Queen of Fire, start self-examination. Owen took a deep breath and tentatively said to the giant crystal ball.

Determine the highest authority, execute the command, and start self-test.

As a ray of light swept across Owen, and after confirming his identity, the brightness of the giant crystal ball suddenly increased a lot, and layers of fluctuations could be seen spreading on the surface of the giant crystal ball, like water waves.

The self-test was completed, and it took five hours, twenty-three minutes and six seconds. The core data is complete, the database is expanded by 7%, the main program is opened by 3%, and the subprogram is not connected.

Unknown energy source detected, energy reserve is low, please replenish it in time.

An unknown program was scanned. Please confirm whether to crack it or not.

Oh yeah! Owen was so excited that he almost jumped out of Queen Slime's belly pocket.

He couldn't help but be excited, this was the artificial intelligence flame queen, also known as the red queen little loli.

The T-Virus has been redeemable for a long time, and the Red Queen is no exception. However, as a complete technological creation, not to mention the host, the servers and energy equipment alone are enough to fill up the entire castle. The required progress value is simply sky-high. How about Owen? Possibly redeemable.

But in terms of data alone, even if Owen continued to input for ten days, the progress value consumed was still in single digits. This shows how cheap knowledge is to the system.

What makes Owen happiest is that the Flame Queen is operating normally and has actually scanned the unknown program in the giant crystal ball.

After the excitement passed, Owen began to think about other issues.

The giant crystal ball is undoubtedly extremely excellent as the carrier of the Flame Queen. Not only can it carry the Flame Queen's unimaginably huge database, but the computing rate has also been qualitatively improved.

Although Owen has never seen a quantum computer, the Flame Queen using a giant crystal ball as a carrier obviously has this potential.

Incorporated into the Flame Queen, the giant crystal ball is unimaginably powerful. After all, the Flame Queen is a super intelligence prepared by Umbrella Company for its branches and bases around the world. Its functions far exceed those of ordinary supercomputers. After all, it is responsible for the behemoth Umbrella. All kinds of tasks, no matter how big or small.

The problem is that although the giant crystal ball can easily accommodate all the programs of the Flame Queen, and still has huge space, it cannot support the full-power operation of the Flame Queen, because this is not a hardware problem, but an energy problem.

In fact, more than 90% of the Flame Queen's functions are now turned off, because the energy absorbed by the giant crystal ball from the outside world alone cannot support such a large consumption, so the first problem Irving must solve is energy.

The most suitable energy source for crystal ball spiritualization is naturally magic, followed by light energy. The problem is that Owen cannot gather all the witches in the territory to charge the giant crystal ball, nor can he get this bright giant crystal ball to the top of the castle. Bask in the sun, so I can only find other ways.

In fact, Owen knows where there are ready-made technologies and equipment. After all, he has not forgotten where the giant crystal ball was dismantled from. If there is no energy system in the underground ruins that are still in operation, he will not believe it, so instead of Instead of trying to research and manufacture it yourself, it is better to just dismantle it.

Of course, this matter cannot be rushed. As the adventurers continue to explore, Owen has a deeper understanding of the dangers of the ruins. This cannot be solved in a hurry.

So after thinking about it, Owen brought the base of the giant crystal ball from the ruins to see what the base could do.

After a brief research, Owen found that if the giant crystal ball was compared to a light bulb, then this set of equipment was a lamp holder, but he didn't know the specific function, so he could give it a try.

This set of equipment was not damaged, so when Owen unfolded it, the giant crystal ball slowly floated over as if being attracted, and finally suspended above the base.

What’s interesting is that maybe the lightbulb is screwed on and triggers the switch, and invisible magic is poured into the base, lighting it up section by section, and finally injected into the giant crystal ball.

After receiving an additional source of energy, an unknown program inside the giant crystal ball was activated, and the brightness began to increase.

The problem is that the outside of the giant crystal ball has been occupied by the Flame Queen. Therefore, not only the unknown program inside is replenished with energy, but the Flame Queen also gets more energy, and instead uses this to start deciphering the unknown program inside the crystal ball.

Originally, the unknown program inside the crystal ball was in an unactivated state, which was even worse than dormant. However, it happened to be right now. It was suppressed by the Flame Queen before it was fully activated. Instead, it found a gap to intervene. Under the powerful calculation of the Flame Queen, it continued Decipher its structure.

The projections from the outside world were constantly changing at a very high frequency. Owen frowned and watched for a long time, completely unable to understand.

The unknown program inside the crystal ball is not composed of computer language, nor is it the mage's rune system, but an older and more peculiar system, and each symbol contains a large amount of information.

If the unknown program inside the crystal ball starts to operate and continues to merge and change, the amount of information contained in these symbols will definitely increase by a hundred times. By then, Owen suspects that the Flame Queen will not be able to decipher it in a short time even with all her calculations.

Fortunately, there was a problem with the ruins. Although the base and the crystal ball were replenished with energy through a function similar to wireless charging, there was no external program link, which gave the Flame Queen enough time to crack it.

The Flame Queen is indeed an artificial intelligence carefully built by the Umbrella Company to manage many branches and bases. As it adapts to the magic energy and crystal ball carriers, the computing rate continues to increase, and the internal database continues to expand.

The ultimate goal of the protective umbrella is to create the world after the destruction of the world. For this purpose, a database containing human civilization has been specially created. This database is managed by the Queen of Fire. Therefore, although every symbol of the unknown program inside the crystal ball contains a large amount of Information, but under the erosion of massive information in the database, there are gradually signs of being cracked.

According to estimates, it will take about seven months to a year to complete the cracking.

This is mainly because although there is free magic energy, it still cannot support the full power of the Flame Queen. In addition, the symbols to be cracked are completely unfamiliar, and the symbol combinations and unknown program structures need to be considered. It takes so long to understand. of.

Owen frowned, connected with the Flame Queen with his mental power, and input the puppetry, alchemy, Hogwarts spells, mage system, rune knowledge, etc. he mastered into the database.

Sure enough, with the knowledge system also from the mysterious side as a reference, the time required to crack it was greatly reduced.

Next, symbols that have been successfully cracked are constantly displayed in front of Owen, and Owen, who has a fairly good knowledge system, can barely understand them.

He was surprised to find that this unknown symbol far surpassed computer language in structure and efficiency, and was more comprehensive than the mage's rune system.

If this symbol is used as the basis to reconstruct the core program of the Flame Queen, will the Flame Queen be able to complete her transformation? Owen suddenly had a bold idea, but he was in no hurry to implement it.

Rather than slap his head on the head and act haphazardly, it was better to let the Flame Queen analyze whether it was feasible.

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