What Ciel just performed was a warrior's ultimate charge. Although it could only move in a straight line, its speed was really fast and exceeded the nerve reflex of normal creatures. Even if the dragon lady didn't react for a while, there were two people in her hands on the spot. The ghost blades and two halberds killed him, and the other one blocking the front was directly knocked away.

Each Dragon Lady has the physical fitness of an Ultramarine. Due to the difference in body size, the body density is even higher than that of an Ultramarine. However, they are still as fragile as a rag doll against Ciel, killing three of them with one move.

However, this also stimulated those dragon ladies. As the blood of the red dragon was further activated, the dragon lady's expression became ferocious. The corners of her mouth were grinning almost to the roots of her ears. Her mouth was full of fangs and her tongue was not only long but also forked. , Owen could even see the fire brewing deep in the other person's throat, which felt like a red-hot exhaust pipe.

At the same time, the beast transformation of the limbs was also quite serious, becoming more like dragon claws, and a pair of dragon wings grew out of the back. It flew up and hovered in the sky, spitting out blazing pillars of fire.

Even Ciel frowned at this time. She was only good at foot combat, but could not fly.

The Ultramarines who had been at a disadvantage did not retreat to repair themselves. After seeing the changes in the enemy, they raised their bolters in unison, and with a roar, deadly bolt shells sprayed out of the muzzle.

Although the dragon girls can fly, the problem is that this is an underground ruins. Even if the space is relatively large, it cannot reach the level of allowing a dozen dragon girls to fly freely in the air and dodge. What's more, the bolt gun fires continuously. Unable to dodge, the four dragon ladies were hit, and the scene was tragic. The terrible power exploded a third of the dragon ladies' bodies on the spot, and roasted the remaining body until it was seventy-cooked.

Really acquaintance, Owen smacked his lips with pity. The dragon lady is actually pretty good-looking, especially when they are fighting, from time to time she will make a big turn or do a split in the air. It is really two moon rabbits swaying, and the sky and the earth are opening up in the full moon canyon. There is no such thing as a cave.

Although the sentences are not fluent, they are indeed beautiful, but unfortunately they are too familiar.

Of course, although it was still hot, Owen had no intention of taking advantage of others. At this time, he couldn't help but sigh that the black glue crystal was a miraculous product of nature and alchemy. Who would have thought that the body fluid of an insect in the Devil's Horn Tree Forest could burn and release The temperature is so high that it can melt steel, and combined with the alchemy from the world of Invincible Heroes, the explosive characteristics are brought to the extreme, even the Dragon Lady, who is a dragon-born, can explode with one shot.

There is nothing to say next. In a place where there is not much room for movement, whoever has the upper hand will be killed indiscriminately, especially when a legendary warrior and a witch who randomly casts spells are added to the originally relatively fair battle. , the killing was faster. The Ultramarines focused their fire and the battle was over.

However, the dragon lady's vitality is indeed tenacious. Even if only one-third of her body is left, as long as her brain and heart are fine, she will still be able to breathe even if she is a little mature. Owen couldn't bear it and asked Ciel to give them a lift.

Clicking, clicking, heads rolling all over the ground, Owen couldn't see anything, and let the Ultramarines take the lead to explore the laboratory that opened the door on its own initiative.

A special kind of crystal is used as the light source in the laboratory. After the magic power is turned on, it is very bright, illuminating an area as big as a football field as bright as day.

The Ultramarines who entered the laboratory were not attacked. Obviously, Dragon Lady was the last resort.

Owen put down his snack a little, and then asked Nuan Baobao to start scanning the surroundings, and he began to look at the equipment here that combines technology and magic.

Judging from the traces on the ground, some equipment had been moved away. According to common sense, the equipment that had been moved was obviously the most valuable. However, Owen didn't care and soon came to the largest piece of equipment in the middle of the laboratory. forward.

This equipment is too conspicuous. It is twenty meters high, connected to the top and the ground. It is like a cylindrical metal building, but it is definitely not that simple, because most of the instruments connected around it are obviously for It exists to serve.

Owen called Nuan Baobao over to scan the instrument first.

I don’t know what Nuan Baobao touched. The base of this instrument was partially unfolded, revealing large and small crystal balls, which were inlaid on it according to certain rules.

The ruins also use a technology similar to the spiritual crystal ball, but the program written in witchcraft is very backward.

It cannot be said that it is lagging behind, it can only be said that its efficiency is too low.

Each crystal ball has a program, representing a function, but lacks system integration.

With the level of technology displayed in this laboratory, this was obviously abnormal. Owen asked Nuan Baobao to connect to the Flame Queen host, conduct a large-scale scan of the surrounding area, and found some clues.

The main system of this laboratory or ruins is missing, or it can be said to have been transferred away. No wonder the reaction is so rigid.

Because of his previous experience in cracking the bloodline mutagenesis editor, Nuan Baobao completed the crack quickly after synchronizing the programs collected by Nuan Baobao to the Flame Queen's body.

This thing is actually a training cabin? Owen was really stunned. Such a big training cabin could contain more than one dragon.

But it is very possible that without dragons, how could there be so many dragon ladies.

As the program continues to be cracked, each crystal ball lights up with the symbol of the Flame Queen, and Owen can access more and more information.

Red Dragon's multi-purpose feasibility experiment. Owen kept looking through the experiment catalog and found that the technological level of this ruins at that time should not be underestimated.

And Owen can't imagine now, after thousands of years of development, how far the descendants of those who were at the ruins can reach.

At this time, the Flame Queen sent a message, which was obviously very important, so Owen immediately clicked to check it.

This was found from a crystal ball that specifically stores information. The date is cut off after this message, which means this is the last message.

What happened back then that even such a large relic was abandoned? This is what Irving has always been puzzled about.

The entire ruins are completely preserved. Except for the bones of captive monsters and livestock, not to mention bones, not even the bones of pets have been found.

In other words, the people here evacuated on their own initiative, rather than being eliminated.

The question is what happened that required the entire ruins to be evacuated urgently?

Maybe we can find the answer here. Owen looked at the information, his eyes full of curiosity.

The message was unexpectedly short and the content was very simple. It was mainly a reminder that the void storm was coming, that the 1083 temporary immigration base was about to be closed, and that all personnel should evacuate urgently.

Whether it was the Void Storm or the four-digit base number, Owen was deeply aware of the power of the ruins.

This also confirms that humans are indeed outsiders in this world, and there is indeed an extremely powerful human force that is constantly immigrating to the outside world. This is probably the same in the world of the Blue Sea.

So the question is, if this unknown human force is so powerful and able to immigrate across the world, why do they leave no information behind?

Judging from the fact that humans after thousands of years do not know these things at all, there is something wrong with the human empire in Owen's world. The empire is deliberately erasing this information, but it doesn't know what the purpose is.

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