Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 205: Twelve Days Reopened, Rules Re-formed (1/2)

When Qin Tian woke up, he had been away for the twelfth day.

"What happened?" Qin Tian was puzzled.

He seemed to have stepped into a dark space, but nothing happened and he just retreated.

Did he fail?



At this moment, two roars sounded.

Qin Tian checked the source and smiled.

It seemed that he did not fail.

The two roars came from him.

One came from the Dantian space, and a milky white door opened in it, from which bursts of pure origin aura burst out.


The moment the mana that was transforming in the Dantian touched, it changed dramatically. The mana that was originally transforming slowly actually accelerated its transformation at this moment.

I don't know why, when the weak mana merged with the origin aura, the mana formed by countless light colors gradually began to transform into milky white mana.

Origin mana!


Another roar came from the soul, and a door opened in it.

What shocked Qin Tian was that the soul space had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The originally illusory Yuanshen had completely solidified, and the space where it was located had also become much larger. Although it was still a little illusory, it was boundless.

As the gray gas merged from the door, the Yuanshen began to transform, and the soul space gradually solidified.



In the outside world, the heaven and earth shook, and rays of light continued to enter Qin Tian's body, accelerating the transformation of his mana. Among them, a gray light merged into his mind.


As Qin Tian completed the eternal feat, except for the twelve days that appeared in the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms.

Other continental worlds also appeared one after another.

Even the universe void had a domineering staircase.

There were nine golden stairs below, and blood-red and milky holy light on the top, which made people dare not look directly at the terrifying stairs.

Qin Tian stood on the top of the sky with his back to all living beings, like the master of the heavens and the worlds.

"Twelve Heavens?"

"How is it possible?"

"How can a living being step into the Supreme Heaven."

"Who is it? How could he step into the Twelve Heavens?"

"Why can't I see his figure?"

"Who is he?"

"Twelve Heavens? Is the legend true?"

"Impossible, I am the Supreme, how can I not see his breath of life!"

"Damn it! I am the Great Emperor, how can I not find out his cause and effect! Damn it!"

The Supreme Powers, even the Supreme Emperors, were awakened from their slumbers.

What shocked them was that no matter how they calculated and checked, they could not find out who had stepped into the Twelve Heavens.

"The Twelve Heavens are reopened, and the rules are re-condensed!"

A ruthless voice that exuded the power of destroying the world resounded throughout the universe.

At the same time, a stream of broken rules began to condense.

"The rules are re-condensed?"

"Is it really coming?"

"The legend is actually true, and our era will begin!"

"It's time for me to wake up."

"We have come, and I wonder if the creatures in the heavens and the worlds still remember our existence!"

Some Supreme Powers were excited.

The rules are broken, and the supreme masters can only sleep to preserve their lives and strength.

At this moment, the supreme rules come, and the supreme masters will wake up from their slumber.

"Twelve days!"

"The realm of eternal legends?"

"Finally appeared?"

"I want to see who you are?"

In an endless dark abyss, a pair of huge eyes suddenly opened slowly, space was broken, time was still, and the surrounding darkness was frozen. It emitted a strange light, which made the abyss stained with a layer of weirdness.

"Twelve days?"

"Is it finally going to open?"

An unknown place, this is a place full of countless worlds of different colors, the world of the same color forms a huge domain, and countless domains form a huge nest. In the center of countless nests, there is a giant creature, which emits strange green eyes.

It looks at the endless void, emitting excited green light.

"Twelve days!"

"Is it finally going to open?"

"Is it you?"

In the endless dark void, a world full of death, a pair of scarlet eyes opened above the world, making the world originally full of death and darkness even darker and colder.


As the mana changed and increased, the limit of the Dantian was finally broken.

1000 square miles!

1100 square miles!

2000 square miles!

It didn't take long to reach 9999 square miles.

It was just like a small world.

It's a pity that there was no light, no life, and no soul.

Otherwise it would really become a small world.




The soul space vibrated, and the originally illusory soul world was actually condensed with the help of gray gas.

The Yuanshen also completed its transformation at this moment.

The soul completely turned into a physical entity, exactly like Qin Tian.

At this moment, Qin Tian finally achieved that the soul is immortal and the body is immortal.

A terrifying pressure erupted from the Yuanshen.

The soul space vibrated, and even the outside world was affected.

As the Heaven Gate and Earth Gate opened, Qin Tian finally completed his transformation.

A terrifying aura burst out from his body.

His realm finally reached the twelfth heaven.

The strength has been greatly improved, reaching the peak of the Imperial Realm, and is only one step away from reaching the Imperial Realm.

The level of life has transformed again, and the life span has directly reached 99,000.

The physical body completes its transformation.

The soul also completes its transformation.

It will take some time to complete the transformation except for the spiritual energy.

Qin Tian's breakthrough brought huge changes to the entire world.


In the Shenwu Continent, deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, a terrifying pressure that surpassed the Nine Heavens Realm suddenly erupted.

"Hahaha... I feel it. The wait is finally here. It's coming soon. It will take at most three years for me to fully recover. Then my king will return, hahaha..."






In addition to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, other opponents also erupted with terrifying auras that transcended the Nine Heavens Realm.


In the Eastern Sacred Mountain, a more terrifying aura awakens.

“Are the rules starting to come back?”

"No, why is there still a shackles?"

"So that's it, a low-level continent? Is it because of that little guy from ten thousand years ago?"

"I am the Divine Martial Emperor. It is their blessing that all the creatures on the continent can sacrifice themselves for me."

There are people who are beyond the realm of kings and are whispering, and they are like ants to all living beings.

"The supreme rule has come?"

"Recondensation rules?"

In a courtyard of the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, a young man in white made a confused guess.

He is the second avatar. Unlike the first avatar, he is not reincarnated, but is directly condensed, so he is the same as the first avatar.

Of course, realm and strength are different.

Because I haven’t decided what to practice yet, I haven’t practiced yet.

Because the first clone merged with the Shenwu Continent, he naturally knew about the coming of the supreme rule.

I just don’t understand why the supreme rule suddenly comes.

Still want reunion rules?

its not right!

If the Rules can really be reunited, why haven't the Supreme Rules reunited before?



Except for the strong men who have surpassed the Nine Heavens Realm and are recovering.

Other powerful gods also began to revive.

"Emperor of Heaven!" A woman wearing a purple dress suddenly appeared next to the boy.

"Did you feel it too?" Qin Tian looked at Tianpu and said.

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven, we..." Tianpu was a little worried. Before, Emperor of Heaven was the only god in the world, and there were others showing greed. As expected, those people showed their sharp fangs as soon as they broke through.

The Tianxia Chamber of Commerce sells spiritual stones, even high-grade spiritual stones, which are useful for the King Realm.

I bet those strong men who have recovered will not be interested in the World Chamber of Commerce.

It should be yes.

Although Tianpu knew that the Emperor of Heaven was very powerful, she was naturally very worried when so many terrifying and powerful men were born.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't leave the Shenwu Continent, you don't have to worry even if you are the Supreme." Qin Tian said lightly.

The first avatar merged with the Shenwu Continent. Due to system reasons, all of them were independent of each other. It was him who merged with the Shenwu Continent.

He is the master of the Shenwu Continent. Although the Shenwu Continent is still a low-level continent, he can only be a low-level world master, but he is not afraid even if he faces the Supreme.

Moreover, Shenwu Continent will also improve as Qin Tian’s realm improves.


As Qin Tian completed his transformation in the battlefield of all realms, the Shenwu Continent also experienced huge changes.

The origin of Shenwu directly reaches the extreme of low-level continent, reaching 99%.

There is only one step left to break through and restore to a mid-level continent.

But Qin Tian smiled instead.

If a strong person is born, there will be no harm to the Chamber of Commerce in the world as long as it tastes good.

As the source improved, everyone in the Shenwu Continent felt that the spiritual energy was ten times thicker in an instant.

Many warriors broke through one after another.

All kinds of spiritual creatures and grasses emerged from the earth one after another, and many of them grew and matured rapidly.

Mines are also forming rapidly.

Among them, the spiritual ore condenses the slowest.

On the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, there are strong men fighting, and there are also people who are seriously injured and desperately trying to escape.

But at this moment, basically everyone felt the changes in the world.

The most intuitive one is the connection with heaven and earth.

Due to problems with the origin of the Ten Thousand Domains battlefield, it is basically impossible to sense the connection between heaven and earth, and naturally cannot borrow the power of heaven and earth.

But at this moment, all the powerful people in the artistic conception or above felt the obvious changes in the world.

"what happened?"

After Tianming negotiated the issue of spirit stones with Bai Li, he was planning to ride on the Fire Dragon Scale Beast but was looking for some ruins.

It turned out that the Emperor of Heaven liked spiritual stones, gold and silver treasures, so she wanted to find more for him.

At this moment, she clearly felt that the artistic conception of fate she felt had deepened in an instant.

With the advent of the supreme rules and the reunification of the rules, the most powerful people in the universe wake up from their slumber all the time.

"What's going on? Why do you feel like you're about to break through again?"

"I've realized the truth, I finally understand."

"Nine Heaven Realm, I feel it."

"Jing Qi Shen? So that's it, that's it. I finally feel the Three Yuan Realm."

"Are we going to reunite the rules?"

"The rules are coming back?"

"My realm is finally loosened!"

"It is said that the Twelve Heavens appear and the rules are revealed. Is this true?"

"My life is recovering, my strength is recovering, it's great...hahaha..."

There are countless strong people who are excited.

There are also supremely powerful people who are excited.

As the protagonist who opens a new era, he is completely unaware of the changes in the heavens and the universe.

Qin Tian opened the system panel inside.

Name: Qin Tian [Original Clone (Perfect Creature)]

Life: 99

Realm: Twelve Realms (Eternal Legend Realm +)

Strength: Peak of the Imperial Realm

Constitution: Origin Body [Great Completion (0.1) +], Blood Body (Early Stage +), Prototype of Cosmic Body (1%)

Primordial Soul: Early Stage (+)

Mana: Origin Mana [46% (+)]

Lifespan: 180,000/99,000

Dantian: 9999 square miles (+)

Kung Fu: Origin Gong (Great Completion +), Origin Clone Body (+)

Spiritual Method: Origin Method (Great Completion +)

Artistic Concept: Origin Artistic Concept (100%), Five Elements Artistic Concept (100%)...

Real Realm: Origin True Meaning, Five Elements True Meaning, Time and Space True Meaning, Life and Death True Meaning, Yin and Yang True Meaning, Light and Dark True Meaning, Thunder and Lightning True Meaning, Wind True Meaning... …

Laws: Origin Law (99%+), Five Elements Law (99%+), Space-Time Law (99%+), Life and Death Law (99%+), Yin-Yang Law…

World Origin: Shenwu Origin [Low Level (99%+)]

Embryo World Origin: Soul Origin (1%), Blood Origin (1%), Origin (1%)

Origin Qi: 2.913 million Origin Qi

Origin Points: 4.224 billion (31.032 billion Xia Coins can be converted)

Origin Store: Level 5 [Level 6 (0/1 Origin Crystal)]

Storage Space: 100 km (+)

Equipment: None

Items: Time Watch, Top-Grade Spirit Stones 421 million, Top-Grade Spirit Stones 17.82 million…

Life reaches the extreme of 99, and is only a little short of the King Realm level of life.

However, this is a real gap for many Nine Heavens Realm powerhouses.

Of course, the Nine Heavens Realm cannot reach 99, and even 49 cannot be obtained, which is a very perfect creature.

Twelve Realms!

Eternal Legend Realm?

Clicking on the panel, it still shows that it is the only one.

Am I the only one who has reached it since the beginning of the universe?

Is it because of the system?

Perhaps it should be.

Even if it is not his talent, if there is no system, even perfect life cannot do it.

It is even more impossible to become the only Eternal Legend Realm.

Looking at the strength, Qin Tian was very excited.

The peak of the Emperor Realm, only one step away from having the strength of the Emperor Realm.

I am excited just thinking about it.

No wonder I am in the Eternal Legend Realm.

Perhaps only I can reach this realm.

"What's going on?"

When Qin Tian looked at the physique, he was directly shocked.

The original physique is only one percent away from reaching the Great Success.

But on the system panel, it still shows the Great Success, and the percentage behind it is much lower.

In trepidation, he clicked on the details of the physique.

"Not bad!" When he knew the specific information, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The Great Success on the panel is the real Great Success.

And the percentage behind it represents the percentage of the road to Great Success.

The percentage of distance to perfection is different from the previous one.

One is on the front road, and the other is on the back road.

The reason for this is related to perfection.

To touch perfection, you must reach the extreme of perfection, that is, 100%.

In addition to the original body, there are two more body types.

One is the blood body, which should be related to the tenth day.

Click to see that it was formed by his fusion of blood crystal stone and the birth of blood source stone.

Item: Blood Source Stone

Quality: ? ? ?

Level: ? ? ?

Attack: ? ? ?

Introduction: Legend has it that the blood source stone was originally an ordinary stone, but it was generated by the blood of an unknown existence. It has everything that can preserve the body forever, such as blood, physique, talent, life, strength... etc. As long as it is related to the body, whether it is death, reincarnation, rebirth... it can be preserved forever.

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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