Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 152 The joining of mage Brian

After reading the information, Owen fell into deep thought.

Although the other party's methods were very cruel when conducting experiments, so what, it had nothing to do with him. Owen was not a Virgin, and he had to uphold justice for people from other worlds. Besides, those experimental subjects were not caught by Brian himself, but by Brian himself. The imperial frontier army provided it, saying it was a death row prisoner. As for whether it was true or false, who cares.

All that aside, Brian is indeed a genius.

In fact, there is no mage who is not a genius, otherwise he would not be able to become a mage. This is a profession with a very high threshold, and even higher thresholds, and there is almost no upper limit to the intellectual requirements.

Owen believed that Brian's genius lay in his ideas, which were very consistent with the modern fantasy of second-home owners, so he couldn't help but discuss it with him.

Brian has made great achievements in human body modification, puppet machinery and alchemy, and Owen happens to be involved in these aspects as well.

Owen has carried out human body modification more than once. Although it is not the kind where a puppet is combined with a human body, he has also considered similar plans. After all, the Winter Soldier's mechanical arm and RoboCop are actually quite cool, so it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes. fantasy.

It's just that this kind of transformation was too cruel, so it only stayed in Owen's idea but never been practiced.

As for puppetry and alchemy, with the professional bonuses of puppet master and alchemist, Owen can be said to be standing directly on the shoulders of giants, and his casual words can make Brian think for a long time.

After all, the puppet master has gone to the extreme in terms of puppets, not to mention that the alchemist from Invincible Heroes is almost on the threshold of creating a god. Even if Owen has not understood it at all, it is still not comparable to Brian.

Originally, he was just careful to deal with the lord's curiosity, but as the topic deepened, Brian immediately abandoned the redundant thoughts and devoted himself to the discussion with Owen, because he found that the other party also had a lot of knowledge in his research field. He has a deep understanding and many ideas are so unique that even he cannot fully understand them for a while.

As the conversation arose, Owen also got his own puppet Ninja, and after disassembling the shell, revealed a structure like human muscles and bones.

Brian's eyes lit up as he looked at it. He picked up the crystal ball and activated a certain function. Immediately, the internal structure of the Ninja became larger and more detailed after being projected on the crystal ball, and the angle could be adjusted.

I have had a similar design. No, it should be said that this is my original design idea. Brian said with some excitement and regret.

Mages are a group of people who pursue perfection. Brian originally tried to use puppets to replace limbs. Naturally, the imitation was the human body structure, because this kind of structure has the best adaptability and is the most convenient to use.

Unfortunately, this structure has too high requirements for the manufacturer and the cost remains high. As a result, Brian had to adopt a simpler and less aesthetically pleasing gear lever structure. It has always been a pity. He never expected to see such a perfect imitation here. The structure of the human body immediately inspired even higher research enthusiasm.

By signing this contract, you will receive all kinds of support from the Hydera family, both in terms of resources and technology. Owen knocked on the table, and Emile beside him smiled and took out a calf-thick scroll and handed it to the excited of Brian.

Unrolling the scroll, the white paper was filled with fine text. After reading just a few lines, Brian took a breath.

If he hadn't felt the breath of hell above, Brian would have even thought that this contract was made by the devil.

In fact, this contract was drafted by Maya. She had read books on business management for several years and was very interested in various business-related contracts and laws. She believed that it was more rigorous than the legendary devil's contract, so she also read books on business management for several years. Owen has to take a lot of legal books here.

The result is that the contract she drafted cannot be said to have no loopholes, but as far as mortals are concerned, even if there are loopholes, they cannot be used.

It took half a day to read it twice, but Brian couldn't find a single loophole. He knew what this meant very well.

Once signed, he would be restricted by the contract to the point where he even suspected that even if the devil signed the contract, he would have to work as a laborer.

But Brian signed his name without hesitation and allowed the contract to extract his breath and turn it into a mark.

Brian is not stupid. He knows that after losing the support of the Imperial Frontier Army, no one will dare to continue to support his experiment. After all, there are not many people who dare to say that they are richer than the Imperial Frontier Army. Otherwise, he would not go there. Come from the remote Northland.

Another reason is that during the conversation he just discovered that this lord is actually a colleague, and they have a high degree of overlap in related research fields. In addition to being slightly inferior in basics, they are even better in depth.

In addition, the other party has read a large amount of his research materials, so there is no need to make any more detours. It only takes one or two years to reach his current research progress.

In other words, Brian didn't have much capital to bargain with the other party. In addition to the other party's promised technology, as long as the contract was not too harsh, he was still willing to sign it.

Master Brian, please come with me. After seeing that the contract was successfully signed, Owen stood up and came to the fireplace, picked up some floo powder and said to Brian.

This is a portal?! It's not like Brian has never seen a portal before, but there is no portal that isn't tall. This is the first time he has seen such a down-to-earth portal, so he doesn't dare to be careless and strictly follows Owen's instructions. Pinch off the powder.

The first time he used Floo Network, Brian's face was a little ugly, but he was more curious about the principle.

But when Owen offered to take him to the laboratory, he immediately gave up on research.

As a mage, Brian knew very well how to make trade-offs, otherwise he would not be able to achieve his current achievements. Compared with continuing his own research, although the Floo Network was magical, it could not attract more of his attention.

This is Greenshade Town, a special town. Owen walked in front and said to Brian.

It is indeed a special town. Brian said with a strange expression after seeing that the main residents here were actually goblins, and the most frequent visitors were adventurers. After all, goblins died the most at the hands of adventurers. There are so many creatures that many adventurers have the habit of casually stabbing them when they see them.

Haha, you will get used to it in the future. Owen knew what Brian was thinking. It had indeed happened before that adventurers accidentally injured goblin residents, but the matter was resolved smoothly with the strong force of the town.

The adventurers are a little dissatisfied, but the ruins are right in front of them and it is impossible for them to leave. Besides, Green Shade Town is really suitable for adventurers. Various supplies, medicines and equipment are no worse than those in big cities, and life and entertainment are also very convenient. If it weren't for the fact that most of the residents here were goblins, it would be a paradise for adventurers.

Fortunately, over time, the adventurers gradually got used to the civilized and polite Goblins here, and separated the Goblins here from the Goblins they originally knew, and no longer regarded them as one kind.

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