Feeling at ease, Owen ate and slept as he should. After a while, seeing that the progress value was almost restored, he decided to build the portal.

In fact, Owen can return to that world without a portal, because there is a portal there for positioning, but others cannot.

Moreover, if Owen wants to come back after leaving, he has to lock Emile again.

It would be okay if he was taking a shower at that time, but if he was in the toilet or with Bella, Owen couldn't imagine that scene, and I'm afraid it would leave a psychological shadow for a long time.

What's more, Irving plans to develop that world, so it's impossible not to solve the teleportation problem.

Owen had already built the portal once, and once again he was able to complete it quickly, and there was no trouble after that, because Samyi and Shinobu had marks left by Owen on their bodies. After activating the portal, the two of them followed the two doors. The passage opened in time came to this world, but the price was that Owen's newly restored ancient blood was silenced again.

Obviously this method is only suitable for a few people, unless Owen can perfect the portal.

The problem is that the technology in this area is too high-end. Irving first copied the cat and imitated the tiger, then asked Nuan Baobao to continuously calculate, and then repeatedly experimented in the authority space. In the end, he only solved the most basic stability and positioning. This still relies on his own ancient blood, otherwise Only in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse can we bear fruit.

Therefore, perfecting the portal cannot be achieved in a short time.

Moreover, even a real portal can only perform spatial teleportation in the same world. If you want to travel across the world, you have to rely on ancient blood and the door of another dimension. This means that Owen needs to fuse the two, which is extremely difficult. .

But there is no need to worry now, because the territories of both worlds are developing well, and there is no need for large-scale support to each other.

Now the greatest significance of the existence of another world, apart from collecting precious resources, is to give Owen a way out.

Many of the previous concerns were that Irving was afraid of being spotted and running away.

Now he is not afraid anymore. Even if he is desperate or in danger of his life, at worst, he can just go through the past and there will always be a chance to come back again.

After having the coordinates of another world and being able to travel through it at any time, Owen relaxed a lot and no longer had so many worries. He even planned to open more permissions to the Flame Queen and Maya, so that the real and illusory two When a woman goes to work hard, he just needs to be the man behind them and hold on.

Of course, even so, it does not mean that Owen will completely let go and not care about the world. He is not that stupid, otherwise he would not choose to summon Sam Yi and Nin across the world.

First, he asked Samyi to establish an intelligence organization belonging to the territory, named Root.

Not to mention the names, just from Owen's targeted exchange of these two female ninjas, it was clear that he could not trust the Black Hand, and that was exactly the case.

Who dares to hand over intelligence to others and allow black hands to stay in the territory, not because the intelligence network in the territory is almost non-existent.

But not having one now doesn't mean there won't be one in the future. Irving naturally has to make plans early.

As for why the exchange was for two female ninjas, who would exchange it for two men under such conditions?

Next, Owen plans to expand the first floor of the dungeon as the base of the Roots, and transfer the ownership rights of ninjas and witch hunters to the Roots.

This is not enough. In addition to venue equipment, personnel are the focus of an organization's development and growth. Therefore, in addition to increasing the team of ninjas, Owen also plans to train the next generation of witch hunters to make the roots bigger and bigger until they can shock the entire dark world. , when the time comes, please call him Huge Gen, a legendary man.

Ninjas can be redeemed or trained in any world. The castle tower has a building for training ninjas, but there is no elite ninja that can be redeemed. At most, they are ninja soldiers who are good at sneak attacks. They can be used in specific environments such as forests at night. However, as Enough cannon fodder.

Witch hunting is a bit troublesome, the number depends on the number of witches in the territory.

Moreover, the territory needs to cultivate its own legal professionals, and it is impossible to train them all into witch hunters with a sword in one hand and potions in the other.

It seems that the territory needs to increase the recruitment of witches and increase the number of witches as much as possible. This can be left to Emile, or it can be purchased through the Black Hand. After all, smuggling also includes human beings.

I have to say that it’s great to have a woman. After Owen thinks of these things, he can just arrange them.

But he didn't have to be idle. He was familiar with the development and changes of the territory and established roots. Irving, who originally wanted to be a soft rice, had to get busy and at the same time adjust some development issues of the territory.

Although there is a way out, Irving is not willing to abandon everything in front of him and choose to start over unless he has to, so he can develop but must be cautious enough.

For example, Maya is preparing to build a city. Now the population of the territory has exceeded 5,000, which can barely be regarded as a small city. However, as long as the city wall is not upgraded for a day, it is not considered a city, because it can only be called a city if a thousand troops cannot break it.

But Maya also has concerns, because she can only think of more things that Owen can think of.

However, unlike Owen, who was concerned about causing a backlash and siege by the barbarians in the North, Maya was more concerned about the empire, because she knew very well the significance of the first city in the North.

It can be said that as long as the first city in the North is controlled and a chain of interests is formed, the interests of the entire North will be at least three levels high.

Even the empire would not ignore such huge interests, let alone those greedy nobles and forces from all sides.

Therefore, the territory must have the strength to fight tens of thousands of armies, as well as enough high-level combat power, legal professionals, abundant financial resources, sufficient material reserves, and most importantly, enough allies in the empire to help deal with it. qualified to maintain sovereignty.

Even so, at least five layers of interests must be divided and used to weave a strong interest network.

Even Maya doesn't dare to be careless in all aspects. If there is any negligence, the territory will be in danger of destruction.

Therefore, the development of the territory was actually carried out by Maya, and the mechanical puppets in the dungeon did not dare to be used too much.

In Maya's plan, it will take at least five years to accumulate information and find suitable allies.

In terms of troops and resources, Maya is not very worried. Although she doesn't know how her master did it, the continuous flow of troops and resources gave her some confidence. Otherwise, she would have arranged a marriage for her master.

An early marriage would be a big deception for the host. After all, a small Viscount of the North is really nothing.

Although this will result in the loss of sovereignty, at least the Hydera family can be preserved.

But once the city is built, it means that the Hydera family has gained the initiative and will have more choices.

The master's mystery gave Maya the chance to gamble, but Owen didn't know this yet.

However, the two still have a consensus on how to accumulate wealth and distract attention.

The development of the territory, at least on the surface, must be carried out steadily. It is estimated that it will take at least five to ten years before it is mature and ready for harvesting. Then, even if there are no enemies, there will be enemies, making outsiders mistakenly think that the territory is in trouble. Only in this way will we not take the initiative to cause trouble for the territory.

At the same time, find suitable allies as soon as possible.

Allies in the empire are necessary. Otherwise, when Owen builds the city, some people will directly accuse him of surrendering to the barbarians, and then it is not impossible, but very possible, to directly suppress the border with the army. Therefore, there must be someone who can help in the imperial politics. Open your mouth.

With enough strength and people working within the empire, the Hydera family can truly grow.

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