In order to build roads and demolish ruins, Owen made a batch of large mechanical puppets.

It turned out that it was okay at first, but later I found out that it was much more troublesome.

With constant use and wear, these mechanical puppets continued to suffer from major and minor defects. It was obvious that Owen's design had many flaws.

In fact, it's normal. Many of these gadgets were pieced together by Owen from other things. As long as they can move, they don't consider the overall coordination issue at all. It's normal to have flaws.

What's even more troublesome is that these defects cannot be solved by just patting the head. The overall balance needs to be taken into consideration and modified bit by bit until a certain balance is reached.

Just like building a car, you don't just need a good engine. Otherwise, if you step on the accelerator, the engine will explode.

For real industrial products, even how to tighten the screws is very particular. The thing Irving made doesn't even have a place to change the oil.

Obviously Owen didn't have the patience to try it slowly. He didn't have the ability, and he didn't even want to be a repairman. He relied on the goblins to do it themselves. For this reason, many people were blown up, and there were not a few missing arms or legs. Summarizing some experience, I reluctantly let those mechanical puppets continue to move.

Now that we have spirits, we can leave this aspect to them.

Innovation is not good, optimization and repair are the strengths of Jinggui, especially since Owen can provide a large number of drawings, and Jinggui is very happy to take over these tasks.

Professionals are indeed professionals. Even if they have never touched these mechanical puppets, the wrench-wielding spirit can still disassemble them in a very short time and draw quite detailed drawings.

Next, the overall structure of the puppet has not changed much, but more efforts have been put into the details, and the overall look is much more coordinated. For example, the lines and oil pipes are arranged in a decent manner, which greatly enhances the power output of the mechanical puppet and reduces the All kinds of wear and tear.

After performing a complete set of maintenance on these mechanical puppets, the spirits even planned to build a puppet factory to produce optimized mechanical puppets. For this purpose, Owen specially exchanged a synthesis furnace for them, and the spirits became even more motivated.

Then Owen had an idea. Now that the territory has good strength, some things can be taken out, so he asked the spirits to produce a batch of steam machinery to enhance the productivity of the territory.

After dealing with these things, Owen finally couldn't hold on any longer and slept for a whole day and night before waking up.

Although he woke up, he didn't want to open his eyes. He lay lazily on the bed and didn't want to move. Maybe it was because he was sealed by Dale next to him. Owen thought, after all, the seal was so deep and heavy, as if it was sealed by two mountains. Although the pressure is soft, haven't you heard that softness can overcome strength, so it is normal to have difficulty breaking free.

After lingering for an unknown amount of time, Owen finally struggled to get up.

Dale got up first, poured the warm water by the fireplace into the basin, wiped Owen gently, and finally put on his nightgown.

Owen, who doesn't plan to work today, is used to letting go of his nature. Anyway, except for the house elf and the slime maid, only his woman can enter and exit the castle. Well, is Ciel considered his woman?

Owen was a little confused. Thinking about the momentum that Ciel inadvertently released and the fused ancient evil template, he felt that he was not perverted enough to ignore these things. It seemed that his three views and bottom line were still there, which was really gratifying. Congratulations.

With a little bit of relief, Owen came to the study and started playing with the figures.

After obtaining the alchemist profession, although a lot of advanced knowledge made him dizzy, he gradually mastered some basics. After integrating the puppet surgery, he gained a lot of inspiration.

These inspirations were not mature enough, so Owen did not start directly. Instead, he tried them on small figures, and the results were pretty good.

Just when Owen was having fun, Maya came.

Okay, it's time to get to work, right? Owen put down his handicraft and said helplessly, like a man who was forced to work overtime.

After half a pot of tea, Maya wiped the table and began to report on her work.

Master, the Holy Light Cathedral project is going well and is expected to be completed before the autumn harvest. The preliminary version of the Bible has been placed on your desk. If there is no need to revise, you can enter the printing process. In addition, the newly established Knights Templar Station It has been completed and you can inspect it at any time. Maya reported everything during this period one by one so that Owen would not be unaware of the current situation in the territory.

Well, you can take care of this. The next focus is on the missionary issue of the Holy Light Cathedral. It must be planned in advance to prevent the messy religion from outside from spreading in. Owen, who was slumped in the chair, weakly ordered, and at the same time had a headache. He rubbed his brows, it was obvious that he was feeling stressed due to excessive use of his brain.

The development of a territory is never that easy. In addition to agriculture, commerce and the military, there are many things that need attention.

For example, Owen chose to open Greenshade Town to accommodate restless adventurers and limit their destructive power.

Allowing dangerous black hands to settle in is to block those chaotic dark forces. After all, it is better to introduce a big crocodile than to create a mess.

The purpose of creating the Holy Light Cathedral was to target foreign religions and avoid attracting the attention of gods.

Irving doesn't know what else he will need to face in the future, but he knows that there are still many, many difficulties that need to be faced.

With a helpless sigh, Owen slumped down even more completely, not even bothering to cover it with his open nightgown. Anyway, Maya commented on him as cute, although it was not as delicate and compact as a chicken-beater, but it still made him think it was a little more strengthened. He was unable to complain when he could stand up, but now he accepted his fate.

Priests and monks were responsible for religious matters, and Owen wouldn't be able to intervene even if he wanted to. After all, it takes talent to fool people. Just reading the Bible with him as the protagonist made him blush, and he was really good at it.

Production in the territory was also going well. Although it was not a wise choice to mobilize a large number of manpower to build a cathedral when the autumn harvest was approaching, when those strange-looking machines appeared in the farmland, everyone was surprised to find that puppets could still be used in this way.

According to the harvester drawings exchanged by Owen, the spirit monster completed the production after some magic modifications. The trial results were good, so soon more and more steam harvesters appeared in the golden wheat fields.

These steam harvesters can also be used for farming after replacing parts. They are multi-purpose agricultural machinery and are far more effective than human power.

Many businessmen and pioneers were moved after seeing this. Unfortunately, after closer inspection, no one mentioned buying it.

Forget it being an all-metal one, there is still some hope, but one look at the complexity of the structure makes it clear that this thing was definitely not hammered out by a blacksmith.

After working on it for a long time, I realized that this thing was not a farm tool for civilians at all, but a toy for nobles.

Although these people gave up, one person was even more excited.

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