Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 207: Changes in the Avatar (1/2)

After reaching the extreme, the five elements of spiritual energy merged again to form a group of extremely pure five elements of spiritual energy.

As soon as it was formed, a terrifying breath burst out from it, and five rays of light emanated from it.

The Dantian space, which was originally lifeless, was full of colors at this moment.

The area of ​​the Dantian space continued to expand until it reached 999 square miles.


A milky white door opened out of thin air, and a stream of very pure origin energy burst out from it.

The earth vein can also be called the spirit vein.

But the real name is called the origin gate.

Only creatures who have opened up the spirit vein have the opportunity to open it after reaching a certain extreme realm.

The origin energy is actually similar to the origin energy of the system.

However, the origin energy of the system is more pure, and it will also increase with the improvement of the system level.

The origin energy can be said to be the root of the universe.

The origin world is actually formed by the origin energy.

The origin energy can evolve all things, and naturally it can also improve all things.

This is the function of the system.

When the origin gate opened, the origin energy poured in. The moment it touched the five-element spirit stone, the latter suddenly changed.

The five-element spirit energy, which was already very pure, gradually became condensed after the fusion of the origin energy.


The five-element spirit energy suddenly burst out with a breath that was even more terrifying than before.

Qin Tian did not expect that under the fusion of the origin energy, the five-element spirit energy actually began to transform into the five-element mana.

The five-element spirit energy, which was originally lifeless, seemed to have given birth to life at this moment, and it was condensed like five creatures entangled.

In addition to the qualitative change, the five-element spirit energy also appeared crazily, and then turned into mana.

The changes in the Dantian space also quickly began to affect the body and soul.

The body has reached a small success, and the changes are not very big.

The Yuanshen has not transformed into a Yuanhun.

But it has become more condensed and solid.

If you want to break through, you still need to use the law to temper it.

Qin Tian is a little confused. Why does nothing seem to happen when he steps on the twelve days, but the Yuanshen easily transforms into a Yuanhun.

A quarter of an hour later, the origin gate disappeared, and this upgrade ended.

The Dantian space was still 999 square miles.

However, the space barrier was very strong, and even if it encountered a law attack, it could resist for a while.

Opening up space, still existing in the world, the most important thing is the strength of the space barrier and the world barrier.

Although the area has not increased, the pure five elements of spiritual energy have filled the entire space and are also slowly transforming.

When the five elements of spiritual energy are completely transformed into five elements of magic power, that is when he breaks through to the king realm.

Host: Qin Tian (perfect life)

Life: 83

Realm: Extraordinary 12th Realm (Legendary Realm) (+)

Strength: King Realm Peak

Constitution: Five Elements Body [Great Success 4% (+)]

Five Elements Mana: 1%

Primordial Spirit: 99.999% (+)

Spiritual Awareness: 100%

Five Elements Mana: 21%

Attack: 99.9 billion

Lifespan: 320,000/49,000

Dantian: 999 square miles (+)

Kung Fu: Five Elements Jue (Small Success +), Wood Emperor Jue (Extraordinary 12th Realm), Sky Fire Jue (Extraordinary 12th Realm), Heavy Earth Jue (Extraordinary 12th Realm), Gold Jue (Extraordinary 12th Realm), Ice Jue (Extraordinary 12th Realm), King's Pressure (Entry +), Origin Body (Entry +)

Martial Arts: Wood God III Style. Spiritual Body Style (Great Perfection), Five Elements Body Forging 81 Styles (Great Perfection)

Extraordinary Skills: Five Elements Method (Minor Success+), Five Elements Spiritual Body (Minor Success+)

Artistic Concept: Five Elements Artistic Concept (100%)

True Meaning: Five Elements True Meaning (100%)

Law: Five Elements Law (32%)

Origin Qi: 2.916 million source qi

Origin Points: 9.127 billion (83.567 billion Xia coins can be converted)

Origin Store: Level 5 [Level 6 (0/1 Origin Crystal)]

Storage Space: 100 kilometers (+)

Equipment: None

Items: Time Watch, 421 million Top-Grade Spirit Stones, Top-Grade Spirit Stones...


Life 83, this is not the limit of this realm, it can be improved before reaching the King Realm.

After all, to reach the King Realm, there is also a half-step King Realm in between.

In fact, it is a transformation of the physical body and the Five Elements Law.

Of course, the prerequisite is to break through the shackles of the Yuanshen and reach the Yuanhun.

Only three kinds of complete transformation can break through to the king realm.

The extraordinary twelve realms are the legendary realm!

Not the eternal, nor the only one.

This shows that there were creatures in the ancient, ancient, and ancient times that reached this realm.

Without the system, I really am nothing.

The peak of the king realm!

I don’t know if it is because of the blue star, or the heaven-defying strength brought by the clone’s stepping on the twelve days.

If it is the influence of the clone’s stepping on the twelve days, maybe I can try it.

The five elements body has reached the minor success, and there is still a long way to go before the major success.

The minor success of the five elements body is actually equivalent to the body of the king realm.

That is, the king body.

The five elements spirit stones in the Dantian space have undergone a transformation, and Lin’s five elements spiritual energy in the body have also begun to transform.

Of course, there are some effects on the minor success of the five elements body.

Unfortunately, the physical life is affected by the rules of the blue star, and the five elements spiritual energy in it is not as fast as the five elements spirit in the Dantian space.

Yuanshen, there are two more nines in front of the percentage.

Unfortunately, it will take some time to transform into a Yuanhun.

Must wait until the Five Elements Law is fully comprehended and tempered.

Of course, he can also add some breakthroughs.

However, the consumption is even more terrifying, twice as much as that of the Shenwu Continent.

Spiritual consciousness, no change, as long as the Yuan Shen transforms into Yuan Hun, it will disappear, until it completely breaks through to the King Realm, new abilities will be born from Yuan Hun.

Although the conversion of Dantian Five Elements Mana is fast, it also takes a long time.

It can reach 21% at once, naturally because of the influx of the source of Qi.

Reaching the extraordinary twelfth realm, with the transformation of all parties, the attack also increased from 6.8 billion attacks to 99.9 billion.

This is already the limit of this realm.

It can be said to be very terrifying.

The lifespan reaches 49,000 years, because of the rules of the Blue Star, there are not many clones.

Although the Dantian space has reached the extreme, it will expand again sooner or later with the mutation of the five elements of mana conversion.

Reaching the twelfth realm, the skills have undergone some changes.

The Five Elements Jue has reached a small success.

Other five-element techniques also underwent some changes, from the original nine-level supernatural realm to the twelve-level supernatural realm.

That is, there is some more information, but the effect is not very great.

Of course, it is useless to Qin Tian.

Each of these techniques, if given to anyone, has the opportunity to become a legendary realm.

That is, the twelve-level supernatural realm.

"King's pressure?" Qin Tian was surprised. He did not expect that the supernatural pressure would undergo a transformation.


Qin Tian just released it and messed up the room.

"It seems that I need to improve my proficiency as soon as possible." Qin Tian looked at the messy room and was speechless.

"Can I practice the origin clone again?" Qin Tian was a little excited. The origin clone method was one of the main purposes of his practice this time.

He suppressed the desire in his heart and continued to read.

The improvement of the realm has lost its effect.

The five-element method also automatically reaches a small success when it reaches the twelfth level.

Until now, Qin Tian can use the five attributes at will, whether it is separated or fused.


After snapping his fingers, a flame burst out from the fingers of his other hand.


The flame instantly turned into a stream of clear water, and then turned into an ice spear emitting an icy edge.




Qin Tian kept switching between the five elements.

Looking at the golden stick.

Qin Tian really hoped that it could be used to convert the origin energy.

Unfortunately, it couldn't!


Qin Tian snapped his fingers again.


A strong breath burst out from the five fingers.

"The five elements are mutually generated and restrained, and they appear at the same time, so violent. No wonder the fused five elements are so terrifying." Qin Tian sighed as he looked at the different attribute powers on the five fingers.


When the five attribute powers of gold, wood, water, fire and earth merged, the power that burst out was a hundred times that of before.

Even the king realm might not be able to take it with this power attack.

Looking at the shaking room, Qin Tian quickly retracted his power.

"Terrible!" Qin Tian was somewhat looking forward to what kind of changes would happen to his strength after he reached the King Realm or even the Supreme Realm.

There was no change in the artistic conception and true meaning.

But the law had the Five Elements Law.

When the realm reached the twelfth realm of transcendence, in addition to the changes in aura, body, soul, and life, the law also changed, and he had already comprehended 13%.

However, these were not important to Qin Tian at this time.

The most important thing now was to cultivate a clone again.

"System, add points, cultivate the origin clone." Qin Tian said.

"Ding, consumption..."

As the system sounded, Qin Tian only felt a sharp pain in his soul.

To cultivate the origin clone is to extract the soul and origin of the main body.

"System, transfer everything related to beast control to this clone." Qin Tian said with difficulty.

The reason for cultivating the origin clone is this.

The main body mainly cultivates the Five Elements.

This clone carries everything about beast control, the beast control space, the beast control contract, and the beast control.

That person created the beast control contract, so it is best to put aside the cause and effect.

He has a system, but he doesn't want to waste his source energy to make up for the cause and effect and back-up.

The summoned beasts were not separated, but changed as the system leveled up.

The most important ability is commonality.

Whether it is the main body or the clone, it can be summoned as long as a certain amount of source energy is consumed.

"Ding, consume..."

"It hurts!" Qin Tian only felt the sound of tearing from his soul, and the strong pain almost made him faint.

Fortunately, his realm is relatively strong at this moment, otherwise he would have fainted.

After an unknown period of time, a person who looks exactly like him appeared beside him.

"From now on, you will be called Tianyu." Qin Tian was a little weak, and his realm and strength have dropped a lot.

But with the system, it won't take long for him to fully recover.

Host: Tianyu (perfect life)

Life: 10

Level: Extraordinary realm (+)

Constitution: None

Spirit: 1% (+)

Spiritual consciousness: 100%

Lifespan: 1/33,000

Arts: None

Skills: None

Extraordinary skills: None

Artistic realm: None

True meaning: None

Laws: None

Beast Taming Space: Level 4 (+)

Beast Tamer: Extraordinary

Beast Tamer: Xiaoqing [Extraordinary realm]

Original Qi: 2.916 million Origin Qi

Summoning Space: Level 2 [Level 3 (10000/10000) (summonable)]

Summoner: Level 7 (Level 12)

Summoned Beast: Changsheng (White Bone Monarch) (summonable) Xiaochong (Golden Wireworm King) (summonable)

Summoning Contract: You only need to consume the original qi to summon, and the amount of original qi consumed depends on the distance. The original qi is not needed for the main body to summon, and only a certain amount of mental, physical and spiritual energy or mana is consumed, but it must be in the same time and space.

Qin Tian looked at the panel without the clone with an embarrassed face.

Except for the beast control related, there is nothing else.


Because it is directly formed.

Although Tianyu preserves the realm, life, soul, spiritual consciousness... etc.

Keke also lost a lot of things.

Among them, the original body is the most precious.

However, Qin Tian did not plan to let him practice the original body.

According to the information shared by the clone.

He already has a clear path of practice.

The main body practices the five elements, and the clone Tianyu practices the way of beast control.

I don’t know that Blue Star and Shenwu Continent have also undergone some changes.

Shenwu Continent, central area, Tiandu Dynasty.

Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, in a courtyard, three identical figures appeared at the same time.

It was Qin Tian, ​​or his clone.

“From now on, I will be called Tianxue.” Qin Tian on the left spoke.

Qin Tian on the right also spoke: “I will be called Tianhun.”

As the clones began to increase, they naturally had to have their own names.

They couldn’t all be called Qin Tian.

“You feel it, I’ll go and recover first.” Tiandi said. This was Qin Tian’s first clone, and he would call himself Tiandi from now on.

He came back from the battlefield of Wanyu just to cultivate a clone and give them some of his things.

After knowing the universe body, he wanted to understand a problem.

The universe body was cultivated.

Naturally, it requires a heaven-defying talent and enough time.

He has a system for talent.

But time is not enough.

So he thought of a way.

He actually has the original clone method, which can cultivate clones, so why not let them cultivate one ability each.

So this scene happened.

Tianxue, the second clone, was formed by the fusion of half of the blood crystal stone that the Emperor of Heaven separated.

Name: Tianxue [Blood Origin Clone (Special Life)]

Life: 10

Realm: Spiritual Realm (+)

Strength: Tongtian Realm

Constitution: Blood Origin Body (Initial Form) (+)

Mana: None

Lifespan: 180,000/99,000

Skills: None

Spiritual Skills: None

Artistic Realm: None

Realm of Truth: None

Laws: None

Origin of the Embryonic World: Blood Origin (0.1%)

Origin Qi: 2.913 million Origin Qi

Tianhun, the third clone, was created by half of the Yuanhun that the Emperor of Heaven separated.

Name: Tianhun [Yuanhun clone (special life)]

Life: 10

Realm: Spiritual Realm (+)

Strength: Tongtian Realm

Constitution: Yuanhun body (initial formation) (+)

Mana: None

Lifespan: 180,000/99,000

Kungfu: None

Spiritual Method: None

Artistic Realm: None

Real Realm: None

Law: None

Origin of the embryonic world: Soul Source (0.1%)

Origin Qi: 2.913 million Origin Qi

Tianxue is the same as Tianhun, both of them only retain the extraordinary realm, and Shenwu Continent is the spiritual realm.

And the others are the same as Tianyu, none.

"I will also try my own ability." Tianxue said, and suddenly turned completely red, turning into a blood man, his body was shrouded in blood, and turned into a blood light and disappeared in the sky.

"I will go and see too." Tianhun also turned into a phantom and disappeared on the spot.

Time passed, and three days passed in a flash, and the Emperor of Heaven had fully recovered.

It was time to return to the battlefield of Wanyu.

BS: The typos will be corrected first and then revised

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