father of the child.

This is not a blind worry, divinity will cause the mortal body to transform, and in the process of life evolution, there are all possibilities, so what he will become after integrating divinity, even he dare not think about it, maybe he will give birth to himself Self-sale?

Owen was very happy to have escaped. At the same time, he was also very happy to have a future demigod as his subordinate. However, he did not forget the purpose of coming here. After closing the door of the laboratory, he led the people towards the database.

After Nuan Baobao cracked it, the door to the database opened automatically, but Owen was disappointed. Except for the instruments used to read the internal data of the crystal ball, there was nothing inside. It was obvious that the important information had been taken away long ago.

However, these instruments are not bad. They are specially used to read crystal ball data, especially the giant crystal ball reading instrument in the middle. It was obviously used by the core of the ruins to control the crystal. These can bring a lot of reference to the Flame Queen. .

Then there is the resource area, which is actually a place where rare materials and equipment are stored. However, the equipment was taken away, and only some materials that were not of high value and were not small in size remained, such as mountains of high-purity crystals piled up haphazardly. A mithril steel ingot on the side.

Crystals are a good thing, especially after mastering the spiritual transformation technique, a large amount of high-purity crystals are needed as carriers, and this obviously saves Owen a lot of progress points.

Mithril steel is not bad either. It is an alloy of mithril and steel. It has the advantages of high strength, toughness, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and magic affinity.

Although the mithril content of this batch of mithril steel is not high, it is still a good metal, at least it is not empty-handed.

However, these were dispensable objects that could not be discarded. This made it difficult for Owen to imagine how many worlds that unknown human force occupied and how rich the resources could be.

After sighing, Owen remembered the highlight of this mission, the magic well.

Only by occupying the magic well can this operation be considered a successful conclusion. Moreover, with the magic well, many development plans of the territory can be carried out. Therefore, Owen asked his men to check the equipment and then came to the gate of the magic well.

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