In order to create a stable development space, Irving had the idea of ​​​​splitting.

Making a fist with five fingers makes people feel aggressive, but if they are separated, the threat is not so great.

Therefore, Owen plans to move the transformed nomadic tribes to the vicinity of Mara Town, and only maintain commercial contact with the territory. This will greatly reduce the total population on the surface of the territory, and at the same time, it can also absorb other nomadic tribes scattered in the North. , kill two birds with one stone.

Then there is the barbarian tribe. Owen plans to move them to the Buffalo Territory. This will also facilitate the concealment of the expanding mining scale underground. After all, even underground there will inevitably be vibrations, so it is necessary for an exclusive barbarian tribe to exist.

In addition, this barbarian tribe is also responsible for preventing other northern barbarians from going south. At least when facing the southward army of northern barbarians, it can inform them and even penetrate into the opponent's interior.

As a result, the population of the territory will be reduced by at least one-third, and even if foreign populations continue to join, it will not be able to recover for at least three years.

Owen decided to discuss this matter with Maya first, because he couldn't do it.

Separating a family is not just a matter of division. It must be allowed to take its course so that no one will see the flaws. Otherwise, if it is done in a grand manner, everyone will be able to see the problem.

Fortunately, both the nomadic tribes and the barbarian tribes have always been very xenophobic, and Owen originally arranged them to the outskirts of Akita Town, which provided sufficient reasons for their departure.

When I told Maya about this, the two of them had the same idea and immediately started a heated discussion.

However, Bella is in charge of the nomadic tribe. She has rich experience in managing the nomadic tribe. If there is no trouble, the barbarian tribe will not be able to do it. It lacks a leader.

As the old saying goes, a snake can't survive without a head, so you have to find a way.

Don't worry, let Bella arrange for the nomadic tribe to gradually leave and gather in the direction of Mara Town. The barbarian tribe will talk about it later. Owen slumped on the chair. The hard work during this period made him a little tired physically and mentally. Even Del's The effect of replenishing the soup is not that good. It seems that he needs to take a good rest for a while. As the old saying goes, only by nourishing the essence can you recharge.

That's fine, this matter is not suitable for making too much noise. I will arrange to complete it within half a year. After saying that, Maya got up from Owen, turned around and left without any regrets, leaving only Zha Zha Ou recovering his health.

At least he strengthened it twice, and Owen was finally able to walk on his own before it got dark. However, he always felt that something was missing between his legs. When the wind blew, there was always a melancholy like falling leaves. I couldn't help but sigh that there seemed to be more women who could feel it better. Life is not easy.

Back at the castle, the house elf butler had arranged everything very thoughtfully.

For house elves, the days when their master is away are the most painful.

After changing his clothes and washing his hands, Owen sat at the dining table and enjoyed today's sumptuous dinner with Del. Charles stood aside quietly as usual. What was incompatible with his maid outfit was the pair of decapitating axes behind his back. Exaggerated iron halberd.

Because I had lost a lot of energy, the main course for dinner was plump roasted leg of lamb.

The roasted golden lamb leg is still sizzling with oil. While it is hot, it is sprinkled with a mixture of cumin, chili and black pepper. The aroma immediately explodes, occupying the entire space like an erupting volcano.

Owen, who had spent too much energy, couldn't help but swallow his saliva, picked up the knife and fork, and with a slight exertion, a piece of hot lamb was cut off from the lamb leg. It can be seen that the lamb leg has been specially processed before roasting. Otherwise it wouldn't be so tender.

As soon as the mutton was put into his mouth, before his teeth could chew it, the slightly tangy mutton fat and delicious gravy covered his tongue, making Owen nod his head again and again, this is the taste.

Owen didn't know what kind of roast lamb other people liked, but he liked the one with a little bit of mutton flavor, which was very delicious.

Next came the roasted lamb chops, roasted crispy bones, roasted loin, roasted loin. The only side dish was a bowl of vegetable salad. Anyway, I am young and in good health. If I eat too much meat, my stomach will not be upset and I will not be able to sleep at night.

After eating and drinking, and reading for a while, Owen did not take a bath and rest, but went to the secret room of the dungeon to summon Bella.

The demonized centaur female knight who was originally addicted to hatred is now in a much better mental state. After all, she has a career and a girlfriend, and her mood is naturally much better. Even her coat color has become much brighter, and she is still wearing clothes sewn by Emile herself. She made a special dress, the kind that even covered the horse's buttocks, and the lower circumference also extended to the horse's legs. Try not to expose the skirt. After all, she is also a person of status now.

Master. The message had been received before, so Bella was not summoned unexpectedly.

Has Maya told you about the next arrangements? Owen, who felt his legs were sore, sat on a chair, while Bella knelt down with her four hooves in a wink, but she was still much taller than Owen.

As I have already said, I will arrange for them to leave in the form of small tribes and form a nomadic tribe alliance to attract more nomadic tribes to join and gather in Akita Town to spend the winter before winter comes, so that they can gradually identify with the territory. . Bella was told a lot by Maya, and now she spoke in an orderly manner, making Owen nod repeatedly after listening.

Maya's thinking was indeed more thoughtful than Owen's, but she still couldn't solve some problems, such as Bella's strength.

In the next development plan of the territory, Bella occupies a very important position. It can be said that with her, the loose nomadic tribe can be condensed into a force that cannot be ignored. After death, it will be a piece of loose sand, so her life safety is very important.

But what about Bella's strength? She can fight and run, and she has a size advantage. Even if there are enough ordinary people, it will be difficult for her to pose a threat. But in the face of a real master or an army siege, if you can't run away, you will die. deal.

Because of its huge size, it is both an advantage and a disadvantage. It does not have enough skills and strength to make up for it. When facing a real master, it has almost no power to fight back. It is easy to be disemboweled and cut into eight pieces.

There was no way, Bella was just a merchant's daughter, and later she mainly relied on her brains to lead the tribe. She had never been exposed to martial arts, and she only started to learn combat skills after arriving in the territory.

This is not possible. Bella is related to the future strategic plan of the territory. She is not required to ride a thousand horses at once, but she must at least have the ability to protect herself. Therefore, Owen specially prepared an enhanced template for her.

The strengthening process of the template was very simple. A figure of a horse-riding military commander blended in smoothly. In the blink of an eye, Bella looked different and even more heroic.

In fact, Bella's foundation is not bad. Because she became one with her beloved horse during the process of becoming a demon, she has greater potential, but she has not realized it. After having the template to make up for it, her energy and energy immediately ignited.

Owen took out the tiger-power armor, tiger-headed golden spear, horse-slaying sword, treasure bow and feather arrows, iron claw flying rope, etc. that had been prepared.

Bella got a little familiar with it and put it on her body, then waited for Owen's order.

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