Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 154 Crystal Ball Spiritualization Technique

The mage's system and magical runes have given Owen a lot of gains. Although it is not a complete system due to Brian's strength and knowledge, the foundation is good and he has accumulated good experience in several branches. These are all Brian's few achievements. Ten years of accumulation.

But what Owen really values ​​​​is a technology that Brian does not value, crystal ball spiritualization, or spiritualization.

Spiritualization is a very mature technology, and it is also the core technology for building a mage tower. Everything from bricks to tiles to magic wells and tower spirits are all products of spiritualization.

However, there are very few mages who really devote their energy to research in this area, because the investment scale of this research is too large and cannot be afforded by one or two mages.

Currently, it is known that only the Mages Guild and the Royal Mages have conducted large-scale research in this area. Even if other organizations conduct related research, the scale cannot be comparable to the two, and most of them choose one of them.

However, although spiritual transformation is important, getting started is very simple.

To put it bluntly, spiritualization is to spiritualize matter, change its essence, and perform secondary settings in the process, usually by using mental power to carve runes, so it is a bit like enchantment, but different.

Crystal ball spiritualization is an important branch of spiritualization. Because the crystal ball has the highest affinity and greatest effect on spiritualization, it has derived various functions, the most important of which are storage, communication, and calculation. Positioning etc.

For example, Brian's crystal ball has functions such as projection, video recording, storage, and communication.

If we continue to improve it, it will become computers, servers and even supercomputers.

Although Brian's crystal ball spiritualization technique is not the best, the principle is complete, which is enough.

In Owen's understanding, in the process of making crystal ball spiritualization, mental power is a tool, and runes are languages. They can be used as keyboards and computer languages. As for whether you can create a computer that can only add, subtract, multiply, and divide, or is it a valuable weapon of the country? It all depends on your ability.

Owen dug out a bunch of crystal balls and started trying, but failed as expected.

There is no problem with the depiction of mental power. It would be difficult for him to fail with his mid-level puppet master's mental control, but there is a problem with the combination of runes.

Simple combinations of runes are okay, but conflicts and breakdowns will occur once things get complicated.

Obviously, runes are only the foundation of a mage. To truly utilize the effects of runes, one needs to be proficient in various combinations of runes.

From simple fireballs to complex space teleportation, they are all different uses of rune combinations.

Owen's problem is that he only knows the runes, so it's okay to copy them, but not to create his own.

But simply imitating Brian's crystal ball means nothing to Irving.

After thinking about it for a long time, Owen suddenly thought that runes are just a symbol and language, but who stipulates that there is only one language.

Taking out the intelligent core of a puppet, Owen calmed down and penetrated the further mental power layer by layer. As expected, his guess was confirmed. In fact, the intelligent core of the puppet was similar to the spiritualization of the crystal ball. Principle, but the principles related to the puppet's intelligent core are too complicated and far less convenient than the crystal ball spiritualization.

The next step is simple. Owen's level is not high, but he has a system as a treasure trove. As long as he knows how to paste and copy, there is nothing he can't do.

The simplest way is to directly copy the smart core, without spending any progress value at all. With only a crystal ball and some mental energy, Owen can get a crystal ball version of the smart core, freeing himself from dependence on progress value.

Next, Owen also tried to copy the computer system and programs, trying to create a magic crystal version of the computer.

Owen has never exchanged modern products for a long time, mainly because the integration of industrial items with the world is too low and requires more progress values.

For example, the quality of fine iron, a material in the martial arts world, is similar to that of industrial stainless steel, but the price of the latter is several times that of the former.

The higher the degree of industrialization, the higher the exchange price, but now there are new changes.

After importing the computer system into the crystal ball, the functions are the same, except that the carrier changes from the computer to the crystal ball, and the control method changes to voice and projected keyboard. There is no problem in running. It can run perfectly, and because the carrier is better, the operation more fluid.

Interesting, maybe it can really be realized. Owen played with the crystal ball in his hand, wondering what he thought of, and then he couldn't wait to come to the third floor of the dungeon.

This is the future Demon King's Palace. Unfortunately, it has never been built. Apart from placing some things, it has never been used for anything.

Among the things placed, the most eye-catching thing is a giant crystal ball the size of the Eight Immortals Table.

This giant crystal ball came from the second floor of the ruins and was used as an artificial sun. Because it was very rare, Owen kept it here as a treasure.

Although it is huge, it does not change the fact that this is also a crystal ball, so Owen is ready to spiritualize it.

During the process of spiritualization, Owen was surprised to find that this giant crystal ball was not as simple as he thought. At least it was not used for lighting. It was just his unilateral misunderstanding. In fact, this thing had a high technical content.

It's a pity that Owen's abilities are limited. Although he found the problem, he couldn't solve it at all.

Owen simply gave up his research and started importing data into the giant crystal with the help of the system.

Although the huge data flow does not require Irving to dominate, as a media, he is still under tremendous pressure, and he does not dare to be negligent in the slightest, and tries his best to inject his own mental power into it. Only in this way can the affinity between the two parties be increased, which will facilitate the future. control.

The whole process lasted ten days. Because his mental power continued to be consumed and could not be interrupted, Owen, who was unable to take care of himself, had to strip naked and let his shikigami Queen Slime wrap him in it.

Food and drinking water will be turned into a paste by the Slime Queen and sent directly to the stomach. As for the excrement, it will be decomposed before it reaches the rectum. During the whole process, the Slime Queen will continue to squirm, massaging Owen's body from the inside out. Whole body, so that he will not suffer from muscle atrophy or insufficient internal peristalsis.

After finally getting through it, Owen, who had exhausted his mental energy, fell into a deep sleep inside Queen Slime's body. When he woke up, he was still a little groggy and had to take some spirit-boosting potions.

Because he was in a weightless state inside Queen Slime's body, Owen would be unsteady for a while and always felt top-heavy. He had to let Queen Slime hold him. Later, he found it inconvenient and unsightly, so he let Queen Slime hold him. A big pocket was created on his belly, and Owen squatted in it like a kangaroo, waiting for his body to recover.

Although it felt strange to squat naked in the translucent bag on the Slime Queen's belly, it didn't stop Owen from staring with excitement at the giant crystal ball, whose light kept fluctuating as if it was alive.

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