Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 174 Be the man behind a group of successful women

After settling the world, Owen stood in front of the portal, holding on to the door frame. As the ancient blood surged, the lines all over the arch were lit up one by one. This was the power of time and space.

When all the lines on the arch are lit up, the air in the center of the arch begins to twist, and a discharge similar to blue lightning is produced, which looks very scary.

But these blue lightnings were harmless, just like projections, so after worrying for a while, Irving ignored these phenomena and concentrated on cross-border positioning.

Because I have successfully summoned Emile before, this is not difficult. What is difficult is fixing it.

The portal is like a fixed spool, and the ancient blood is a ball of thread. All Owen has to do is to fix one end of the thread on the spool, then wrap the other end around the point of Emile, and then follow the thread. .

But it was the first time after all, so deviations were inevitable. When Owen first teleported over and found himself in mid-air, he knew something was wrong. When he discovered that there was water below, he breathed a sigh of relief. The question was why were there two buildings on the water? Surrounding the fat white island, who else put strawberries on the island?

Confused and puzzled, Owen dived in.

I remember this is my bathroom, and there is a bathhouse in Green Shade Town. Owen said calmly while washing his hair.

Uh-huh. Emile responded, then left a swelling spell that worked well and left.

The speechless Owen changed his clothes after taking a shower, and then went to the town center to find Maya to see what happened in the territory during his absence and whether there was anything he needed to make decisions or help with.

In fact, Owen was worrying too much. Even after he left for half a year, the territory was still developing steadily, even faster, which made him a little depressed. Is his meaning in the territory meaningless?

Only when Maya reported to work did Owen regain his confidence.

Although he is missing, the Flame Queen, his painstaking work, is operating normally and has taken over the mechanical puppet factory and synthesis furnace. Without restrictions on authority, the dungeon has almost become a mechanical factory. In order to conveniently obtain raw materials, the Flame Queen They also built a shield machine and opened an underground tunnel with the Buffalo Territory.

Compared to asking witches to bring back iron ore bag by bag through the Floo Network, after the railway was laid in this underground tunnel, the efficiency increased not a little bit, and even the miners were replaced by more efficient mechanical puppets.

It's scary enough that the Flame Queen can build a shield machine, and she can also use mechanical puppets to replace human power. This is exactly the rhythm of the incarnation of Skynet.

Owen hurriedly came to the second floor of the underground city and took a look. My dear, this place has obviously become an industrial base.

The original mechanical puppet factory was expanded several times, and a boxy puppet with a mechanical arm took on most of the work. The scene was so spectacular, with mechanical puppets walking all over the floor, various assembly lines and complex pipelines interacting with each other. Interlaced, sparks and steam resonated. Owen never dreamed that he could see this scene called an industrial miracle in the magical world.

The various difficulties he had thought he would encounter before were no problem for the Flame Queen. The difference in the steam era was not the machinery, but the precision. With such precision, even a steam engine could still perform amazing functions.

Not to mention the highly efficient energy source of magic horn tree blocks, which is even more powerful for steam engines.

As for technical issues, the Fire Queen's database contains most of the technologies of modern industry. Now it also adds puppetry, alchemy, runes and witchcraft series. In various combinations, it can be developed based on this. Create a civilization system that is not inferior to the previous life or even more advanced.

In addition, the cooperation between the Flame Queen and Maya is also very powerful. One light and one dark, the development of the territory is steadily on the fast track. As long as there is enough population, the territory can be upgraded to a city at any time.

Owen was a little confused after receiving so much information at once, and said he wanted to take it slow.

This respite lasted for a few days before Owen accepted the reality. It turned out that he was the limiter of the territory.

In fact, Owen accepted this very quickly.

When other time-travelers come to another world, they are full of high spirits and confidence. They dare to do anything, can do anything, and everything goes smoothly.

When a brave man marries a princess, it is a normal operation. If he encounters a ruthless character who kills decisively, he will follow the path of the devil, leaving the devil with no way out.

Owen was different. In his last life, he was quite old. As a middle-aged man, he always acted on the safe side. It was not uncommon for him to risk all his wealth on a gamble. But if he won the bet, he would be happy for a while. If he lost the bet, he would be finished for the rest of his life. There are still many chances to come back at this age, so he doesn't dare to gamble, let alone go out and do something big. He is always hesitant and full of worries when doing things.

In addition, his mentality is not good. He is a man who is content with being a little rich. He has food, drink and a house to live in. He just lives his life. He doesn't think about how to work hard to make more money. He always feels too tired and unnecessary. After all, Life is only a few decades long, so it seems meaningless to work hard for most of your life and then use the money you earn to continue your life.

There is a system in this life, and the progress value is continuously restored. It can be said that he has what he wants, and the territory is in a corner. Although he often scares himself, the lack of real pressure from the outside world makes him also have little motivation and indulges in addiction all day long. Female lust.

In fact, this is also the choice of most ordinary people. When you live in a castle and have no shortage of food and drink, and you have loyal subjects, elite soldiers, and a group of obedient women around you, you are really determined to launch a war. , there are not many people who must be emperors.

Because it doesn't make any sense. So what if you become the emperor? You will still be eating, drinking and enjoying yourself. Women can choose whatever they want, but the problem is that they won't agree to it.

As for power, is it really interesting to have the power of life and death over others?

Unless you are moody and like to kill people, ruling a country still requires a huge amount of energy to manage and maintain, so wouldn't it be nice to be a local emperor?

Sometimes Irving himself feels that he is worthless and has the foundation to be an emperor but never uses it.

Even the previous territory did not dare to develop too fast, for fear that too fast development would lead to suppression and enemies, so only three points of ten points were used.

In comparison, Maya didn't have so many worries, and the Flame Queen didn't even know what fear was. Together, they made Owen feel a little redundant.

However, this also proves that some of Owen's decisions are right. He is indeed not made for big things, so pushing Maya out to take charge of everything is the wisest choice he made.

Irving, who has long been accustomed to standing behind women, quickly accepted the fact that he was suitable for soft rice. Behind a bunch of successful women stood the same man. To a certain extent, he was more successful than the average successful man. , and are more likely to be envied, jealous, and hated by the same sex.

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