Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 172 Flower of Flesh and Blood

My purpose is very simple, which is to separate you from the main body and make you an independent individual. Only in this way will you not be affected by the main body and I will feel at ease when using it. Owen's words made the devil stunned. I'm excited, and I'll seriously consider this.

Theoretically, the devil and the main body have the same mind. The problem is that they were previously sealed and the world lacked a medium, so the devil lost contact with the main body for hundreds of years.

Over time, deviations in thinking will inevitably occur. To put it simply, there will be disagreements. Without Owen, even if the devil has the idea of ​​independence, it will be useless, just like a part of water that has been separated. Once the connection with the body is restored, this Part of the independent consciousness will be immediately assimilated and covered by the ontological thinking.

It seems to be returning to the original body, but from another perspective, this part of the self that is equivalent to the devil has disappeared.

The nature of the devil is selfish, so he knows that he is trying to trap the body into death, but once it succeeds, what does the life and death of the body have to do with the devil?

The devil was moved, so he cooperated with Owen's research.

However, Irving is not proud of convincing the devil. He is quite self-aware of his IQ and speaking skills. To convince a devil, don't be kidding. The real reason why the devil decided to cooperate is because Irving was following the instructions on the chopping board. The fish talks, discussing whether to steam or braise it. What opinions will the fish have? Apart from cooperating, what else can the fish do? Use water splashing in the oil pan to make his face look oily? Then he was fished out and chopped into fish balls?

This is not how he seeks death, not to mention that Owen also showed the devil another option, which is to be used as material to refine into alchemical creations. However, if he chooses this path, how much self-awareness he can retain depends on Owen's craftsmanship.

Obviously the devil couldn't trust Owen's skills, so he chose to cooperate with the first path. Even if it was braised, he still had to give his own opinions and strive to make the most delicious braised fish.

Of course, this path is actually in the interests of the devil, so he suppresses his instinct to cause trouble and use dirty tricks, and tries his best to cooperate with Owen's shikigami transformation research, and answers most questions promptly.

Although the devil was very cooperative, Owen did not intend to complete the Shikigami transformation in this world, because he was vaguely aware that the ancient blood's ability to travel through time and space was gradually recovering, so while studying the devil, he obtained some secret knowledge from the other party.

Now when people are asking for something, no matter how much the devil feels he is at a loss, he must cooperate when he needs to, and he must say what he needs to say.

These are important to Owen, because some things that are equivalent to common sense to the devil are unknowns that cannot be explored in a lifetime for mortals, such as the simplest world view.

To a farmer, the world is the ground beneath his feet.

For nobles, the world is their own territory.

For mages, the world is composed of countless elements.

But these are not out of the scope of the world where they are, in other words, they are still spinning in their own small circle.

According to the devil's description, the real world is a flower of flesh and blood blooming in the void. The endless abyss is the rhizome of this flower of flesh and blood, deeply rooted in the void. Hell is a seven-layered petal at the top of the abyss. flower of death.

Surrounding this flower of flesh and blood are dewdrops and dust. These are the incarnations of the material world, that is, planes and demiplanes, and they are also the nutrients for the growth of the flower of flesh and blood.

This is the most real and cruel side of the world. All the worlds and creatures will return to hell and abyss to become nourishment, making this flower of flesh and blood become more beautiful.

Of course, although the ending is cruel, it is meaningless to mortals, because this process is measured in ten thousand years. Even immortals can hardly see the day when their world ends, and even if they know, what can they do? Not even gods can stop this, because this is the nature of the world.

The abyss and hell are the core of the world, so even the devils at the bottom can easily access the plane, and naturally there are corresponding secrets spread among the devils.

After the devil revealed the secrets of the space plane, Owen gained a deeper understanding of the space-related knowledge in his own knowledge system. This caused the Ancient Blood, which was originally about to move, to calm down and gradually show signs of being controllable.

But this is not enough. Just slow down your movements at critical moments when gluing. This can only delay a little time, but the final result will not change. Therefore, there is still a long way for Owen to tame and control the ancient blood. Way to go.

After gaining a lot of knowledge from the devil, Owen tried to let Nuan Baobao mobilize a lot of computing power to calculate and try to locate the space.

Obviously Irving was having wild ideas. Even the Flame Queen's true form couldn't accomplish such a feat with limited data and equipment, so in the end she had to rely on metaphysics.

The alchemy knowledge of Invincible Heroes includes related space knowledge, including portals. The problem is that this thing is not something that can be mastered. Even if a full set of information is in hand, Owen still can't.

Just when Owen was struggling, he suddenly realized that he had a plug-in besides the system.

Although the fragments of authority of the God of Reality and Illusion are heavily restricted in their influence on the outside world, the special space inside can be used freely and perfectly conforms to the laws of the outside world. In other words, if the portal constructed by Owen in the internal space is successful, then in The outside world will also succeed. This is the greatest role of the authority fragments, a perfect virtual experiment space.

The excited Owen immediately entered the power fragment space and found that it was really feasible, especially after reaching spiritual resonance with Nuan Baobao. With sufficient computing power and database support, he could perfectly construct various technological creations and some mysterious creations.

Unfortunately, the more complex the construction, the higher the requirements for mental and computing power. Blind copying is not enough. The problem is that it cannot be used in experiments, because a little difference in data will cause the entire result to collapse. He must keep trying to find the reason. balance point.

In particular, he is conducting a space teleportation experiment. If there is a slight deviation, he may be involved in the turbulence of space. The devil does not know where he will appear at that time.

The continuous experiments made Owen dizzy, especially the series of failures, which made him unable to see any hope of success, so he had to pause because it was too inefficient to continue like this.

After coming back to his senses, Owen was still sitting in the castle tower. The warm baby beside him was dissipating heat. He rubbed his brows and asked people to start serving food.

He is not the only one in the castle tower now. In addition to Hatamoto, there are also servants, maids and chefs, all of whom are system figures, because he cannot trust the natives of this world and does not want to experience the feeling of being poisoned when eating or being wiped on the neck while sleeping.

Thinking of this, Owen suddenly thought of his women, and he couldn't help but get excited. He stretched out his hand to scratch, recalling the hard days in those days when he had to do everything by himself. Is this traditional craft work going to be picked up again?

At this moment, Owen suddenly had a flash of inspiration, just like when he was preparing to do craft work in his previous life, he could remember resources and websites that he could not remember at first.

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