Various conjectures kept popping up in Owen's mind, but in the end he suppressed them all because they made no sense.

This ruin has been idle for thousands of years, and there are only two possibilities. One is that the human force that is powerful enough to colonize various worlds has a problem, and it is a big problem, resulting in no time to take care of the immigration places in different worlds for thousands of years.

This can also explain why the empire deliberately erased this information, because only in this way can the empire gain the right to rule legitimately.

The other is that the so-called void storm has not stopped, and human forces as powerful as the unknown have to continue to wait for the day when the storm subsides.

But regarding Void Storm, Owen knew something about it from the devil.

If the void is compared to the ocean, then the void storm is the undercurrent. If the abyss of hell is compared to the flower of flesh and blood, then the void storm is the wind, and the world is duckweed and dust. It is incredibly small, so for the void, normal fluctuations, For many worlds, it is a disaster.

All in all, the Void Storm is irresistible. No wonder the powerful human force chose to take back the colonies from the outside world.

It's a pity that even knowing this doesn't mean much to Owen, because he hasn't even taken a step into the empire, so what if the wider world is displayed in front of him.

To look for clues? To look for traces? In the end, when he found the other party, he was beaten to death like a monkey?

Owen didn't realize that a force capable of colonizing across the world would care about the natives of a colony.

Anyway, Owen doesn't plan to take risks. If he has level 100, he can go to the monster area of ​​level 50 with a divine outfit at most. He won't go to one more level, and he won't go with a set of less blood bottles. He is just so afraid of death.

During the period of Owen's thinking, the Flame Queen had obtained most of the authority of the laboratory through Nuan Baobao, so some hidden equipment also emerged, such as rows of slightly spectacular cultivation chambers.

Owen's face didn't look good when he saw these training cabins.

There are hundreds of culture chambers around, which contain either dragon eggs or unformed dragon mothers, and they are all dead. Only the cells still maintain the lowest activity in the special culture medium, so they have not rotted into thick juice.

It seems that the dozen dragon ladies who walked out of the laboratory before are probably the only ones still alive, Owen thought with some sigh.

However, the reproductive efficiency of dragons is very low. With so many dragon eggs and dragonborn, even if one dragon does nothing, it will not be able to give birth to so many in ten thousand years, let alone a thousand years. Where did the people in the ruins get them from? ?

Just when Owen was puzzled, the huge instrument behind him made a dry sound, and the armor-like shell unfolded layer by layer, revealing a tall and thick crystal wall and a huge creature inside. This turned out to be a super large cultivation cabin? !

The middle part of this oversized training chamber is made of a special crystal, and the top and bottom look more like a bottom and a cover, so you can see what's inside at a glance, a huge red dragon.

To be honest, it took Owen a while to recognize it, because this red dragon had been artificially modified. Its limbs, wings, horns, and even the dragon's teeth had been removed, and its abdomen had been modified to look like an ant queen. , now he knows where these dragon eggs and dragonborn come from.

This dragon is not dead yet. The sudden voice startled Owen. After realizing who the owner of the voice was, he waved his hand to tell Ciel and the Ultramarines who were about to take action to step back, and then turned around and said.

Didn't Mother say you're not interested in this place? Owen's tone didn't fluctuate much, and he calmly asked Hela who appeared at some unknown time.

For this. Hela said, holding up an egg as big as a basketball.

The familiar shape made Owen realize that it was a dragon egg, but it looked familiar. When he remembered it, he was speechless.

Isn't this what my mother took away from the Hydra family's treasure house when she left?

However, this dragon egg did not belong to the Hydra family, but was a trophy that Hydra I snatched from Viscount Feilong.

Is this a dragon egg? Owen asked in an uncertain tone, because it was a little different from the red dragon egg next to it, and it was much smaller.

To be precise, it's a flying dragon egg. If there is enough magic power and the blood of a pure-blooded dragon, it may be able to grow into a pterosaur. Maybe he was in a good mood and didn't realize that the ownership of this thing should belong to Owen's Hela. He explained the classification of dragons.

There are many types of dragons. According to the concentration of blood, they are divided into pure blood dragons, degenerated pterosaurs, barely similar flying dragons, and the lowest level dragon beasts.

Except for the pure-blood dragons who have high intelligence and master dragon language magic, other dragons gradually become no different from wild beasts due to the degradation of their bloodline.

Even so, the strength of the pterosaurs, second only to the pure-blood dragons, is not bad. No wonder Hela made a trip after feeling the power of the dragons.

Well, I will ask someone to send some dragon blood over. Owen nodded. With the size of this red dragon, a aunt is enough for the brave to take a dragon blood bath, so he didn't care about it.

Don't forget to send some magic power when the time comes. Magic power without attributes is more suitable for hatching eggs. Hela seemed to know that the ruins had the ability to wirelessly transfer magic power.

Owen was stunned for a moment, but the other party was not only a legendary witch, but also had the title of Rebellious Witch. It was not difficult to know something, so he just nodded and agreed.

After Hela left, Ciel silently came to Owen's side, bowing his head and saying nothing.

It's not your fault. If she was hostile, she would definitely not be able to hide it from you. Owen knew that Ciel was blaming himself for not doing a good job of guarding, but even his increasingly astonishing intuition after integrating the ancient blood did not notice the slightest bit. Strange, he knew that this was not Ciel's problem, so he said.

Ciel nodded, but never took another step away from him.

More and more information was compiled by the Flame Queen, and Owen finally understood the origin of this unlucky dragon.

This is a pure-blooded local red dragon. He was captured when he was two hundred years old. As a result, he was inhumanely taken to an underground secret room and tortured and trained in various ways, and was transformed into a ruthless fertility machine.

If you were to become a girl, this process would be enough to write hundreds of thousands of words. It has been regarded as a holy scripture by countless LSPs and has made an indelible contribution to the growth of paper towel sales.

What a pity. Owen looked up and saw the red dragon, which had no claws, no teeth, no limbs and wings, and was bloated. He couldn't help but shook his head.

Skipping through the dozens of pages of various experiments in the catalog alone, Owen focused on a top-secret plan for a cradle of life.

Even someone as strong as the red dragon cannot withstand various cruel experiments without scruples, so in order to obtain more test subjects, the Cradle of Life Project was born.

Those people used something that not only kept the red dragon alive, but also broke the dragon's reproductive limit and turned it into a fertility machine.

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