Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 160: Origin Store Level 4 (1/2)

"System, convert the source point." Qin Tian said excitedly, finally this moment has come.

"Ding, host, do you want to convert all Xia coins into source points?"


Qin Tian thought for a while and said, "Convert 900 billion Xia coins."

In a month, Xiao Xi held auctions in every city and earned him more than 1 trillion Xia coins.

It only takes 1 trillion source stores to upgrade the source store.

He already has 280 billion, plus four spirit stones, which is about 700 billion.

It only takes more than 300 billion to upgrade.

But spirit stones are hard currency goods. They can be converted into source points in any world, and can also be used for cultivation. They are the main resources for cultivation in the extraordinary stage.

Qin Tian thought about it and finally kept it.

There are enough Xia coins, so it is no longer necessary.

Convert 900 billion, leaving 100 billion Xia coins, intending to use it on Wanyao Pills.

After two months, the Qingling grass has grown to maturity.

But the quality is relatively poor.

After research, they guessed that it might be due to the environment.

Qin Tian knew that it was actually because the energy of heaven and earth in the city was relatively thin.

Finally, under his suggestion, they decided to plant in the village.

"Ding, 90 million origin points consumed, conversion successful."

Qin Tian wanted to cry when he heard that it consumed almost 100 million origin points.

Too stingy.

This consumes origin points.

"System, upgrade." Qin Tian said.

"Ding, 1 trillion origin points consumed, upgrading..."

Seeing that the origin points he had worked so hard to earn were almost consumed in an instant, Qin Tian wanted to scold the system.

Too stingy!

1 trillion?

Why not rob it.

This is only level 4, how much will it cost if it is level 5.

"Ding, upgrade successful, the system has reached level 4, welcome to use it."

"Ding, open cultivation and related functions."

After the upgrade, the system has changed greatly.

Divided into two panels.

One beast control, one self.

Host: Qin Tian (Perfect Life)

Level: 0th level (1st level) (Recovering)

Beast Control Space: 0th level [0.1% (+)]

Beast Control Master: Leader (Recovering)

Beast Control: A Piece of Grass [6th level (12th level)] (Sleeping)

Summoning Space: 2nd level [3rd level (0/10000) (Cannot be summoned temporarily)]

Summoner: 7th level (12th level)

Summoned Beast: Changsheng (White Bone Monarch) (Cannot be summoned temporarily) Xiaochong (Golden Wireworm King) (Cannot be summoned temporarily)

What Qin Tian did not expect was that this system upgrade could actually repair the beast control space.

This means that it won't take long for Xiaoqing to recover.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian was extremely excited.

He couldn't help but say: "System, repair the beast control space."

"Ding, 0.1 original energy is consumed, and the beast control space is recovering..."

"Ding, the beast control space is repaired by 1%."

"0.1 original energy?" Qin Tian was puzzled. Could it be because of the system upgrade?

"Ding, the host's origin energy is an upgraded version of the origin point, and the origin energy is the energy of all things."

"The energy of all things?" Qin Tian frowned, thought for a while and guessed: "Does it mean that it can be used for all things."

"Ding, the host is."

"What is the ratio?" Qin Tian said.

"Ding, 100 billion origin points: 1 strand."

"So much?" Qin Tian was surprised, the 0.1 origin energy just consumed is 10 billion origin points.

10 billion to restore 1%, it takes 1 trillion to fully restore.

Qin Tian was speechless when he thought about it.

He didn't even have 200 billion now, and it was not enough to restore.

He could only give up temporarily.

Except for the changes in the beast control space, everything else is still the same.

Qin Tian opened his information panel.

Directly changed.

Host: Qin Tian (Perfect Life)

Life: 1.4

Realm: Ordinary Realm. Sixth Level (+)

Strength: Ordinary Realm. Ninth Level

Constitution: Wood Spirit Body (10%+)

Physical Energy: 81 [Wood (30%)]

Spiritual Awareness: (42%+)

Energy: 81 [Wood (30%)]

Attack: 1.54 million

Lifespan: 32/280 (Recovering)

Dantian: 81 inches (Limit +)

Kung Fu: Five Elements Jue, Wood Emperor Jue (Qi Refining Realm Ninth Level +), Mental Pressure (Mastery +)

Martial Arts: Wood God Three Styles (Mastery +)

Origin Qi: 1.7 strands

Origin Points: 5.2 billion (50 million alliances Coins cannot be converted, 100.845 billion Xia coins can be converted)

Origin Store: Level 4 [Level 5 (0/1 Origin Qi)]

Lottery: 10,000 times

Storage space: 10 kilometers (+)

Equipment: Ninth-level Blue Jade Armor

Items: Spirit Stone*4, Time Watch (cooling down), Kitchen Knife, Ninth-level Weapon, Variety Stone, Beast Taming Egg (Spirit Bird), Beast Taming Egg (Giant Ape), Low-level Evolution Pill*4, Intermediate Evolution Pill*4, High-level Evolution Pill*6, Evolution Card, Beast Taming Card Pack, Spirit Object Card Pack, Weapon Card Pack, Beast Taming Skill Card Pack, Artistic Conception Comprehension Card*10, Half-step Supernormal Pseudo-dragon Energy Core, Half-step Supernormal Pseudo-dragon Body.

Regular Items: None

When the system reaches Level 4, the first change is that there is a plus sign at the end, which can be directly upgraded.

The realm has become the ordinary realm, the realm of ordinary people.

Perhaps because it is a perfect life, the strength can actually fight beyond the third level.

It seems that I am also a genius.

The attributes have also changed greatly, and the speed and strength are directly gone.

Of course, it is not gone, but it is not displayed, and it is all counted in the strength.

Physique represents talent and future.

Mu Yuanling, a kind of extraordinary physique, can become extraordinary when it reaches 100%.

Physical Yuanli, that is, the energy in the body.

Yuanli, the power of mortal cultivation.

When Yuanli becomes spiritual power, it is one of the conditions for becoming extraordinary.

Because Qin Tian has Dantian, it is divided into physical body and Dantian.

They are all the same capacity.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Tian's strength and combat power are stronger than the real realm.

Spiritual consciousness is 42%.

The reason for such progress is that he took all the Ningling Pills, and his mental pressure has also reached proficiency.

If it weren't for giving Xiaoxi 20 pills, it would be higher, and the mental pressure might also be perfect.

Mental pressure, a basic mental practice.

The life span has also increased, and he is finally no longer a fool.

Dantian has reached the limit, because he is a perfect life, and he can still improve in this realm.

Five Elements Jue, Qin Tian was very speechless when he saw this news.

The panel did not have it before because the information was incomplete.

After the system reached level 4, some information about the Five Elements Jue suddenly appeared in his mind.

The Five Elements Jue is divided into five levels.

The first level is the Wood Emperor Jue.

Originally, there was only one way to practice, but when the system reached level 4, another method appeared.

In a month, the Wood Style still has not reached perfection.

But it will be soon.

The source energy is indeed the same as the system said.

The more than 18 billion source points before have indeed become 1.8 source energy.

When he saw that there were still source points, Qin Tian was relieved.

Who knows if the minimum use of source energy is 0.1.

0.1 source energy is 10 billion source points.

It’s okay if it’s not, but if it is, it’s a loss.

“One source energy?” Qin Tian frowned. It turned out to be one source energy after upgrading to level 5.

He guessed that it should be formed by the fusion of source energy. Without asking the system, he knew that the source energy required would be a bottomless pit.

Ten thousand draws, watching Qin Tian excited.

I don’t know what I will draw this time.

"System draws, ten thousand draws." Qin Tian said excitedly.

"Ding, host, the maximum is one hundred consecutive draws, and the consumption of origin points can be ten thousand consecutive draws."

"How much consumption?" Qin Tian was speechless, this system was too stingy.

"Ding, it needs to consume 10 million origin points."

"Why so much?" Qin Tian frowned, is this system sick, it needs so many origin points.

"Why is it so much?" Qin Tian thought about it and asked, he thought there might be other reasons, otherwise it wouldn't be so expensive.

He bought an automatic function before, so he didn't have to draw by himself.

"Ding, the host has a guaranteed prize for ten thousand draws."

"Guaranteed prize?" Qin Tian was surprised, it was the first time he heard of it.

"What guaranteed prize?"

"Ding, the host's guaranteed prize is unknown, the prize is unknown, you can get any item, there are skills, martial arts, weapons, elixirs, spiritual objects, spiritual medicines, and it is possible to get extraordinary things, even beyond the extraordinary."

"This..." Qin Tian was a little speechless, the system was tempting him.

After thinking for a while, he said, "System ten thousand draws."

After the system is upgraded, you can buy extraordinary things, but they are very expensive, at least a little bit of origin energy, which is 100 billion.

If 10 million can get an extraordinary thing, I will make a lot of money.

At most, I will lose 10 million.

Qin Tian has already thought about it, just once, whether it is profitable or not, it is one time.

"Ding, consume 10 million origin points, ten thousand draws start..."

At this moment, Qin Tian finally understood Xiaoji's previous definition of big money and small money.

When a person has huge capital, some money that ordinary people cannot get in their lifetime is small money in their eyes, or even worse than small money.

"Ding, get 1 essence."

"Ding, get 1 essence."

"Ding, get 1 essence."

"Ding, get 10 essence."



"Ding, get 1 essence."

"Ding, get 1 essence."

"Ding, get 5 essence."

"Ding, get 1 wisp..."

After listening for a while, Qin Tian ignored the system voice in his mind.

Wait until the draw is over and then watch it slowly.

Qin Tian continued to observe the panel.

The storage space is not going to be upgraded for the time being.

Equipment, the previous armor was destroyed in the world-destroying thunder.

The ninth-level blue jade armor I am wearing now was selected through the ninth-level weapon card pack.

There are two in total.

In addition to the blue jade armor, there is also a ninth-level white crystal inner armor. After Qin Tian used the extreme function to operate it, it became an equipment that can be worn at the first level.

Naturally, it was given to Xiao Xi.

In more than a month, the items in the storage space were almost consumed.

The remaining elixir was the evolution elixir, and there was also a half-step extraordinary energy core. Qin Tian did not dare to use it because of the terrifying energy.

The rest are some unusable items.

"Ding, get 1 origin point."

"Ding, get 1 origin point."


Seeing that the lottery was still going on, Qin Tian went to the origin store to check.

Everything else is the same, except that there are more items related to cultivation.

Gongfa, Qi Refining Technique, priced at 8,000 origin points.

Body Tempering Technique, priced at 5,000 origin points.

Meridian Opening Technique, 8,000 origin points.

Wooden Yuan Jue, 100,000 Origin Points.

Golden Body, 300,000 Origin Points.

Golden Body Tyrant Body Jue, 1 million Origin Points.

Thunder Method Tongtian Jue, 10 million Origin Points.

Flame Dragon Method, 50 million Origin Points.

Tsk tsk!

Really cheap.

He thought it needed Origin Qi to buy.

But it was true, too many skills were useless, and they couldn't all be practiced.

Continue reading.

They still needed Origin Points to buy.

Finally saw a familiar one.

Wood Emperor Jue, priced at 1 billion Origin Points.

Sky Fire Jue, 1.2 billion Origin Points.

Heavy Earth Jue, 1 billion Origin Points.

Gold Jue, 1.5 billion Origin Points.

Ice Jue: 2 billion Origin Points.

Five Elements Jue, 10 billion Origin Points, is the foundation of the world body.

Not long after reading, I finally saw the skills that needed Origin Qi to buy.

Wood Spirit Divine Method, priced at 1 Origin Qi.

Divine Fire Method, 1.2 Origin Qi.

Wind God Technique, 1.5 Origin Qi.

Thunder God Technique, 2 Origin Qi.

Heaven Sealing Supreme Technique, 100 Origin Qi.

Evergreen Technique, 120 Origin Qi.

God and Demon Body, 150 Origin Qi.

Nine Heavens Supreme Technique, 1000 Origin Qi.

Nine Five Emperor Technique, 3000 Origin Qi.

Heaven Emperor Technique, 10,000 Origin Qi.

World Body, 10 million Origin Qi.

Chaos Body, 1000 Origin Crystals.

Creation Method, 10,000 Origin Crystals.

Chaos Creation Technique, 1 million Origin Crystals, this is the highest and most expensive technique in the system.

Unfortunately, it cannot be viewed.

What is needed is a higher level of Origin Crystals, not Origin Qi.

It is really expensive.

After reading the techniques, I looked at martial arts and martial arts.

There are also magical skills.

The three styles of the Wood God are priced at 1.5 billion origin points. They are wood-attributed physical martial arts and belong to the basic methods.

Physical martial arts means that you can practice martial arts without cultivating your physical body.

It is also a basic method, that is, a martial art that lays the foundation.

With the Wood Emperor Jue, you can cultivate a wood spirit body, naturally control the laws of wood and life, and even have the opportunity to become an emperor.

In addition to martial arts, I didn’t expect there is talent.

But they all need to be purchased with origin energy.

Cultivation talent is divided into eighteen grades.

Grade one, priced at 1 origin energy.

Grade two, 2 origin energy.

Grade nine, 9 origin energy.

Grade ten, 100 origin energy, which has directly doubled more than ten times and can achieve extraordinary.

It’s almost the same after seeing the latter.

Grade fifteen, priced at 5,000 origin energy, can cultivate into an emperor.

Grade seventeen, priced at 100,000 origin energy, can achieve dominance.

Grade eighteen…

Qin Tian’s eyes were hot, and he really wanted to rob the whole world to earn origin energy.

In addition to cultivation talents, there are also attribute talents.

Such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, all kinds of them.

There are many fire attribute talents alone.

Ordinary fire, spiritual fire, flaming fire, heavenly fire and other talents.

Among them, space talent and time talent are what Qin Tian wants most.

Shuttle through space.

Time stops, time goes back.

Qin Tian has a deep understanding of these.

Long Jiu was resurrected because of time going back.

However, these all require talent, physique, and even more need to have corresponding exercises to practice.

Among them, talent is the most important.

It’s a pity that the source of energy is not enough, otherwise he would buy it directly.

But fortunately, attribute talents are not as expensive as required talents.

After all, if you have attribute talents but no cultivation talents, you may not be able to break through the realm even if your life is exhausted.

Of course, each attribute talent has high and low levels, and the higher the grade, the slower the cultivation.

The more source of energy you need.

After looking at the talent, I looked at the physique again.

This is awesome.

Get the physique you want directly.

You can have any physique you want.

Ancient Saint Body, Space God Body, Supreme Immortal Body, Time and Space Emperor Body, Void Body, Life Body, Yin and Yang Infinite Body, Time and Space Supreme Body, Destiny Body, Reincarnation Body... and so on!

Even the World Body and Chaos Creation Body are available.

The price required is several times higher than the others.

Qin Tian did not plan to buy the physique directly.

With the system and the technique, he can practice it directly.

Unless his origin energy and origin crystals are really endless, he might consider it.

BS: The typo will be corrected first and then corrected

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