Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 173 The Serious Female Ninja

When thinking about women, Owen suddenly realized that no matter the portal in alchemy or the door to another dimension in air magic, the most important point is positioning. Just like finding a dragon's acupoint, any deviation in positioning will lead to trouble. If it's a big problem, the mild case will be kicked out of bed, and the worst case will be sleeping in the toilet.

Owen remembered that Emile had always stayed in the original world, and he could summon her over. This was positioning.

As soon as he got interested, Owen wanted to exchange materials to build the portal, but the progress value accumulated during this period was a bit too much. It was not worth the loss to exchange for materials. It was better to use them all and then use the recovered progress value to exchange for materials.

The question was what to exchange for. Owen thought about the time it would take to build the portal, and immediately made the decision to exchange for a woman.

Now here comes the problem. Pure beauty is no longer so important to Irving. He must have characteristics and sufficient abilities.

Among Owen's several women, Maya is the well-deserved boss, in charge of all matters in the territory. Sometimes, even if it is a suggestion, he has to listen.

Ciel is the territory's military leader, the only legend, and the person Owen trusts most outside of the system figures.

Dale, who looks like a little woman, doesn't seem to have a strong presence, but she is actually Owen's personal daily assistant, taking care of him from the inside out, using the silent method of moisturizing things.

Emile, who likes to ride a broomstick, is a master of potions and the leader of the witches in the territory. She is the key figure to check and balance his mother.

As for Bella, in Owen's plan, she is the future cavalry commander of the territory and the leader of the nomadic tribe. Her position is equally important.

But thinking about it carefully, there is still a lack of someone to do the dirty work at night, so Owen plans to exchange for a female ninja.

When it comes to ninjas, you can't avoid Naruto. There are also related games in the system. However, in Owen's view, the ninjas in Naruto are not pure. To put it bluntly, they are masters wearing ninja skins, and each one has too much personality. The stronger the strength, the more it is like this. It will make the world feel pain at every turn. Who can bear this?

In Owen's view, ninjas are tools that do dirty work. They only need to complete the task. Why do they have to be so individual? On the contrary, the more distinctive the personality, the stronger the uncertainty.

So even though Tsunade was big and Hinata was beautiful, he didn't choose them, but exchanged them for Samui, who was not very famous.

Samui is an excellent jounin of Hidden Cloud Village. She is knowledgeable, calm and careful in doing things, and deeply trusted by the fourth generation Raikage. The most important thing is that she is very beautiful and has a good figure.

She has short blond hair, blue-green eyes, a proud bust, fair skin and long legs, and a cool expression. When she changes her clothes, she looks like a strong corporate executive woman. Why wouldn't Europe choose her?

In fact, Owen had hesitated just now because he found out that there were female ninjas in the system who specialized in dealing with demons, not very serious ones, so he was moved.

But considering that there are real demons in this world, if the hidden attribute of the female ninja is activated and she will kneel down when encountering the devil, can the female ninja still be used after being rescued?

Considering this, Owen changed his mind and exchanged for Samyi, who was very capable in every sense of the word.

After having a serious and in-depth exchange with Samyi for a period of time, Owen discovered that Samyi was more suitable for collecting and analyzing intelligence, including tactical guidance and planning, but was not suitable for playing in person, so he exchanged a second Kunoichi.

This time Owen chose a female ninja from a dark game, with a long and straight black body and a curvy figure, which completely satisfied his expectations for a long and straight black body.

Ciel is also black and long, but his purity is too high. Owen, a bastard, will probably have no hope for a long time, unless he can enchant himself with armor-breaking.

This long, straight black female ninja is also very pure. Her big eyes are obviously very beautiful, but they are as dead as snow, like a beautiful body.

But she knew how to use her own advantages. When she knelt in front of Owen, her back was like the reflection of an arch bridge, and her buttocks were like two rising full moons, which made him lose his energy and not know which end to support first.

Fortunately, Samyi was by the side and helped Owen with the inquiry.

There is no chakra in the world where the black Naganao kunoichi lives. The so-called ninjutsu is more of a combination of body modification and martial arts. It is a bit like the Koga Ninja Technique. Many training methods made Owen frown after listening to them. This is no longer the case. It’s a question of inhumanity, it’s simply torture.

But I have to say that I really can't underestimate the strength I gained through cruelty. Samui said frankly that if a ninja in the Naruto world encounters such an opponent, the probability of being assassinated is very high, because the opponent has no chakra, and the assassination method relies entirely on technology. , it is difficult to arouse Naruto's vigilance.

But once the intelligence is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.

Because of her outstanding appearance, the Kuronaga Nao kunoichi did not practice secret arts that would damage her appearance. Instead, she mainly practiced assassination and seduction techniques.

Now the dead expression is in assassination mode. After switching to temptation mode, those big watery eyes are simply seductive.

Since you don't have a name, let's call her Shinobi. The redeemed black-length straight female ninja knelt in front of Owen. Because it was too straight and it was difficult to concentrate, he chose a name casually.

Shinobu is a qualified ninja. She is a ghost in the night who has killed countless people. When she takes off her scarf, the other side she reveals cannot be underestimated.

In fact, ninjas are not only good at fighting and killing, they are also good at pretending to gather information. With Ren's appearance and figure, he has naturally received relevant training, at least Owen is satisfied.

Once the man was satisfied, he acted generously. Owen not only exchanged chakra seeds and basic ninjutsu for Shinobu, but also exchanged Orochimaru's related ninjutsu information. The value of the information was not high anyway, and he was very impressed by Orochimaru's software transformation. interest.

Although he was happy and unwilling to forget about success, Owen was still a little worried. After the progress value was almost restored, he began to exchange materials and performed calculations with the ability of the authority fragments. After spending a period of time, he successfully built a portal in this world.

Not far from the castle tower, there is a stone arch with complex patterns on it. It is Owen's painstaking work.

This portal is not complete and can only play a role in stabilization and positioning. The transmission also needs to rely on Owen's ancient blood.

But there is also an advantage, that is, no one can use it except Irving.

Although the portal was built, Owen was not in a hurry to go back, because although this world or demiplane is very mysterious, it is not worthless. It can at least be used as a sub-base, so it must be settled well.

Fortunately, Samyi is not bad in ability and has strong management skills, and Owen has long been accustomed to standing behind his woman to support her. The two parties cooperate very well, and Hoshino also learns a lot from the sidelines.

With the territory on track, Owen began to build a fleet.

Because the Flying Fish took a back seat, in order to better plunder wealth and resources, Owen exchanged for two more two-masted destroyers. The firepower was a bit inferior, but the speed was famously fast, and they were named Scimitar One and Two.

The Gale was stationed in the center of the army, and the two Scimitars attacked from both sides. Not to mention that the merchant ship could not escape, and many of its companions were captured.

The pirates had no position at all. They threw the pirate leader and the thorny head into the sea to feed the sea monster, and the rest were obedient.

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