Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 158 Xiaoxi encounters crisis (1/2)

"Actually, I want you to become stronger mainly because of what happened that day."

Qin Tian said: "After what you have experienced, you should also know that the fate of ordinary people is beyond your control."

"You work for me, and I can't let you have an accident, so I let you choose."

"Oh." Xiao Xi was excited. It turned out that Brother Tian didn't want himself to get hurt.

"Brother Tian, ​​what would you have done if I hadn't agreed?"

"You will be assigned to work in Qin's group after a while." Qin Tian said. He had not thought it through before. He has a magical elixir that is unparalleled for ordinary people, and naturally there are countless dangers.

Even if you haven't experienced what Wu Fan did, you will still experience other things.

For example, a few days ago, someone wanted to steal his elixir and sent people into his company. However, he was seriously injured and then Xiaoji was asked to collect his crimes and send them to the security team.

Of course, the person behind the plot was also sent to the security team by him.

It is impossible to come out in this life.

So if the people around him don't have the strength to protect themselves, he really doesn't dare to keep them around him.

"I want to stay with Brother Tian." Xiao Xi said quickly, and her face turned slightly red immediately after speaking.

"But it's dangerous?" Qin Tian said.

"I'm not afraid." Xiao Xi said, and after thinking about it, he said, "Don't you want me to become Superman? Then I will kill those bad guys."

As she spoke, she gestured with her white and tender hands.

"Actually, I have another reason for doing this, that is, I want you to do something for me?" Qin Tian said directly.

To cultivate Xiao Xi and make her stronger, besides not wanting her to have any accidents, he naturally hopes that she can do things for him and let her host the auction of healing pills.

He didn't want to wait for the Mu Yuan Group. He wanted to summon Xiaoqing Immortal Insects and the others, and also wanted to improve his strength.

If this world is the same as the environment in the Sealing Tower, in seven...six years, or even shorter, the passage to another world will be opened. When the extraordinary comes, how will he resist it.

"Brother Tian, ​​if it weren't for you, I would have died twice. I am willing to work for Brother Tian." Xiao Xi said without thinking.

"Okay, now sit cross-legged on the floor." Qin Tian was excited and quickly put down his breakfast and came to Xiao Xi's side and said.

"Take this pill." Wait for Xiao Xi to sit cross-legged and let her take the body tempering pill.

After taking the elixir, Xiao Xi suddenly felt waves of heat rushing through her body, and she immediately felt pain.

"Hold on." Qin Tian said quickly, but Xiao Xi is a girl after all, and her physique is naturally weaker than that of boys. At this time, Xiao Xi's face was as pale as paper.

He still overestimated the endurance of ordinary people.

Xiaoxi couldn't hold on at all if this continued.

Is it possible to give her a healing pill? But in this case, the body tempering effect will be greatly reduced.

"Ah!" The energy kept rushing around, and Xiao Xi could no longer hold on.

"Forget it, just lower it." Qin Tian shook his head. He couldn't let Xiao Xi get injured or even die from the energy riot.

"Ding, host, you can use your consciousness to guide the energy in her body to temper her body, or you can teach her the skills. Once she has the skills, she can slowly control the energy in her body."

Just when Qin Tian was about to take out the healing pill, the system's voice sounded.

"Guidance by spiritual consciousness?"

It is formed by the transformation of divine consciousness and spiritual power to the extreme.

Qin Tian was formed by opening up the divine veins.

So there is very little spiritual consciousness.

You can use your spiritual consciousness to see everything around you.

If you follow the system.

Does this mean that you can also use your spiritual consciousness to view others?

Even the body.

Thinking of this...

Qin Tian suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Then I thought of another method.

"Teach her the exercises?"

Qin Tian frowned, he had also thought about it.

But the problem is that it cannot be purchased in the original store for the time being, and it requires level 4.

And he didn't want to expose his skills.

After all, in the near future, this world will be dominated by beasts.

If you can't absorb the energy of heaven and earth, practicing exercises is useless.

Unless you absorb energy pills and practice like him.

But he himself didn’t have any extra, so naturally he couldn’t leave it to others to practice.

Even if it is possible, it still needs to reach level 4.

Qin Tian directly ruled it out.

He could only use his spiritual consciousness. Seeing Xiao Xi's face showing pain, he didn't dare to delay and quickly used his spiritual consciousness to check.

Suddenly he saw white flowers, and Qin Tian's face was full of embarrassment. Fortunately, Xiao Xi didn't notice anything.

But it was only a momentary thought, and Qin Tian put aside all distracting thoughts.

Xiao Xi's situation at this time was not optimistic, so he immediately used his spiritual consciousness to guide him.

"This..." Qin Tian was shocked. He thought it would be difficult, but he didn't expect it to be so easy, as if the energy was his own.

Watching the energy changes in Xiao Xi's body.

Qin Tian thought of some questions.

Are you controlling this from a distance?

Surprisingly, energy can do it, and other things should also do it.

Get things from the air!

Sword flying!

Step into the air!

Qin Tian thought of countless scenarios for a while.

Excited and excited.

"Ah!" Suddenly Xiao Xi's voice pulled Qin Tian back.

Xiao Xi was sweating profusely, her face was pale, and she kept making sounds of pain.

Qin Tian knew that this was due to the tempered body.

"Hold on, you'll be fine soon." Qin Tian quickly reminded him and controlled the energy tempering speed.

Xiao Xi's complexion suddenly improved a lot.

At the same time, he also showed a look of confusion.

Although it hurt, she could feel the heat flow in her body suddenly become orderly and spread to every corner of her body.

Everywhere she passed, there would be waves of pain, which was originally quite strong, but now it gradually calmed down.

Although the pain was still there, she could bear it.

She could also feel that her body was changing. When the pain disappeared, a faint power was growing.

Time was in a hurry, and two hours passed in a flash.


When Xiaoxi's whole body was tempered, a power higher than that of ordinary people burst out in her body.

"Ah!" Xiaoxi couldn't help but moan, her body was so comfortable.

Qin Tian almost couldn't control himself.

Fortunately, she was wrapped in black mud and a foul smell emanated from it, otherwise he might really...

"Okay, go wash it quickly." Qin Tian said.

His face was pale, and it was the first time so his consciousness was consumed a lot.

If he hadn't used the divine vein to release the mysterious energy from it, his consciousness would have been consumed long ago.

Even so, his head was dizzy.

"Ah?" Xiao Xi was puzzled, thinking that he wanted to.


Why does my body feel weird.

And who is farting, why is it so smelly.

"Ah..." When Xiao Xi opened her eyes, her eyes were full of fear.

She finally understood what Qin Tian said.

In a flash, she disappeared from the spot.

Qin Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw this. He had also experienced this situation.

For a girl who loves cleanliness, it is more uncomfortable than killing her.

Without thinking too much, he went to the sofa and fell asleep.

After waking up, Qin Tian felt very comfortable.

"Well." Qin Tian found that his spiritual consciousness not only recovered but also increased, and his soul became more condensed.

Could it be...

"Ding, host, using spiritual consciousness can improve the use of spiritual consciousness, which is beneficial to the increase of soul and spiritual consciousness."

So that's it.

It seems that I have to use it more in the future.

"Where is Xiao Xi?" Qin Tian looked around but didn't see anyone.

"Master, she went home."

Xiao Ji's voice sounded.

"I saw you fell asleep just now, so I didn't wake you up."

"Go home?" Qin Tian thought about it and understood the meaning.

It must be what happened just now that made Xiaoxi embarrassed and ran away.

"Forget it." Qin Tian shook his head. Girls are like this. It should be fine tomorrow.

When he came to the kitchen, he saw that the food was already prepared and placed in the incubator.

It seems that Xiaoxi cooked it.

Qin Tian ate and began to practice.

After today, he became more curious about the understanding of spiritual consciousness.

So he began to use spiritual consciousness.

After a night of practice, Qin Tian finally understood a lot of things.

It is possible to take objects from a distance, but it must be within the coverage of spiritual consciousness.

The coverage of spiritual consciousness increases as the soul becomes more condensed.

The spiritual consciousness can also control the energy to cover the object and leave the body without disappearing.

The chopsticks were covered with energy, and a green light emanated from it, penetrating the wall as easily as tofu.

It's a pity that the coverage of spiritual consciousness is still too short.

If you want to become a sword immortal, you still need to let the road go far to kill people thousands of miles away.

But one of the reasons made Qin Tian excited.

That is to kill people invisibly.

Just like Hai Tiansheng before, he can easily kill others without doing anything, and even make the other party unable to resist.

It can be naturally related to coercion.

Coercion is actually formed by the initial transformation of mental power reaching its peak.

When mental power is extremely strong, that is, the soul is powerful and terrifying, and the breath released naturally is naturally terrifying.

This is coercion.

The reason why coercion can kill people invisibly.

It is formed by the fusion of mental power and energy pill.

Mental power is invisible. When it wraps energy, it can kill people without being discovered.

And the spiritual consciousness is even more terrifying. The pressure is between mental power and spiritual consciousness.

And spiritual consciousness is formed by the complete transformation of mental power.

So you don’t need energy at all, and you can attack others.

That is, the spiritual consciousness attacks directly.

Especially the opponent’s soul.

As for whether he can kill the opponent.

Qin Tian is not sure for the time being, after all, he has not tried it yet.

Of course, he dare not use it indiscriminately. Even if he can’t kill the opponent, it may cause the opponent to become a fool.

In one night, the spiritual consciousness is not consumed, and it increases a little after recovery.

Unfortunately, there are very few. It is not known how long it will take for the soul to be completely solidified.

He may have a little time to cultivate his soul and consciousness.

He also needs to improve his own strength.

However, according to the system, when he reaches level 4, he can buy martial arts and martial arts, and naturally he can also buy martial arts related to consciousness.

Finally, he returned to the beginning, making money and improving the origin store.

Time flies, and ten days have passed in a flash.

During this period, Xiaoxi has completely mastered her own power.

Qin Tian tempered her body twice and taught her some martial arts.

Her strength is more than thirty times that of an ordinary person.

One punch can blow up a small car.

A little superman.

"Master, it's bad, Xiaoxi is in danger."

Just when Qin Tian was practicing, an anxious girl's voice came from the phone.

"What's going on?" Qin Tian opened his eyes and frowned.

Xiaoxi hosted the auction of Wanyaodan today.

Did something go wrong in the auction?

After three temperings, Xiaoxi's current strength has reached the middle stage of the first level.

The combat power is even 3, while the combat power of ordinary people is not even 0.1.

How could she be in danger?

Could it be...

"Master, it's a group of wanted criminals, they have guns."

Qin Tian immediately understood why Xiao Xi was in danger.

Although Xiao Xi's physical strength is terrifying, one punch can turn people into blood mist.

But she is just a mortal, and she can't withstand the random sweep of guns even if she has great strength.

Unless she has a skill like him, and cultivates her physical body to be invulnerable to swords and guns.

Qin Tian's face suddenly changed, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Yangcheng, on the top of a building, the scene was in chaos at this time.

"Don't kill me, my money and so on will be given to you."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."


Bang bang bang bang bang!

The sound of bullets breaking through the air kept coming from the scene, and hitting the wall made a bang bang sound.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

"Fuck, kill her for me."

A big man roared, picked up the machine gun in his hand and kept firing in one direction.

In addition to the big man, there were three people around, also holding rifles in their hands.

Hearing the boss's words, they also fired wildly.

The wall was smashed to pieces.

There were several bodies next to the four people, looking horrible, either the head was blown up, or the body was blown into a big hole.

Some were even blown to pieces.

The big man was in a bad mood when he saw his younger brother being killed by the woman. Seeing those rich people quarreling, he took out a pistol and shot at those people.

Bang bang bang!




Those people were seriously injured at the time, but fortunately they were not hit in the vital parts, otherwise they would be considered dead.

But even so, they were not far from death.

"Fuck it, you are quarreling, I will kill you all." The big man roared.

He originally just planned to rob and leave after robbing things.

But what shocked him was that the originally weak girl suddenly attacked and killed four people instantly with just one encounter.

They had no resistance at all.

Devil, the other party is definitely a devil.

One punch blew up a person.

It was really terrifying.

If they hadn't reacted quickly, the other party would have been afraid of the guns in their hands, and they might have been wiped out.

Seeing someone being shot, the other rich people quickly shut up, but their bodies couldn't help shaking, cold sweat had covered their bodies, and their faces were as pale as ghosts.

"Kill him for me." No one spoke, the big man was shooting at the wall. He wanted revenge, he wanted to kill that woman.

Bang, bang, bang!

The wall was blasted into pieces, some bullets penetrated the wall and hit the glass on the opposite side, breaking it and falling towards the high-rise building.


There was a commotion on the street and the road.

Someone was cut by the falling glass and fell to the ground instantly.

The people passing by were scattered all at once.

In order to avoid the people, some vehicles directly crashed into the stone steps next to them.

Some even crashed into other vehicles, causing an uncontrollable traffic accident.

On the high-rise building, the four big men were still shooting wildly.

"Ah!" Xiaoxi was too late to dodge, and her thigh was shot directly.

Xiaoxi's mind was in a mess at this time.

She never thought that she would encounter such a situation.

She never thought that she would kill someone.

If Qin Tian hadn't trained her, she would have died by now.

But even so, she was still shot several times.

She was already seriously injured, and now she was shot in the thigh and couldn't move.

At this moment, she thought of her parents, her best friend, and Qin Tian.

Was she going to die?

"Hurry, her foot is injured, kill him for me."

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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