Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 206 Changes brought by the Twelve Heaven Realms (1/2)

Blood source stone!

Qin Tian didn’t think this thing was against the sky before.

Now I know it’s so terrifying.

It completely transcends the rules and even breaks the restrictions of the supreme rules.

You can imagine how terrifying it is.

No wonder the blood crystal stone was wrapped by the blood in his body and didn’t resist. It turned out to be because of this.

The blood source stone merged into his body and I thought it disappeared.


The reason why it appeared should be affected by the blood crystal stone.

It can be said that Qin Tian got a blessing in disguise.

It’s a pity that the blood source body is only in the early stage, that is, it has just been formed, and it is still several small levels away from the small success.

I just don’t know who is stronger, the owner of that drop of blood or that unknown existence.

“Universe embryonic physique?” Qin Tian was confused and completely puzzled.

What the hell?

When Qin Tian clicked on the details, his puzzled eyes instantly brightened.

“So that’s it?”

The universe body is one dimension higher than the world body.

The world body, when cultivated to perfection, can create a world in the body.

This is different from the contract fusion continental world.

All the rules of the world created will be customized by the creator.

Even the supreme rules are the same.

At that time, it can completely transcend the universe and become an existence above the supreme rules.

And the universe body is even more terrifying. The world created will be countless, that is, creating a universe.

That is to become the master of the universe.

You can imagine how terrifying it is.

In essence, whether it is a world body or a universe body, it is impossible to appear naturally.

The world body still has a very low chance of success in cultivation.

For the world body, cultivating the five elements, and also integrating all the laws and understanding all the rules with the five elements, there is a chance of success.

You can also cultivate the origin body, evolve the laws and rules, until the origin body reaches the great perfection of the evolution world.

It can be said that the origin body is actually a kind of world body, but it is not as intuitive as the world body.

But even so, the origin body is not so easy to cultivate. In addition to having the origin body, you also need to comprehend various laws and rules.

Otherwise, what can you evolve.

You can't evolve out of thin air.

Of course, the most difficult one is the origin body.

It is impossible for the universe to give birth to the origin body.

Qin Tian was able to become the origin body because he practiced the origin clone method, and it was with the help of the system that he succeeded in practicing.

Others could not succeed in practicing even if they got it.

Of course, there might be someone.

But just practicing the origin clone method is not enough, you also need to practice the origin method, and if you want to practice the origin method, you need to practice from the innate, that is, before you are born.

In other words, except for Qin Tian, ​​it is impossible for a living being to succeed in practicing.

Transcend the rules, it is an enemy of the universe.

Naturally, it will not allow the existence of it to threaten it.

Qin Tian can succeed in practicing because there are too many factors.

If there is no blood source stone and the sky-sealing stone, plus the time table to let him travel through time and space.

Even if the system reaches level 4 to deepen the sealing and perception, even he cannot succeed in practicing.

The world body is so terrifying, let alone the universe body.

The universe body, when practiced to perfection, can create the universe and formulate all rules and laws.

According to the information, he already knows that the formation of the embryonic universe body is related to several aspects.

The origin body is only one of them.

The second is the twelve days, or the blood source body.

The reason why the embryonic universe body was formed was that it appeared after setting foot on the 12th day.

It can also be said that it appeared after the blood source body was formed.

The blood source body, a special physique, is a world body like the origin body, but it is a little different.

It can even be said to be more powerful than the origin body.

After all, it is formed by an unknown existence and an unknown blood drop, and its upper limit even exceeds the universe body.

The accelerated transformation of this universe is due to the blood drop and the origin crystal.

Third, it is related to his soul, heart, and Dantian because of these three spaces.

This is the information known now.

As for how to perfect the embryonic universe body, it still needs to be slowly explored later.

Of course, he has a system, and he only needs to consume the origin gas to exchange for perfect information, or directly add points to become a complete universe body.

It's just too expensive, he can't afford it now.

He just gave up helplessly after taking a look.

It takes 500 origin crystals to buy a universe body in the system.

It takes 100 million to form an origin crystal.

And he doesn't even have 3 million origin gas now.

Even if the best and top-grade spirit stones were exchanged for the origin crystal, it would not be enough.

With the great success of the origin body, Qin Tian's body also reached the king body level.

It can be said that it is the only one in the ages.

Otherwise, he would not have the terrifying and heaven-defying strength.

Yuanhun is the standard for becoming a king. When the law is fully comprehended and the soul is tempered, it will mutate.

He did not expect to form it in advance.

The eternal legend realm is really not just talk.

The body and soul have reached the standard of the king realm, and now the mana conversion is missing.

But it is almost there, and it is still more than halfway.

The life span is 99,000. Although it is not immortal, it has completely separated from mortals.

When reaching the king realm, the life level will undergo another transformation, and the life span will increase by leaps and bounds.

The Dantian space is surrounded by clouds and mist, but unfortunately there is no life.

9999 square miles, for mortals, it can be said to be boundless.

Equivalent to a medium-sized urban area in the previous life.

The origin skill has reached the great success. If the rules are not broken, Qin Tian can easily break through to become a king.

If the rules are not broken, he can break through when he completely enters the Twelve Heavens.

Unfortunately, the rules are broken due to the war.

Speaking of rules.

"The Supreme Rules are coming?"

"Re-condense the rules?"

Qin Tian was a little puzzled, why is it at this time.

Is it related to himself?

Or is it related to the Twelve Heavens?

He has a contract with the Shenwu Continent, so he naturally feels the situation above and knows the sound of the Supreme Rules coming from the universe.

Qin Tian didn't think much about it, but smiled slightly.

These have no big impact on him at all.

Looking at the origin clone method, he was stunned. He didn't expect that after reaching the Twelve Heavens, he could cultivate another clone again.

Qin Tian didn't practice immediately, but he already had some ideas in his mind.

In addition to proficiency and perception, the origin method also requires corresponding body and soul.

As the origin sports and origin skills reach the great success, they naturally reach the great success.

The origin method can always be a spiritual method of various attributes.

Of course, the premise is that he must have practiced.

Because of the various attributes of spiritual energy on the eleven heavenly spiritual sources, plus the spiritual energy origin and three thousand laws.

Qin Tian basically comprehended the artistic conception and true meaning of the entire universe, which made him dizzy.

It can be said that this is completely a miracle.

The laws are still three thousand, which is similar to before. It can be said that as long as the laws have not changed.

You only need to fully comprehend one law to break through to become a king.

The reason why the king realm is so powerful and terrifying is that this realm has already comprehended a law and possesses mana.

Mana and spiritual energy are not at the same level at all.

The origin of the world is only one step away from reaching the intermediate level.

As long as he breaks through to the king realm, he can automatically recover to the intermediate continent.

"The origin of the embryonic world?" Qin Tian looked at the extra direction, and when he saw it clearly, he immediately showed a surprised look.

Soul source!

Blood source!


Isn't it corresponding to the three spaces of soul, heart, and dantian?

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The origin of the embryonic world!

This means that these three places can evolve the world in the future.

The embryonic world!

The embryonic universe!

There may be some connection between them.

Unfortunately, the origin of the three spaces is still 99% away from being complete.

I don’t know what changes will happen when the three origins are fully formed.

But anyway, the changes must be very complicated.

There were originally more than 3 million origin qi. Because of the improvement of the realm, some were consumed. Now there are still 2.91 million.

Thinking of consumption.

Qin Tian was a little confused. Why did he consume so much when he stepped on the twelve days?

The twelve days are related to the soul.

He originally thought that there would be some tests and threats.

The result was the same as if he had not experienced anything.

Could it be that the reason why the origin bars consumed so much was to ensure that he would not be in danger when passing through the twelve days?

Qin Tian didn’t think much about it and continued to read on.

The source bars have been consumed. He can't ask himself to step on a new twelve days and let the system return it to him.

There is no change in other things.

There are some changes in the items in the system storage space.

Items: time table, 421 million top-grade spirit stones, 17.82 million high-grade spirit stones, 8.3 million medium-grade spirit stones, and 1.2 million low-grade spirit stones.

The Bai family gave 8.11 million medium-grade spirit stones.

In the inheritance of the Venerable, he obtained spirit stones with almost 400 source energy.

The low-grade spirit stones got 1.2 million.

The medium-grade spirit reached 200,000.

More than 40,000 high-grade spirit stones.

In the inheritance of the Venerable, he got the palace and gave it to Shen Ping.

It is indeed a heavenly artifact.

But in Qin Tian's view, this is just a fake heavenly artifact.

A weapon used by a Tianyi realm is not qualified at all.

Reached twelve days.

Qin Tian did not break through to the king realm immediately.

He still needs to adapt for a while.

In addition.

He has two things to do.

"Is the teleportation array here broken?" Qin Tian came to the valley again.

The lines on the stone wall had already broken a little.

The reason why he could teleport into the Wanyu battlefield might be because he was lucky.

"Then repair it." Qin Tian did not hesitate and began to repair it.

Anyway, it will have to be repaired sooner or later, so it is better to repair it now.

With the previous experience, it will not take much time to repair it now.


Not long after, the lines on the stone wall suddenly emitted a faint light.

Qin Tian was silent, but finally gritted his teeth and made a decision. He looked at the valley behind and played a transparent card.

The invisible card, which costs 100 original energy, can hide any object after use, and no one below the emperor can find it.

As the invisible card turned into light and merged into the surroundings, the valley disappeared from the Wanyu battlefield in an instant.

Of course, it was just hidden. If there was an emperor realm strongman who deliberately attacked, the valley would still lose its hiding function.

Qin Tian thought about it and took out some medium-grade spirit stones to merge into the valley and the teleportation array.

Although the Wanyu battlefield was reunited because of the rules, the world has changed.

But there is no spiritual energy between heaven and earth. If there is a problem with the teleportation array, he may not have the good luck he had before.

He did so much because he didn't want to cut off this only way.


Qin Tian took out some spirit stones as teleportation consumption. As the spirit stones merged, the array was activated immediately, and it also made a buzzing sound.

Qin Tian went straight to see without hesitation.

Blue Star, Yang Cheng.

When the clone of the Wanyu battlefield reached twelve days and figured out some things.

The original body, far away, felt the clone's thoughts at the first time.

After the system reached level 5, they didn't need to sleep to obtain each other's memories.

As long as they wanted, they could obtain the memories of both parties anytime and anywhere.

"World body?"

"Embroided universe body?"

"Embroided world origin?"

According to the memory of the clone, Qin Tian already knew what to do.

"System, add points, improve the realm!" Qin Tian said.

As one with the clone, only one party breaks through, and the other party does not need to be familiar with and settle.

He is now in the ninth realm of transcendence, which is equivalent to the unity realm.

However, the rules of Blue Star are different from those of the Ten Thousand Worlds.

So the cultivation is also different.

It can also be said that the methods of cultivation used by the Ten Thousand Worlds before becoming the King Realm are all different.

But the essence is still the same.

They are all about comprehending the artistic conception and true meaning, and comprehending the laws.



As the system sounded, a terrifying breath suddenly burst out from Qin Tian's body.

"Why do I feel so depressed?"

In a big villa, Xiao Xi, who was practicing, suddenly opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes full of horror.

Although she could not feel any breath, her heart was very depressed.

"Is Brother Tian practicing?" Xiao Xi said in surprise.

For this phenomenon, she has experienced it several times, and naturally knows that it is one of the reasons.

However, this time the depression is very great, so great that her face has begun to turn pale slightly.

She did not hesitate, and hurriedly got up and flew out of the big villa.

The big villa was naturally purchased by Qin Tian for hiding his practice.

With the blessing of his defense card, it did not become a ruin because of his practice.



Qin Tian made breakthroughs one after another with the addition of the system.

He reached the twelfth level of transcendence easily.

Although he did not experience the things that happened to the clone, his life level was not inferior to that of the clone.

After reaching the twelfth level of transcendence, the five elements of artistic conception and true meaning he comprehended reached the extreme.

Life, body, soul, dantian, and aura all began to transform.

Among them, the changes in the dantian were the most intense.

The five elements of aura suddenly differentiated into five kinds of aura: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Qin Tian was not panicked at all about this change.

It was as if everything that happened was under his control.

Before long, there were only five very pure groups of five kinds of aura left in the dantian.

One group burned with raging flames, like an immortal fire.

One group was like transparent and constantly flowing water, like the water of life.

A group of green light, from which evolved all the plants in the sky.

A group radiated golden light, constantly changing various weapons.

A group of dark light, emitting a faint light, but full of life and heaviness.


Suddenly, the five kinds of spiritual energy that had reached their peak merged with a bang, and an extremely terrifying aura burst out from it.


The Dantian began to expand wildly.


The Five Elements Origin Body finally broke through the shackles and reached a minor success.


The life level underwent a transformation.

The soul also changed. The Yuanshen did not break through the shackles to become a Yuanhun, but it had reached the peak and was very condensed.


At this moment, a five-colored light burst out from the Dantian.

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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