There is a magic school here. The main students are witches and warlocks. In the future, we will also recruit some ordinary students. We will teach them writing, mathematics, combat skills, spells and potions. I plan to start puppetry and alchemy next, so I announced Is Master Ryan interested in teaching part-time as a professor at the school? Owen did have thoughts in this regard, but he originally planned to teach these two courses as a professor. Now that Master Brian has joined, he naturally chooses to continue to be lazy.

Although he didn't intend to waste time, after hearing that being a professor would allow him to obtain additional potions and materials, Brian nodded in agreement without hesitation. At most, he would let his apprentice Domi teach the basics. He would go there a few times occasionally, and then he would be able to I happily received a set of potions and materials, which is very cost-effective.

Owen had no idea that Brian was planning to be a salary thief, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't say anything.

It is important to say that the basics are important, and it is not important to say that it is not important. It is enough for a senior mage apprentice to be responsible for teaching. You can't really let a professor teach primary school students the multiplication table.

The Witch School was renamed the Magic School, which shows Owen's expectations and ambitions for this place. At the same time, support from all aspects is also considerable. The entire building has been updated. Although it cannot be compared with Hogwarts, it is still at an average level. At least Brian couldn't find anything wrong with it. After all, this was just a junior magic school in a small town.

Owen took Brian to a stone tower, opened the door and pushed in.

This stone tower has a total of five floors, one underground and four above ground. The first floor is the reception area, the second floor is the laboratory, the third floor is the study room, and the fourth floor is the living area. If you need anything, you can give the list to Ai Professor Mir, someone will deliver it. Owen asked Brian to visit the place.

The environment is good, but there are still a lot of equipment and materials missing. I wonder when they can be delivered? Brian did not have high requirements for the quality of life. He valued the experimental conditions more, so he made the request immediately.

After listening to Master Brian's needs, Owen calculated his financial resources and found that only some of them could be provided directly, while the rest needed to be manufactured and exchanged. Some others may need to be obtained through black hands, but the problem was not big, so he gave a time.

What about the supplies? Brian hesitated for a moment, then continued to ask.

There is a special kind of mutant goblin here. Its shape is not much different from that of humans, but its vitality is very tenacious. Owen said lightly.

Owen has a hard time accepting the idea of ​​treating humans as experimental consumables, unless they are the kind of inhumane scum who would be considered cheap if they were killed with a knife.

There were probably a lot of these scum, but they were difficult to collect, so Owen decided to target the numerous horned goblins in the horned tree forest.

Although he is not a human being, the experiment is still far away from success, so Brian does not continue to worry about this aspect.

Besides, the vitality of Goblins is indeed tenacious. If it were not for its small size, it would actually be suitable as a test subject. The Devil's Horned Goblin is about the same size as a human being, so the effect of using it for experiments is not bad.

After Brian called his apprentice Domi, he started to decorate the stone tower. Domi was very happy about this. After all, the teacher was in a bad mood during this period, so he had no time to teach him. Now he has a place to stay, and his experiments and investments are also in place. , he can also let go of his hanging heart.

And now the teacher only has one apprentice under him. Even if he doesn't teach more, at least his life can be saved. How can this make him unhappy?

Not to mention Brian's master and apprentice, for Owen, Brian is not yet one of his own. His joining can only add a little bit of the Hydra family's heritage and fill some gaps, but it can only be used, but not reused. .

This is just on the surface. In fact, Irving has gained far more than others imagined.

Perhaps due to carelessness, the crystal ball that Brian took out actually contained a large amount of learning materials. On the surface, Owen just looked through the images and text, but in fact, he secretly used the consciousness remote control glasses to store all the core information in the crystal ball. Downloaded into the puppet's intelligent core.

If Brian knew this and would just fall out, he would definitely not be happy, and it might leave some hidden dangers.

But in Owen's opinion, it was worth it, so after returning, he couldn't wait to start processing the data in the intelligent core.

Speaking of which, Owen was lucky. Brian was valued by his teacher and gave him this crystal ball. He regarded it as a treasure. The learning materials throughout his apprenticeship were recorded in it. Even if he later conducted research alone, the materials were also stored in it. Now it is Owen finished the pot.

The first thing Owen looked at was naturally the introduction to mages. Compared with wizards and warlocks who rely on magic blood, mages are the way for ordinary people to truly master extraordinary power. It is inevitable that they will be curious.

It took Owen three days to read from the origin of the mage to the introduction.

According to the records of the mage, wizards and warlocks in the early years were not the existence that everyone shouted at. In fact, the mixed-bloods with special bloodlines in those days were the real superior people, because they were naturally stronger than ordinary people, so they were more capable. It is easy to stand out, which can be seen from the fact that many of the empire's great nobles have inhuman blood.

Unfortunately, times have changed, and the interests have long been divided. The same bloodline has become an unstable factor, so they have suffered various suppressions and even massacres.

After all, compared to the grudge knights who require a lot of resources and time to grow up, wizards and warlocks who have the foundation of being strong once they awaken are difficult to control.

It was also a period when ordinary people tried to master the extraordinary powers of wizards and warlocks.

But at that time, bloodline fusion was a dead end, so we had to find another shortcut and use other methods to obtain extraordinary power. Finally, meditation and runes appeared.

Meditation is to convert spiritual power into magic power, and runes are to convert magic power into magical effects, so the two are the core of the mage profession.

The path Owen is taking now is similar to that of a mage, except that his meditation method increases mental power and control, and the transformation into magic power is affected by the mysticism. However, he can still plan to join the ranks of the mage, so Brian recorded the learning Information is equally useful to him.

Next, Owen will focus on studying meditation and runes, because this is the foundation of the mage.

The master's meditation method focuses on resonance, using one's own spiritual power as a guide to attract external elements and produce a qualitative change.

This method is not affected by the magic bloodline, but the disadvantage is that it requires a transformation process. Therefore, after the magic power of the mage is exhausted, he cannot directly recover through rest like wizards and warlocks, but needs to rely on meditation.

It seems more cumbersome and far less convenient than the magic bloodline, but the mage's meditation has an advantage, that is, it is stable and precise enough, and will not be easily affected. Especially with the runes that function like circuit boards, the advantage is even greater. Magnify to the extreme.

Regardless of whether they are wizards or warlocks, their magic power will be affected by various influences, such as their own blood, intense emotions, etc.

Wizards are better, because magic power is inert, and they can refine potions and make magic items. Although the level is not high, it is at least good.

The same cannot be said for warlocks. Magic power fluctuates like a roller coaster. Refining potions and making magic items is pure blasting.

Since the mage has no interference from his magic bloodline, as long as his mental power is stable enough, he can theoretically even directly affect matter.

Therefore, mages are good at large magic arrays, alchemy, and research.

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