Beast Taming: I Can Extract Pleasure Points

Chapter 286: contract fairy beast

In addition to inheriting all the skills of the Ice Ghost King, Jiang He, who has possessed himself, also acquired the characteristics of a ghostly body.

After being possessed, he is no longer a human, but a real ghost.

Physical attacks cannot cause any damage to it, and are almost completely immune.

Then in the future, when fighting against the beasts, his safety will be greatly guaranteed, and there is no need for Ziyue and the others to scatter their energy to protect him.

Combined with the power of the mechanical sword, Jiang He, who is possessed by the Ice Ghost King, is no less powerful than the monarch's low-level extraordinary creatures!

But after a while, Jiang He felt that his heart began to mobilize violently, accompanied by symptoms of dizziness, cold body and blood clotting.

His body has reached its limit!


Seeing this, the Ice Ghost King quickly got off Jiang He.

After the possession state ended, Jiang He couldn't help staggering and almost fell.

There were labor pains from all over the body, and the muscles all over the body were strained, and it took a few minutes to recover under the treatment of Ziyue Moonlight.

"Feeling that my body is being hollowed out might describe my current state, right?"

Jiang He smiled helplessly.

Excessive synaesthesia means that the spirit is drained, while the possession of the Ice Ghost King means that the body is drained.

The Ice Ghost King's possessive form is strong and strong, but it does not last long.

This is mainly because Jiang He's physique is not strong enough.

Although his physique has reached an inhuman realm after several backfeeding by the beast, the power of the Ice Ghost King is too strong to be carried by a weak human body for a long time.

It's like equipping a car with an airplane engine. Although the speed increases all of a sudden, the car will fall apart completely after driving for a long time.

It seems that the next time - I have to exercise well!

Time always flies by inadvertently.

One morning a week later, after Jiang He completed the morning exercise, he found that a deep crack appeared on the surface of the soul crystal of the ancestor spirit beast, and a faint blue light was released from it, shooting towards the sky, forming a faint blue streak. rainbow light.

The little ancestor spirit beast is finally about to hatch!




Sensing the movement, Jiang and several other imperial beasts also gathered around, looking curiously at the giant soul crystal more than ten meters high.

Kacha Kacha......

A series of sounds of crystal shattering, the cracks in the center of the soul crystal are getting bigger and denser.

Finally, the giant soul crystal more than ten meters high cracked from the middle.

Appearing in front of Jiang He was an extraordinary creature that looked like a Pegasus and a unicorn. It was about the same size as an ordinary foal. The whole body was covered with velvety white hair, and the hair on the neck gradually changed to blue. Its pupils are emerald green, and it has a pair of small wings on its back.

Holy, noble, lovely, holy...

It seems that all beautiful words can be used to describe the imperial beast in front of him.

This should be what the ancestor spirit beast looked like before it evolved.


Seeing Jiang He, the little guy happily took small steps and ran over, like a silly roe deer in a certain video.

But seeing Jiang and the beast beside him, the little guy stopped his steps subconsciously, and then took a half step back timidly.

"Is this too cowardly?"


Takiyue, in the form of a small water droplet, waved her hand and said hello to her new partner, Ziyue and Yiyi also released friendly signals.


Seeing the friendly signals of the beasts, the little guy didn't feel the danger, so he walked over timidly.

Jiang He took out a piece of green paste food from the pot of desire and handed it to the newborn ancestor spirit beast.

This is the natural jade powder specially prepared by **** and these days. It is a rare ingredient. It contains a variety of precious medicinal materials and the essence of botanical beasts. It is delicious and nutritious.


The newly born little guy is also welcome, and starts to taste the jade powder.

The sky and the earth are big, and the dry rice is the biggest.

While the little guy was enjoying the natural jade powder, Jiang He glanced at its information with the [Illustration Guide]—

[Name] Fairy Beast

【Main Attribute】Natural

[Sub-attributes] Water, Wood, Earth

[Rank] Leading the higher ranks

[Potential] Undying Advanced


Low level: recovery, regeneration

Intermediate: Baptism of nature, power of tides, power of all things, withering, power of earth, power of grass and trees, fairy flash

Advanced: Fairy Light

Super-Order: Primordial Awakening, Stormy Seas, The Arrival of the Tree Realm, Great Virtue

[Introduction] The infant form of the ancestor spirit beast, the beast in charge of the forest, the ocean, and the earth, has the ability to manipulate nature.

[Emotion] Dependence: 70 (it seems to treat you as its mother)

Likes: 60 (it likes the smell on you)

Gratitude: 60 (you rescued it)

Good guy! Birth is to lead the high class!

Seeing the information on the panel of the fairy beast, Jiang He was stunned.

Birth is to lead the high-level, just the starting point is more than the end of 99% of the beasts.

Is this a mythical creature?

Who would have thought that such a cute fairy beast, which looks so small in front of you, is actually a royal beast leading a high level?


Takizuki was puzzled.

Also a mythical creature, why was it so weak at the beginning?

If he hadn't met Jiang He, he would most likely still be a small drop of water now.

"Maybe it has something to do with its original return state."

Jiang He thought of the last picture that the synaesthesia saw. The spiritual veins were arranged before the ancestor spirit beast went to sleep.

For this incubation, they have actually spent a long time preparing and saving.

"and many more!"

Jiang He suddenly realized that the little guy was not "hatching" perfectly because he woke up early.

If there is no accident, the hatching of fairy beasts is the level of monarch or even higher.

I don't know if the other ancestor spirit beast that was taken away by the Bald Eagle Kingdom hatched.

"Little guy, don't you have a name yet? I've already figured it out for you, so it's called Jiang Ling'er, how about it?"

Jiang He's natural child talent has been upgraded to level 4, and even if he does not contract with the fairy beast, he can communicate with it smoothly.

As for the name, Jiang He had already thought about it as early as the incubation process.

Although Ziyue and Takiyue were unanimously complained, Jiang and himself thought it was okay.

Of course, the specific name still needs to seek the opinions of the fairy beasts.


When the fairy beast heard the name, it shook its head repeatedly, expressing its dissatisfaction.

It has always been a male beast, how could it have such a name! ?

"Mi!" (I already have a name!)

The fairy beast raised its head and said proudly.

Although its memory has not been awakened for the time being, it knows its name from birth.

Just like some western dragons will call out their real names when they are born.

"what is it call?"

"Mi!" (Fairy Beast!)

The fairy beast made a crisp cry.

The fairy beast is actually its racial name.

But because it is unique and unique in this world, it chose to use its own racial name as its own name.

"Then call you a fairy beast!"

Jiang He didn't bother, but thought about how to complete the contract with the little guy in front of him.

According to the intimacy in the game, he has already met the preliminary contract conditions.

But this fairy beast is cowardly and thief, but he may not be willing to make a contract with him.

"Forget it, let's just say it directly!"

Jiang Hexin was stunned, and to avoid having too many nights and dreams, they decided to showdown now.

After all, the older you get, the harder it is to fool. Once the memory of the ancestor spirit beast awakens, Jiang He will have no chance at all.

As mythical creatures, their characters are extremely arrogant, and they are unwilling to bind their lives to a human being.

"Fairy Beast, are you willing to establish a partnership contract with me and live and fight together in the future? I can make you all kinds of delicious and extraordinary food, such as the natural jade powder you just ate. I can also help you learn new skills, Guide you to become stronger!"

After speaking, Jiang He looked at the fairy beast nervously.

A strange feeling arose in my heart.

This scene... how is it so similar to confession!


Unexpectedly, in the face of Jiang He's contract request, the Immortal Spirit Beast had almost no hesitation, and simply nodded.

Jiang He breathed a sigh of relief, but just after concentrating on preparing the contract, the fairy beast shook its head and pointed at the soul crystal that was broken in half with its front palm.

Let it finish the meal first~

I saw that its fore palm was tightly attached to the soul crystal, and the faint blue light in the soul crystal kept converging towards it.

This giant soul crystal still contains a lot of natural energy that can be directly used, and it is the best nutrition for fairy beasts after birth.

Ten minutes later, the giant soul crystal had completely turned transparent, and a gust of wind blew through it, breaking it into dust.


After absorbing these natural energies, the aura of the immortal spirit beast has increased a lot, and has reached the ninth rank of commander, one step closer to the monarch rank.

"Then let's start!"


With the connection of spiritual power, a dark and deep black contract circle appeared under Jiang He's feet, and a green and emerald-like contract circle appeared under the fairy beast.

There are complicated patterns and lines on it, mountains, rivers and forests, ocean currents and land, ancient and mysterious.

As the two contract circles gradually overlapped, the relationship between Jiang He Xian and the fairy beast became more and more close.

Every time he made a contract with the beast, Jiang He felt very strange.

After ten minutes, the emerald green light dissipated.

The contract is complete!

The contract this time went very smoothly. Although the fairy beast was a little scared, it didn't resist in the slightest.

Jiang He opened his eyes and found that the world in front of him seemed to have changed a lot.

First of all, the most obvious feeling is that the physical fatigue caused by exercising the fit form a few days ago has been swept away.

Then his facial features, including vision, smell, and hearing, were strengthened a lot.

It is a weakened version of clairvoyance, Shunfeng Er.

Besides, he felt that his physical fitness had increased several times at once.

Physical fitness, anti-strike ability, strength, vitality and other aspects, especially self-healing ability, have been significantly improved.

Jiang He scratched a scar on his arm.

As soon as Yin Hong's blood flowed out, the wound began to heal visibly with the naked eye, which was already comparable to Ziyue's moonlight healing effect.

Now Jiang He is comparable to a human-shaped beast.

Just by virtue of his physical strength and physique, he can compete with the general commander-level imperial beasts.

Moreover, after his physique is enhanced, the fusion state between him and the Ice Ghost King can be maintained for a longer period of time!

No longer the "3 Second Man"!

"Ice Ghost King, unite!"

Jiang He couldn't wait to start trying.


With the possession of the Ice Ghost King, Jiang He suddenly ignited his golden pupils, surrounded by a faint blue mist, and a powerful force surged in his body.

The possession lasted for more than ten minutes, but Jiang He's body still did not feel any discomfort.

Before there was no contract ancestor spirit beast, Jiang He's physical fitness could only maintain a state of possession for less than ten minutes.

After a long time, I couldn't bear it anymore.

But now... whatever~

At this stage, the Ice Ghost King is possessed, and Jiang He's body can already bear it.

And the side effects after the end of the possessed state have almost disappeared.

In other words, it's not that the side effect disappeared, but Jiang He's current vitality and self-healing ability are too strong, and this side effect is directly exempted!

After testing the possession of the Ice Ghost King, Jiang He couldn't wait to look at the contract book, and only after the contract could show more detailed information about the fairy beast.

【Fairy Beast】Fairy Beast

[race] Protoss

[Spiritual Affinity] 100

【Age】5 minutes

【Spiritual power】

Nature (94500)

[Physical] 223640

【Rank】Leading the ninth rank

[Growth Upper Limit] Undying High Rank

【Evolution Route】

Fairy Beast - Water Kylin (requires any special energy pack to unlock)

Fairy beast - earth unicorn (same as above)

Fairy Beast - Wooden Qilin (same as above)

Immortal Spirit Beast - Ancestral Spirit Beast (requires any special energy pack x 2 to unlock)

Special form:

Ocean form (converts all the energy in the body into water system energy, has the power to manipulate ocean currents and can command all water system creatures below the monarch order)

Forest form (converts all the energy in the body into wood energy, has almost undead vitality and can command all wood creatures below the monarch rank)

Earth form (converts all energy in the body into earth energy, has indestructible defense capabilities and can command all ground creatures below the monarch rank)

Boon Form (not unlocked yet) (grey)

[Skill]: (omitted)

[Emotion]: (omitted)

After reading the panel of the fairy beast, Jiang He was shocked.

Its physique value is almost ten times that of Ziyue!

The fairy beast looks cute, but I didn't expect it to be a super meat shield. It's no wonder that after the contract back, his physique has improved so much.

Although he has never fought in actual combat, the immortal spirit beast just contracted at this moment definitely possesses the combat power of the monarch rank, and can even be comparable to the imperial beast of the middle rank of monarch!

This is the so-called latest to join the team, the youngest, and the strongest?

Besides, Jiang He was a little surprised to see several evolutionary routes of the fairy beasts.

This thing can actually evolve into a unicorn! ?

The unicorn is also a mythical creature, and it should not be inferior to the ancestor spirit beast, but looking at the energy packs that need to be unlocked, it seems that the racial level is slightly worse.

Finally, when Jiang He saw the four special forms of the ancestor spirit beast, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

The first three forms correspond to the energy it masters, forest, ocean and earth.

The last unlocked gift form should be the strongest form similar to fusion and awakening.

As expected of the beast that has a relationship with me!

The characteristics of this "multiple forms" are very in line with the setting of your team.

Everyone is a "variable monster".

In the end, what surprised Jiang He the most was that when the fairy beasts were in three different attribute forms, they could command extraordinary creatures of the same attribute.

This means that the fairy beast can completely form three different legions, plus the undead legion of the ice ghost king.

Jiang and one person, that is, thousands of troops!


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