Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 159: Trillionaire (1/2)

The big man showed a ferocious expression when he saw this, and quickly directed his younger brother to enter the room.

But he kept shooting.

"Ah!" Xiao Xi was hit in one hand, and blood flowed out immediately.

"Come on, rush in." The big man roared, picked up the machine gun and ran from inside.

He was going to kill that woman.

Xiao Xi's body was trembling. Although her body was powerful and terrifying, Qin Tian also taught her some martial arts.

But she is still a girl, and she will instinctively be afraid when encountering this kind of situation.

Now he was seriously injured, and a sense of despair rose in his heart.

When she saw several people rushing in, she turned pale and knew it was over.


We must die together.

Xiao Xi became fierce and used her uninjured hand to grab the broken bricks next to her.

Just throw them out as soon as they come in.

As the footsteps get closer.

Xiaoxi's breathing became more and more irritable.

When a foot appeared in her sight, Xiao Xi was about to attack.

Suddenly four cyan rays of light cut through the void.

Bang bang bang bang!

The sound of footsteps and gunshots immediately fell silent.

At this moment, in Xiao Xi's eyes, it was as if the world had stopped.



The only sound left was her breathing.

Bump, bump, bump!

It wasn't until four collision sounds sounded that Xiao Xi reacted this time.

When she saw the dead man lying on the ground, her eyes were suddenly filled with shock and horror. Her eyes were wide open and her face was full of disbelief.

Are they dead?


Who killed him?

"Are you okay?" Just as Xiao Xi was thinking, a familiar voice sounded.

"Brother Tian!" When Xiao Xi saw the visitor, her nervous, fearful and desperate heart immediately relaxed.

His body tilted and he fainted.

"Xiao Xi!" Qin Tian quickly came to Xiao Xi's side and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was still breathing.

He quickly took out a healing pill from the system and gave it to her.

Seeing that Xiao Xi was seriously injured, a murderous intent broke out fiercely. The originally tattered wall was directly blown away by his explosive momentum.

The surrounding glass was also shattered by the blast. Fortunately, no one was moving below at this time.



The wealthy people in the distance had seen four people die inexplicably, and the despair in their hearts had just begun to decrease, but suddenly they felt a powerful killing force, and the despair and fear in their hearts rose again.

Upon seeing this, Qin Tian suppressed the anger in his heart and quickly began to use his spiritual consciousness to take out the bullet.

Under the treatment of Healing Pill, his breathing returned to normal, the wound healed and stopped bleeding, and his pale face became normal.

Seeing that Xiao Xi was getting better, Qin Tian carried her to the four corpses. When he checked with the system, he immediately understood why.

"Very good." Qin Tian murmured to himself. This time it was not an accident, but someone tipped off the news.

The reason, of course, is for the healing elixir, and I also think it is the panacea elixir.

He originally knew that this would definitely happen with the emergence of the Panacea Pill, so the auction invitations were very secretive.

He even carefully selected the people he would invite to the auction.

But there is still a problem.

Wei Tian!

This was the information Qin Tian got, and it was this person who arranged the robbery.

He knew that this person was the founder of the Sun and Moon Group. He coveted the elixir of medicine and wanted to keep it all for himself, so he had this encounter.

very good.

He dared to covet his things, and almost killed Xiao Xi. If he didn't kill him, he would feel uneasy.

"Who are you? Don't come here, don't kill me..."

"Don't kill me. I'll give you whatever you want."


Seeing Qin Tian walking out, the rich people begged for mercy one after another.

They were frightened out of their wits.

"Brother Tian." Before Qin Tian could speak, Xiao Xi, who he was holding, had already woken up, his face flushed and looking shy.

"Put me down."


When Qin Tian saw that she was fine, he let her go.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, he is my boss, Chairman Qin."

Xiao Xi's face turned red, and she quickly reassured the wealthy people when they saw their fearful expressions.

Hearing Xiao Xi's voice, the others felt much better.

"Boss, their situation is not optimistic. Should we rescue them?" Xiao Xi said while looking at the people lying on the ground.

"Okay." Qin Tian thought for a moment and said. This matter turned out to be because of him. Moreover, if it was not resolved, it might affect the auction of the Panacea Pill.

He couldn't just watch a few people die, and he didn't want to owe others karma.

After Xiao Xi gave several people the healing pills, Qin Tian used his spiritual consciousness to remove the bullets from their bodies.

"Let's go together." Qin Tian said after everything was settled.

"Brother Tian, ​​I can't leave."

After what happened just now, Xiao Xi actually thought about leaving with Qin Tian.

It is thought that the matter here still needs to be investigated by cooperating with the security team.

If she leaves now, it may bring trouble to Qin Tian.

"Okay, be careful." Qin Tian thought for a while and nodded. He had just asked Xiaoji to check the surroundings. There was no danger anymore.

He knew why Xiao Xi stayed.

If there is no danger, there is no need to worry.

There happens to be something that needs to be dealt with.

"This is for you." Qin Tian thought for a while and took out a golden card.

"This is?" Xiao Xi asked confused.

"When in danger, crush it or slap it on yourself."

Qin Tian said: "Also, next time you are injured, use the elixir immediately and don't put yourself in danger."

"I'm going to leave first. I'll wait for you to take care of things here and come back to continue training."

After Qin Tian finished speaking, his body turned into a ray of light and disappeared at the scene.

Xiao Xi fell silent when he heard Qin Tian's words. When he reacted, there was no one there.

"Is he concerned about me?" Xiao Xi's face flushed.

But she didn't notice that the rich people were shocked and unbelievable at this time.

What did they see just now.


"I'm not dead..."

"Is this hell?"


The people who were originally unconscious also woke up one after another, and when they found that they were not dead.

After knowing the reason, they were determined to get the Wanyao Pill.

If the security team hadn't appeared, they would have wanted to continue the auction.

In a building, a middle-aged man in white clothes was walking back and forth at this time, his face full of anxiety.

"The chairman is not good."

Suddenly an old man rushed into his office and said.

"What's wrong with being so flustered." The middle-aged man said: "Say..."

"What?" After hearing the old man's words, the middle-aged man's face suddenly changed.

"Damn it, I told them to grab Wanyao Pills, not to kill people, crazy and insane." Wei Tian roared.

"Chairman, what should we do now?" the old man asked.

"What are you afraid of? You should get rid of all traces immediately." Wei Tian said.

"Okay, Chairman." The old man left the office quickly.

"Damn it." Wei Tian said angrily.

One hundred, one hundred Wanyao Pills.

That's it.

He hated it.


Suddenly the glass next to him broke, and when he looked at it angrily, he saw the most horrifying thing in his life.

"If you do something wrong, you must be punished." A faint voice sounded.

"You are..." Wei Tian said in horror, but before he finished speaking, his body walked uncontrollably towards the broken glass.

"What are you going to do?"



Wei Tian's body jumped directly to the broken place, and a desperate and fearful voice sounded between heaven and earth.


"No, the chairman jumped off the building and committed suicide."

That day, a headline appeared, Wei Tian of Sun Moon Group committed suicide out of fear of crime.

Wei Tian colluded with wanted criminal Da Zhuang to rob Wan Yao Dan auctioned by Wan Yao Pavilion, and was killed on the spot by the security team.

The second one is about Wan Yao Pavilion and Wan Yao Dan.

Soon the previous bus incident was dug up again.

It was already evening when Xiao Xi returned to the company.

"Brother Tian, ​​I want to strengthen my training."

"Okay." Qin Tian nodded and agreed, and finally handed over the Wood Emperor Jue and Wood Style to her.

Originally, the skills can only be purchased at the 4th level of the Origin Store.

But if you have the skills and have successfully practiced them, plus the spiritual consciousness, you can still pass them on.

Qin Tian has reached the extreme of body refining, and his dantian has been filled with twelve drops of special energy, which has reached the extreme, and has been tempered to the extreme by him, reaching the most refined level.

During this period, in addition to absorbing the best energy pill to accumulate energy.

Mainly in practicing the Wood Style, this is the control of one's own strength.

In ten days, he has also reached proficiency.

Qin Tian plans to break through the Qi Refining Realm next.

In the Qi Refining Realm, it is still about accumulating and tempering energy and using energy.

Qin Tian opened the illusion, and this mode was what happened today.

After several modes, Xiao Xi finally passed perfectly.

At night, Qin Tian swallowed an attribute energy pill.

He planned to break through the Qi Refining Realm.

The top-grade energy pill had been used up, and in order to improve Xiao Xi's strength, he gave her another one.

With the help of Qin Tian, ​​he had reached the third level of strength.

As soon as the pill was swallowed, a strong and pure energy burst out instantly, and Qin Tian hurriedly practiced.


A strong energy entered the Dantian, and a roaring sound suddenly sounded.




The stuck realm barrier and the space of the Dantian were broken at this moment.



Qin Tian used his skills to bombard continuously.




The realm broke through, and the Dantian expanded wildly.

Thirteen inches!

Fifteen inches!

Eighteen inches!

I don't know how long it took.

The space of the Dantian finally reached eighty-one inches.

With the help of the attribute energy pill, the special energy also reached 32 drops.

Host: Qin Tian (perfect life)

Realm: Qi Refining Realm, 0th level (1st level) (recovering)

Life: 1.3

Speed: 108 (transforming)

Strength: 108 (transforming)

Constitution: 108 (transforming)

Spirit: 108 (transforming)

Energy: 0

Wood energy: 41 (transforming)

Attack: 241,200

Lifespan: 32/250 (recovering)

Dantian: 81 inches (limit)

Skills: Wood Emperor Jue (Qi Refining Realm)

Martial arts: Three Styles of Wood God (mastery), Spiritual Pressure (entry)

Beast Taming Space: Level 0 (recovering)

The panel has undergone earth-shaking changes.

When reaching the Qi Refining Realm, all attributes begin to transform.

When completely transformed, it is the time to become extraordinary.

Wood energy, Dantian and body total 41 drops, converted to ordinary people's energy is 410,000.

Perhaps it was because of the special nature of the Wood Style, and he had mastered it.

Qin Tian's combat power reached over 240,000.

His strength had reached the eighth level, comparable to that of a Grand Master and a Great Lord.

This is just the beginning.

The Qi Refining Realm is divided into twelve levels, and it is not even the first level at this time. When the quenching energy reaches a certain level, it can break through to the first level.

The Wood Emperor Jue, the Qi Refining Realm, is actually to quench special energy into wood-attributed spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy, extraordinary power, spirituality, full of vitality, is the foundation of all things.

However, the energy in the Dantian must be filled in advance.

Qin Tian did not hesitate and took out another energy to absorb it.

In the next few days, in addition to practicing, it is to guide Xiaoxi.

The hallucinations are basically related to snatching and attacking, and they appear randomly, which is to test Xiaoxi's ability to respond.

The auction needs her to help, and for safety, she must train her instinctive reaction.

There were two mistakes in the middle, and she was killed twice.

This caused Xiaoxi to work harder to train.

Time passed, and soon a month passed.

The auction has been restarted in half a month, and three auctions have been held so far.

Three hundred Wanyao Pills were sold.

The total harvest was 147.6 billion, and the average one reached almost 500 million.

Huge profits, this is the real huge profits.

Qin Tian was so excited.

According to this situation, he can reach level 4 in half a month.

Without the help of the system, he can't absorb the energy of heaven and earth at all.

In a month, with the help of twenty attribute energy pills, he only reached the third level of Qi Refining Realm.

Without the attribute energy pills, it is unknown when he can reach the twelfth level.

This is when he has the meat of fierce beasts and energy cores.

If he doesn't have these, he can reach the fourth level, not to mention the twelfth level.

So reaching level 4 is imminent.

Unfortunately, Yangcheng has reached saturation.

If you want to continue auctioning Wanyao Pills, you have to go to other cities.

Fortunately, the reputation of Wanyao Pavilion has spread among the rich.

Fortunately, there is Xiaoxi.

Otherwise, Qin Tian would have to work personally, which would be very troublesome.

"Take these three cards." Qin Tian said.

"This is a flight card. You can start to leave at a critical moment. It's the same as the defense card. You can control it with your mind."

"And these two are the same. This is a treatment card. It can quickly heal the body. As long as you are not dead, you can recover. And this is a strength card. You can get powerful and terrifying power by using it."

"Okay!" Xiaoxi nodded, but she was very shocked.

Who is Brother Tian?

Is he a god?

Otherwise, how could he have such a magical item.

"Thank you, Brother Tian." Xiaoxi thanked, she knew that Qin Tian was worried about her.

She felt warm in her heart and her face was slightly red.

"Go, be careful." Qin Tian said.


Time passed in a flash, and in a blink of an eye, it was another month.

This month, Xiaoxi traveled non-stop to various cities.

The goal of one trillion was finally achieved, and it was far exceeded.

"Ding: 155.35 billion Xia coins have been received. If you have 1048.22 billion Xia coins, do you want to convert the origin points?"

"Ding: The host has achieved a trillionaire, and will be rewarded with 10,000 draws, 1 billion origin points, and a copy of the Five Elements Jue."

Finally, I can upgrade.


Reward the Five Elements Jue?

"System, what do you mean?" Qin Tian was a little puzzled. He clearly already had it, why would he come to the Five Elements Jue.

"Ding, the host's reward is correct."



Absolutely wrong. I clearly already have it, and you are rewarding it. Isn't it the same as not having a reward?

"System, it's meaningless for you to do this. Don't give me any compensation." Qin Tian said.

"Ding, the host's reward is correct, there is no compensation."

Qin Tian: "..."

In the end, I can only compromise.

"System, convert..."

BS: The typo will be corrected first and then corrected

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