Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 147 New Profession and Magic

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Irving poured another cup of coffee and went directly to the town center. After making some selections, he exchanged a drawing of the church from the game and asked Maya to arrange the people to start building it. It must be completed within this year. The main part of the church.

This is not easy, but the problem becomes simple after Owen allows Maya to mobilize the witches. With the addition of magic, magical effects can be created.

Then there will be no problems if the monks with rich knowledge are exchanged. At least Maya doesn't think there will be any problems.

After arranging all these things, Owen made another pot of coffee and stayed awake despite his strengthened body to focus on the next three rewards.

Among the remaining three rewards, the alchemist profession, air magic, and the spirit workshop, the one that attracted Owen the most was the new profession alchemist.

Although Owen already has three professions, he still attaches great importance to the alchemist profession, and even plans to make it his next main profession, because this profession from the Invincible Heroes Academy camp has great potential.

Thinking about the golems, djinn and titans in the academy camp, Owen was trembling with excitement.

It’s hard to say for other arms. It’s possible that the Titans will be fully legendary, or even above the legendary.

Titan's strength is only one aspect. The important thing is that Titan is a product of alchemy, which means that as long as the materials can keep up, it can be mass-produced.

Not to mention the Sky City, which is unique to the academy camp, and is a war fortress integrating offense and defense.

When he holds a Titan regiment and controls the city in the sky, unless the god himself takes action, Owen can completely walk sideways, so how could he not pay attention to this profession.

There is nothing to hesitate about, just use it.

The knowledge about alchemy that suddenly appeared in his mind was like the Arctic Ocean, which dampened Owen's expectations.

Can't understand, became the only three words in Owen's mind.

This is not because he is being modest, but because he really doesn’t understand.

If alchemy is compared to science, then this subject includes materials, energy, machinery, biology, mathematics, architecture, space, intelligence and other branches that Owen could not explain for a while.

Owen's face turned as green as spinach on the spot. There was nothing he could do about it. He had a deep understanding of his own intelligence.

This was despite the fact that his intelligence attributes had improved a lot. If his original intelligence attributes were still there, he would have already begun to give up.

Even so, Owen's face was full of sadness.

Unless the intelligence attribute reaches 60 or above, it will take decades just to get started. If you want to specialize, don't even dream if you don't have 80 points of intelligence.

This is not a gap that can be bridged by hard work. Owen is just listening to the professor teach mathematics, but the blackboard is filled with only a few numbers and the rest is filled with various symbols. Is this a problem that can be solved by just forcing it?

If you tie him to the Sky Monkey, it’s still a no-brainer.

At this time, Owen already had a bad premonition, so he set his sights on the third reward.

Air magic also comes from Invincible Heroes and is one of the four major magic systems in the world.

Compared with the playful Hogwarts magic, the magic of Invincible Heroes is completely geared toward war. It has huge lethality and a terrifyingly high upper limit. It is not inferior to the magic system in this world at all.

After looking at the results, I discovered that the difficulty of learning is equally disappointing. Unless you redeem it with progress points, you can only learn slowly.

Owen simply looked directly at the final reward. It was also from the construction spirit workshop in the world of Invincible Heroes, which could recruit first-level spirit spirits.

Although I don’t know why all the rewards in this system come from Invincible Heroes, I have to say that none of them are bad, even if they are just the first-level monsters.

The goblin has a pair of bat ears and is short in stature. It looks like a close relative of the goblin, but in fact the two have nothing to do with each other.

As a first-level unit, the combat effectiveness of spirits is not very good, so they rely on the firecrackers in their hands to bully civilians. But like monks, their value does not lie in combat effectiveness.

Spirits are not a natural product. They were originally goblins in nature, a kind of magical creature. However, they were spotted by mages and captured for various transformations.

After a series of transformations, the spirits have become smarter and tamer. They are especially sensitive in mechanics and alchemy, and can take on the work of assistants very well. The only pity is that the transformation destroyed their magic, leaving only Shallow magic.

Owen drank the coffee in one gulp and continued working.

Following the secret passage of the dungeon to the dungeon that had been sealed not long after it started, Owen suddenly felt emotional.

Before, I felt that I was wasting resources and time by messing around with a hammer and a stick, but now it turned out to be a foresight that was not all used.

In Owen's earlier setting, the dungeon was divided into three levels.

The first level is the maze area, which is mainly composed of secret passages in the dungeon that extend in all directions. The effect is very good, and Owen even got lost more than once.

The second floor is the production area. Its function is similar to the second floor of the ruins, except that it was sealed at the beginning. However, the space is not small enough to accommodate the spirit workshop.

The third floor is the Demon King's Palace, which has not yet started construction.

In order to prevent getting lost, Owen went directly to the second floor through the secret passage, and then revealed the spirit workshop in the open space.

The Spirit Workshop is a ring-shaped stone building with a fairly large area. It is filled with primitive processing machinery and scattered parts. It looks inconspicuous, but the focus is not on the furnishings but on the spirits that can be recruited.

After checking it, I found that there is no need to spend progress points, which is good. As for twenty gold coins, you can only recruit one spirit. This is nothing to Owen who has no place to spend the money. Unfortunately, he can only recruit every month. Twenty, but it's enough.

Go get the treasure box. Owen said to the slime maid beside him.

Who would carry a large bag of gold coins with them when they have nothing to do? Even if they change the belt of their pants to an iron one, they still can't carry it.

Fortunately, in order to enhance the atmosphere, Owen made a treasure chest in the maze on the first floor, which contains a lot of gold and silver jewelry for use.

After a while, the slime maid who had swallowed a treasure box in her stomach came back staggeringly, and then vomited the treasure box in front of Owen. Such a scene actually made him feel a little uncomfortable. It seemed that he was on the road to perversion again. A big step forward.

As a pile of gold coins disappeared, twenty spirits appeared in front of Owen.

Although the monsters are ugly in appearance, I have to say that they are indeed capable of being clever and dexterous. It can be said that every monster is a master of craftsmanship, the kind that can rub luxury watches by hand. If Owen doesn't use his mental power to cheat, he will have to be defeated.

In a previous life, if Irving had such a group of employees, he would have made a fortune just selling watches.

The most important thing is that as long as there are enough gold coins, the number of spirits will continue to increase, which means that there will be more and more high-level craftsmen in the territory in the future.

With a steady stream of high-level craftsmen, the territory can enter a new era.

I dare not think about complete modernization. The replacement of the firearm age and the steam age is still no problem.

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