Study hard, the future of the territory depends on you. Owen smiled and looked at the spirits who were learning Hogwarts spells and puppetry.

As magical creatures similar to house elves, although elves have lost their original elf magic due to transformation, they still retain some magic power. After all, as magical creatures, magic power is one of the origins of their lives and cannot be completely eliminated.

The remaining magic power is not much, and it is difficult to cast the powerful magic of the Heroes Invincibility system. This is what the mage intended when he transformed them, but it is enough for them to learn some simple Hogwarts spells.

Don't think about the lethality of these spells. It is not difficult to increase the work efficiency of the spirits. Just a suspension spell can reduce a lot of trouble.

However, in comparison, puppetry has a greater effect on spirits.

Puppetry does not require strong magic power, and even the intensity of mental power can be lowered. As long as the manipulation is meticulous enough, you are a qualified puppet master, so Owen almost did not hesitate to take out a full set of puppetry for the spirits to learn.

Without having to consider loyalty, Irving is not afraid of his subordinates being strong, but only afraid that they are not strong enough.

In addition, Owen is not always giving. He also obtained some common knowledge of alchemy from the spirits.

This is not surprising. Spirits are originally assistants to mages and alchemists, as well as defenders of the Sky City and Golems. Although they do not have advanced knowledge of alchemy and magic, they have a very solid foundation in alchemy, which is suitable for an alchemy beginner like Owen. scholar.

As one of the major factions of Invincible Heroes, even the basic knowledge of the academy faction still amazes Owen. From just a scratch, he can see that the system is far superior to Hogwarts.

Unfortunately, due to limited energy, Owen did not cover too much and only focused on the golems and alchemical equipment that the spirits are best at.

Because he likes to make puppets, the first thing Owen paid attention to was the golem.

After comparison, Owen found that compared to the puppet with a sophisticated structure, the golem was a bit like flying bricks with great force, because the gargoyle was just a piece of stone, and the golem was just like a lump of iron.

But after careful study, Owen discovered some of the secrets.

In fact, if he hadn't studied the Hogwarts spell system, he might not be able to tell because it was too high-end.

Virtual soul, material activation, and magic circulation, this is the real core of the golem.

It's a pity that Owen can't understand it at all, and the spirit can only cultivate, and also has a little understanding of these profound principles. In this case, it is not inefficient to rush to learn. If you learn wrongly, you will die.

Fortunately, some of Hogwarts' systems can be regarded as low-end versions in this regard, such as those moving and talking portraits and wizard chess. If he can understand this part of the knowledge, he will be able to get started on the golem.

For the next period of time, Owen stayed with the spirits and gained a deeper understanding of them.

Elves are very smart and have strong learning ability, but they lack creativity, or their creativity is limited.

This is not surprising, mages and alchemists need to be assistants, rather than overthrowing their own hidden dangers. It is normal to have restrictions, just like the house elves at Hogwarts, they are not strictly restricted.

Therefore, it is no problem to make the monsters according to the drawings or optimize them, but it is difficult to make them innovate.

Owen scratched his head, a little helpless. It seemed that he could only let him, who was not very smart, be the scientific guide for the territory.

The first work of the spirit workshop is a musket, because the spirit's weapon is a firecracker shaped like a handbell, so it only needs to be lengthened. This is not difficult for the spirit, and even requires simple modification. Machines specialized in the production of muskets can be manufactured.

But Irving was not very satisfied with the performance of muskets, even though muskets had ended the cold weapon era in the previous life.

But after actual testing, it was discovered that the muskets that ended the cold weapon era did not rely on lethality and range, but because they were easier to popularize.

It takes at least half a year to train an elite soldier who is proficient in cold weapons and protective gear. If a corps is formed, it will take even longer.

But it only takes an hour or two for a musketeer to learn to load and shoot, and to go to the battlefield if he knows how to line up.

Of course, the musketeers trained in this way are basically cannon fodder, but the problem is that whether they are cannon fodder or bullets fired by elite musketeers, they are equally deadly.

As for the hit rate issue, queuing to shoot is to make up for this shortcoming.

It is because the musketeers are so easy to train that even if the knights' armor has become bulletproof, it still cannot change the fact that the cold weapon era has ended, because the price-performance ratio is too different, especially after the musket manufacturing process has been improved and the cost has been significantly reduced.

But the world that Owen lives in is not that simple. There are not only fighting spirit and magic, but also many alien races. Guns and artillery alone are not enough.

Take the knights as an example. When a vindictive charge breaks out when well-equipped with armor, the musketeers are unable to stop them because they cannot hit the target with every shot, and the scattered lead bullets cannot stop the knights' charge. After rushing into the formation, all kinds of massacres will follow. After all, you can't expect a group of musketeers who were peasants to deal with heavily armored knights with bayonets stuffed in the muzzles of their guns.

The inhumanly strong Teutonic warriors could ignore musket fire and massacre with crushing force.

Of course, although neither knights nor Teutonic warriors can withstand the lethality of artillery, the premise is that they can hit.

The hit rate of artillery is random. Unless you are facing arrayed enemies or immobile buildings, it is just that.

And even Owen has more than one way to destroy an artillery position, such as a witch riding a broomstick, so let alone the Empire's mage.

To put it simply, if Irving forms an army with pure firearms, it can only be used to bully the weak. Even if it faces an equal number of Northland barbarian warriors, victory cannot be guaranteed.

With the physique of the northern barbarians, even if they don't wear armor, they can withstand several rounds of lead bullets with their tenacious vitality. In a fanatical state, as long as their heads and hearts are not penetrated, they can rush into the formation before dying. Walk several times the enemies.

Not to mention the imperial frontier army with military mages and large-scale fighting spirit knights. It is simply too easy to deal with a purely firearms army.

Moreover, the structures of both muskets and artillery are very simple. With the level of mages and alchemists in this world, they can probably imitate better ones at a glance.

As long as they are willing, it is no problem to develop the level of guns and artillery to World War I or even World War II in a short period of time.

After all, they can even make puppets and enchanted equipment. Isn't it a joke to say that they can't make guns?

Even if the cost is not considered, the empire may not be able to build giant puppets like Gundam and the City in the Sky, it just depends on whether it is willing.

After thinking calmly, Irving discovered that a purely firearms army was not as powerful as imagined and was more suitable for siege and defense. In field battles, it was not as adaptable as an elite cold weapon army.

Of course, these are just talks on paper. No one dares to say which one is better without actually fighting a few battles. So Owen finally decided to stock up on a batch of muskets and artillery, and then let the spirit focus on transforming the engineering puppets he designed before. superior.

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